How I Made My Millions - P90X

37 replies
CNBC has a great show called "How I Made My Millions" and last night they did a segment on Tony Horton who is the creator of P90X.

What many people don't know is that P90X was started by a couple of direct marketers (along with Tony) who risked almost everything to try and make it work.

This year P90X will bring in over 75 million dollars. If you want to watch the show, you can watch it for free on CNBC:

How I Made My Millions -- Episode 13 - CNBC
#made #millions #p90x
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hlatky
    I just started watching that show online last week.

    I am on episode 5 right now. Amazing how most of these great companies start from a simple idea in the founder's homes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tech19
    Not only a great story, but an unbelievable product. One of the best training programs I have ever been through.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by Tech19 View Post

      Not only a great story, but an unbelievable product. One of the best training programs I have ever been through.
      Me too. On week 7 day 2 right now. Halfway done and I can't wait to start p90x2 when it comes out!! . Bring it!!

      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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    • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
      Originally Posted by Tech19 View Post

      an unbelievable product
      It does do some amazing things.


      Do something spectacular; be fulfilled. Then you can be your own hero. Prem Rawat

      The KimW WSO

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  • Profile picture of the author waver407
    Awesome! Will be watching this show more now
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  • Profile picture of the author Long Beach Nathan
    Thanks for letting us know about the show too. I love the fact that these networks are streaming their shows on their sites. It makes it so much more convenient.
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  • Profile picture of the author tsuccess
    Interesting, marketers rule...they make things happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tessa Holmes
    I have to find this show. It sounds pretty interesting and can give my some extra kick to actively move with my projects.
    Can I Haz A CheezBurgr?
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveMcCormick
    This just once again goes to show that if the product is quality, it is SURE to sell!
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    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by SteveMcCormick View Post

      This just once again goes to show that if the product is quality, it is SURE to sell!
      Unfortunately that is just not true.

      Many, many awesome , needed products fell to the way side,
      simply because the marketing behind the product was bad.

      The build it and they will come business model, is no different then
      wishing on a star

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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    • Profile picture of the author J Bold
      Originally Posted by SteveMcCormick View Post

      This just once again goes to show that if the product is quality, it is SURE to sell!
      Nope, I don't think so.

      There are certainly great products out there that don't sell because their marketing sucks.

      It's all about marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author michellegreen
    Oooo! Don't you just wish you were the guy who thought up that fantastic idea? Sigh... I actually used to write some articles for a Team Beach Body affiliate who was promoting all of these programs. What a great concept. From the little I've seen, I am not surprised they're doing so well.

    I'm going to be starting P90X in about 3 months (once my fitness and strength has increased to super human levels!), so listen for my screams of pain!
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    • Profile picture of the author packerfan
      I haven't watched, but did they cover the part where it started out as something entirely different (name wise) flopped, and they tested their A$$ off to get where it is now?

      Just goes to show that no matter how good the product is the marketing/selling is really all that matters.

      Nothing to see here

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      • Profile picture of the author Paul Gram
        Originally Posted by packerfan View Post

        I haven't watched, but did they cover the part where it started out as something entirely different (name wise) flopped, and they tested their A$$ off to get where it is now?

        Just goes to show that no matter how good the product is the marketing/selling is really all that matters.
        They didn't go in details in regards to testing but they did mention the original program called something else and that it sold "ok". It definitely wasn't until they created the new program (and marketing to go with it) that it took off.

        There's another good lesson. If someone has a product or service and it's not selling very well, it doesn't always mean you give up and move to something entirely different. It might just be a small tweak in the product and/or advertising changes everything.
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        • Profile picture of the author packerfan
          Originally Posted by Paul Gram View Post

          They didn't go in details in regards to testing but they did mention the original program called something else and that it sold "ok". It definitely wasn't until they created the new program (and marketing to go with it) that it took off.

          There's another good lesson. If someone has a product or service and it's not selling very well, it doesn't always mean you give up and move to something entirely different. It might just be a small tweak in the product and/or advertising changes everything.
          I don't think that's how the story really goes. I can't remember what the original program was called, but it was the same program if memory serves. It lost money, and it wasn't until some marketing gurus got involved, and spent a ton of money on testing that the product became successful. I wish I could remember where that info came from.

