Getting Serious About Internet Marketing And Need Some Help Getting Started.
First off thanks so much for creating such an incredible community to learn and share. I look forward to being a contributing member to this community as both a student and eventually mentor.
To share a little bit about myself:
I'm 25 and have studied internet marketing on and off for about a year and a half now and am finally ready to dive in and get my feet wet. I have always been an entrepreneurial type of person and for the longest time wanted to start my own business.
I also have a strong passion for the internet and technology which I understand quite well. I have a BA degree in Music Business and a minor in communications. Along my journey to becoming an internet marketer, I have learned how to use and set up WordPress. I have limited knowledge in css and HTML; enough to be able to set up a professional blog, landing page, and informational site. I know how to use auto responders like Aweber and all major social media sites.
I am gradually building up my workspace with necessary tools. To give you an idea of what I currently have in terms of resources, I invested in the following tools:
GoDaddy Web Hosting Deluxe Shared 1 Year.
Blue Yeti Studio USB Microphone
High Definition Web Cam Logitech c270
iPhone 4s (for video recording / images / productivity)
Basic Dual Core Laptop
Various Domain Names Purchased.
Optimize Press Theme for WordPress
32 GB Flash Drive
That said, I feel as though I still have much to learn and need some help with getting started and off the ground. I feel as though at times there's way too much information out there and it's difficult to find a solid starting point.
I am a very motivated person and am very serious about building a successful business that can create incredible value for customers.
My biggest problem is that:
1. I don't have a mentor (and cannot afford to hire one currently).
2. I have too many ideas and don't have enough experience to determine which one to go forth with.
3. I feel as though I am reaching information overload with all the vast information out there. I've heard of gurus like Frank Kern, Eben Pagan, Jeff Walker, and Brendon Burchard and found many programs created by these marketers.
My Goals:
To generate my first $2,000 to invest in a Mac Book Pro to further my ability to excel as a marketer.
Invest $50 per week on internet marketing.
Work 3 hours daily Monday - Friday on tasks necessary to succeed.
Work a total of 10 hours on Saturdays & Sundays
Build a mailing list of 500 prospects
To launch my first Webinar
So I need some some help with picking the best business idea that can generate the most income given my limited resources (and of course something that can be sustainable as a business).
A few domains I currently own that can be used for projects are:
alphalife.co - life coaching
bandlaunchformula.com - information product on how to succeed in the music business without the use of a record label.
herbasocial.com - social community for herbalife users. (I am also a distributor for herbalife and can incorporate internet marketing into generating leads and sales)
launchsumo.com - a possibility for my own personal blog as I learn, grow, and share my knowledge along. Also, for list building.
datefromlastnight.com - a social website for people to share "tweets" about their date stories.
Iconicreach.com - marketing services (marketing for local businesses)
I would love to get some honest feedback on these ideas. I am open to and greatly appreciate all feedback.
I am open to ideas like information marketing / product launches, affiliate marketing, network marketing, or anything else.
Thank you in advanced for your advice and feedback.
SUPER Louie -
[ 1 ] Thanks - 1 reply
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Long Beach Nathan -
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DonHuevos -
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Nightengale -
[ 1 ] Thanks - 3 replies
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Nightengale -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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alphalife -
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SumikoW -
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