A Good Way To Learn About Your Potential Audience

2 replies
Just go to Yelp and type in "people who like ______ (whatever your niche is that your wanting to market to) It will display a bunch of people who show an interest in that topic, and you can take note of the types of things they like, age range, demographic, etc. You can go to their profiles and see more in depth stuff, like the kind of places they like, etc.

I just did this, and I'm sure some others already knew about it, but I thought I'd share.

Edit: Sorry everyone, correction. It's yelp and then /loves/, then just search for the keywords.
#audience #good #learn #potential
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    How do you use this information from Yelp to get more sales in your business? To create products for a starving market? After you found a group of people who share similar interests... how are you marketing to them?
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    • Profile picture of the author petemcal
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      How do you use this information from Yelp to get more sales in your business? To create products for a starving market? After you found a group of people who share similar interests... how are you marketing to them?
      I guess the demographic information is used like any other demographic data - for further research.

      Once you know detailed statistics about the type of people who are interested in your product area or niche you can figure out where they are. You can target specific social media groups or forums for direct marketing. You can gear your squeeze pages towards that market specifically for higher conversion rates etc.

      This sort of data merely gives you an insight, it's how you use it that counts.
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