          The lesson is do your testing...

          Nothing to see here

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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    Everyday Edisons
    American Inventors
    Shark Tank
    are all good shows too.

    Just push play!

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    My sister uses P90X and she loves it. I've been thinking of buying her an elliptical for her birthday, but she uses P90X like a champ. Still might get the elliptical for her tho.
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  • I love P90x, and I am actually currently doing Insanity which is another workout by the same company. I would almost say Insanity is tougher though. They call it that for a reason
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    • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
      Originally Posted by TBInternetMarketing View Post

      I love P90x, and I am actually currently doing Insanity which is another workout by the same company. I would almost say Insanity is tougher though. They call it that for a reason
      I've been doing Insanity for just under a month. Did a round of P90x over the summer and I definitely liked P90x better. Insanity is just that...insane.
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  • Profile picture of the author michellegreen
    You think Insanity is tougher? I was holding off on P90X because I thought it would be!

    Do you think it is because there's a lot more cardio in Insanity?

    Sorry, I'm taking this way off topic here (kind of), so I do apologise!
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  • Profile picture of the author OMGMarketingGroup
    While some swear by it, the better trainers know that it's just marketing hype. Funny to see IM'ers being affected by such, because they don't know any better or don't study it. This is what we hope happens with some of our affiliate products from what i see!

    The truth is that if you did jumping jacks, pushups, basic crunches, jump rope, whatever, for about 45 minutes a day, you will get the exact same results. It's just circuit training, with alot of stupid and non practical nonsense thrown in to keep boredom from setting in, as it should. Balance on this ball and do a pushup while leaning on this ball. You're creating a negative calorie balance which burns fat which shows more muscle. Exercise isn't the fat burner, the caloric deficit is. If you don't succeed it's because you didn't work out long or hard enough. Meanwhile one could be setting up a proper dietary approach(much harder to sell) which is safer, more efficient, and less stressful for the body, all while not having to workout like a banshee. Working out with the intensity of a football practice is usually not sustainable for most people. So then what do they do when they get tired or slowly start to back off from working out like a football player multiple times a week? Same thing for insanity, etc. From a marketing/product point of view, it's great. People want to be led and told how to sweat, whether they are learning the reasons why or not. My thing is learn how to eat and learn how the body is intended to move with proper form if you're going to do a gazillion repetitions of a movement and thus creating a habit. Meanwhile I'll be working out half as much as you while burning twice as much fat. So yea, buy it. Everyone else does!
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by OMGMarketingGroup View Post

      While some swear by it, the better trainers know that it's just marketing hype. Funny to see IM'ers being affected by such, because they don't know any better or don't study it. This is what we hope happens with some of our affiliate products from what i see!

      The truth is that if you did jumping jacks, pushups, basic crunches, jump rope, whatever, for about 45 minutes a day, you will get the exact same results. It's just circuit training, with alot of stupid and non practical nonsense thrown in to keep boredom from setting in, as it should. Balance on this ball and do a pushup while leaning on this ball. You're creating a negative calorie balance which burns fat which shows more muscle. Exercise isn't the fat burner, the caloric deficit is. If you don't succeed it's because you didn't work out long or hard enough. Meanwhile one could be setting up a proper dietary approach(much harder to sell) which is safer, more efficient, and less stressful for the body, all while not having to workout like a banshee. Working out with the intensity of a football practice is usually not sustainable for most people. So then what do they do when they get tired or slowly start to back off from working out like a football player multiple times a week? Same thing for insanity, etc. From a marketing/product point of view, it's great. People want to be led and told how to sweat, whether they are learning the reasons why or not. My thing is learn how to eat and learn how the body is intended to move with proper form if you're going to do a gazillion repetitions of a movement and thus creating a habit. Meanwhile I'll be working out half as much as you while burning twice as much fat. So yea, buy it. Everyone else does!

      Nail on the head. Touche!! Agree with everything and I have bolded the summaries.

      For anyone who has even a remote clue about eating and training P90X delivers absolutely nothing of value.

      It's amazing how even IMers can be so easily introctrinated.

      As you state people love to be led and governed. It saves them from the "hard work" of actually finding things out for themselves.

      What's most dissapointing of all, people who embark upon this course will so readily promote it to fuel the fad further instead of taking credit for the work they have put in themselves. They endure a bit of resistance training, treat their bodies to a nice bit of food, witness results and bang! A promotional marathon of P90X ensues, rather than just accepting the body for it's basic functions and response.

      I imagine the next best seller will be P100X - How to Wipe your Backside.

      Awesome marketing. They have a sizable slice of the population by the balls.
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    What Tony and his team did, is really add extra value to the fitness video market.

    Previously you had one off aerobic videos which you watched over and over again. P90x took that concept and added something interesting:

    They took the personal trainer out the gym, and added him to everyone's homes.

    I've been a personal trainer myself and having done P90x I would say it has massive downfalls, HOWEVER, no one can argue that they perhaps single handedly took the concept of a long term trainer into people's homes.

    As a side benefit of all this, they strengthened the personal trainer industry too, as more people began to realize the advantage of a trainer.

    What was once only available to the richer people (personal training) became available to everyone.... that is the true genius of p90x marketing.

    Of course Tony helps make it fun too, and because it's fun it works (but as mentioned anyone doing 1 hour of good exercise a day will see awesome results, p90x or not)
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

      They took the personal trainer out the gym, and added him to everyone's homes.
      That's not to be automatically assumed as a good point.

      Many people could hypothetically be out of the house doing something more productive with a better personal trainer who is in-person and able to tend to their personal needs.

      Many can't afford to do that, sure, but many can, yet they have resorted to someting which also involves less effort, little learning and arguably lesser results.

      It's whatever gets a person off their feet which counts at the end of the day and P90X does that, no doubt. What's dissapointing however is that this thing has become some sort of blind standard.

      I've even had to censor P90X from my weightlifting communities because beginners chime in and recommend it (even those who have only "heard about it") and inadvertently stop any chance of discussion and alternative learning from ever occuring.
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      • Profile picture of the author atvking
        A workout product is only as good as the number of people you motivate to actually follow it. From this perspective P90X is massively successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author saif_ag
    Amazing how a seed can grow into a big tree just by watering it. All it takes is dedication and a little bit of hard work.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    Thanks for the link! I've been watching this on and off. It is great for a lot of us who are looking for constant inspiration and belief that we can in fact make a huge amount of money from very simple, reasonable ideas.

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    I remember seeing the ad for it when I was in California the other year... It's definitely inspirational.

    James Scholes
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  • Profile picture of the author gojiberryman
    Lol! I find it funny how there are still people from all over that are making fun of Tony as if he is just another wannabe fitness enthusiast. Little do they know, Tony is doing what he loves and is banking huge bucks in the process. The haters can bite the dust.
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by gojiberryman View Post

      Lol! I find it funny how there are still people from all over that are making fun of Tony as if he is just another wannabe fitness enthusiast. Little do they know, Tony is doing what he loves and is banking huge bucks in the process. The haters can bite the dust.
      Why wouldn't they know this?

      I'm sure people watch it sell in droves alongside the PowerBlast Blenders, 30 in 1 Cheese Slicers, Cross Country Walking Machines and Electryfying Ab Belts - all of which could be related to this dust you speak of since that's what these products are rumoured to gather.

      It's probably one of the reasons why people might cast such judgements.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaryKathan
    I like the part where Tony said.... it didn't happen until my 40's ... stay with your dream and passion.
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  • Profile picture of the author focused
    Thanks for the link.
    I'll definitely give it a look,
    as I have found the infomercial for the
    product to be very effective.
    And the before and after shots are amazing!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tonylee93
    I loved 90Px , it was awesome I did it with my entire family and my friend. My friend was good at it but he never wanted to work out with me... But my family enjoyed it alot! it really beat us up, honestly but its so worth it! and I realized that it was marketed well when I bought it all haha
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