million ways to make money online

by sadas
55 replies
Hey! I am a newbie and want to know all the possible ways to make money online.Post your's now.
#make #million #money #online #ways
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  • Profile picture of the author solado
    Build good quality websites and spend hours writing the content then monitize them on a popular niche subject. Only way to really make money online, hard work.

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  • Profile picture of the author SumikoW
    Develop your own product and sell it online. Hire a developer on Elance or Odesk and then find a Joint partner with a list.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Foster
    What are your goals?

    Do you just want to make alot of money? Then there are set ways to do that where you make lots of money and have no time to spend it.

    Do you want a certain type of lifestyle? Then you need a business model that will give you the income you want but still allow you the free time and mobility to what you want.

    No one can come in here and say "you need to do it this way" because none of us know what you are looking to get out of your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author ishuvonet
    You may know more information about them by making a simple search in Google.I personally found these ways really useful to make money online.

    -Google Adsense
    -Affiliate marketing &
    Shuvo Shahid
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  • Profile picture of the author Aniket
    Build a list. Sell products to them
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  • Profile picture of the author BODH
    Your title is awesome, it gets me here
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  • Profile picture of the author TopClass
    Nice!! Really caught me off guard
    But anyhow we are all here to help each other out so lets get down to business.
    The best way I think is by writing quality content and posting it on your site, this will help you in monetizing your blog/site if you have enough visitors.
    Then you can go in for offering services like writing, video editing etc.
    There are also some good books on email marketing try and go through them.
    There are lots of ways to make money online just try and find the best one that is suited for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author TG Arunah
    Did you ever notice the power of linkshare ? Has any one here explored linkshare thoroughly ? They have some amazing advertisers and some of them pay quite well for promoting their products. When I was desperate in IM, I got $1 cheque from linkshare for some clicking job that I had done and I had forgotten about it. That cheque kept me going. If I can earn $1 why not more, the next month, I got $236 and the third month I got $412 and then there is no looking back thereafter. Explore Linkshare and see how good they are ... definitely far far better, in my opinion, than Clickbank.
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    • Profile picture of the author affhelper
      Originally Posted by TG Arunah View Post

      Did you ever notice the power of linkshare ? Has any one here explored linkshare thoroughly ? They have some amazing advertisers and some of them pay quite well for promoting their products. When I was desperate in IM, I got $1 cheque from linkshare for some clicking job that I had done and I had forgotten about it. That cheque kept me going. If I can earn $1 why not more, the next month, I got $236 and the third month I got $412 and then there is no looking back thereafter. Explore Linkshare and see how good they are ... definitely far far better, in my opinion, than Clickbank.
      I have made something like $30k with Linkshare in 1 month about 5 years ago. It was during December. I striked a deal with a company called A1Wireless. Not sure if they are still on Linkshare or not but they agreed to pay me $80 per cell phone activation. So I set up an Ebay store and linked from my listings to their page where people could check for availability in their local area lol

      It was totally hands-free and everyday I was getting signup notifications

      But then the major carriers started taking down listings that used their trademarks so I took the store down.

      It was a nice ride
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  • Profile picture of the author thetrafficguy
    How about you focus on 1 way that makes you a million dollars... and then ACTUALLY DO IT!
    "SUPER AFFILIATE EXPOSES Highly Profitable Traffic Source!"

    "Use This Trick To Make An Extra $50 - $500 Per DAY!"
    Click Here To Check It Out Before The Price Jumps Up AGAIN!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5546243].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kari1
      Originally Posted by thetrafficguy View Post

      How about you focus on 1 way that makes you a million dollars... and then ACTUALLY DO IT!
      My thought exactly, lol....
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    Here are some:
    -> Becoming an affiliate marketer
    -> Freelancing on sites like Odesk, Vworker, Elance etc
    -> Getting gigs on Fiverr
    -> Buying and selling on Ebay and similar sites
    -> Making websites and putting up ads on them
    -> Starting a business (i.e. SEO company etc)

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author typoo999
    Peoples have many problems, and they are looking for solutions for their problems. Find a problem and offer solution for those people. The solution can be a product what you sell to them, or give free but then you have to monetize your site in other ways like AdSense.

    If you know what kind of site you want to start, make it simple and easy to read. Put quality content to it, always add fresh content. If you do SEO, don't automate it, don't use spam sites to get backlinks, only use releated and quality sites! Never do mass linkbuilding, plan long term!

    ~ Sorry for my poor english.

    Have good day!
    Boom shakalaka!
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  • Profile picture of the author SamuelUherek
    My tip is to search WF and you will find tons of different methods. Or go to Google and you will again find thousands of methods. I don't think that anyone could make a list of every possible option.
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  • Profile picture of the author lucidsuccess
    affiliate marketing!
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffyman
    Build a list... simple!
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    • Profile picture of the author onlineVisions
      agree with jeffyman, build a list and sell your product.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Get a free blog from, put Google Adsense on the blog, and start getting traffic to the blog. Make new posts everyday, ping it, and submit your blog to the blog directories, and your RSS feed to the RSS directories. Also, be sure to sign up to a site called
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I sell my own products. Do some minor affiliate marketing, but not much real effort is put into that.
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  • Profile picture of the author situ08
    if you are a kid then you must think about your school and homework and not about making money online.
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    • Profile picture of the author sadas
      Originally Posted by situ08 View Post

      if you are a kid then you must think about your school and homework and not about making money online.
      Yeah i am in grade 10 and we have summer holidays ( there is tutions though )..
      Ok I will do what many people say on this post.. build a list
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Sell on ebay and amazon and fiverr. Then sell an ebook on your own simple website for $7.
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  • Profile picture of the author NoviIM
    I would definitely recommend you focus on one thing to make money online. Especially if you're starting out, you could get boggled down and distracted and ultimately quit.
    Have Patience!! It is one of the most important things
    Find a good niche and build a high quality website with good content and monetize it via adsense/cj/amazon.. any relevant affiliate.
    Keep building and expanding your portfolio
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  • Profile picture of the author nrmillions
    buy and sell domain names
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  • Profile picture of the author ThelemaqueTip
    Don't Fall for those overnight get rich scams they don't work..

    Find something that you love to do, look for something around that niche online and promote as affiliate marketer..(easy way)

    Or you can create a product that you love and sell it
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  • Profile picture of the author Brendan Carl
    Set up your own blog. Post helpful articles on it regularly. Start developing your own product in the niche that your blog is in (pick a niche you actually know something about).

    When you are done creating your product, take part of it and make it into a separate, smaller report/product to be offered for free. Set up a squeeze page on a separate domain offering your free report/product to build your list (with Aweber).

    Then, have your full product act as an upsell. Once people enter in their emails on the squeeze page and confirm their email, have them redirected to a full sales page for your full product (the upsell). Or, don't redirect them to the sales page and instead talk about your full product at the end of the free report/product and link to the sales page there.

    Make a post on your blog talking about your new product. Link to the squeeze page to drive your blog traffic there.

    Follow up with email marketing that has both free content and promotions for your product(s).

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  • Profile picture of the author jasono
    Offer your services to other people. If you are a good writer, then write articles. If you are a good designer then be a web designer. So many ways to make money - just utilize your skills and do well.

    Learn how to make more money using outsourcing and virtual assistants while freeing up your valuable time. Visit

    Facebook - Twitter

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  • Profile picture of the author Des Lau
    F ollow
    O ne
    C ourse
    U ntil
    S uccessful

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    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
      Originally Posted by Des Lau View Post

      F ollow
      O ne
      C ourse
      U ntil
      S uccessful

      So many people work a program for a week, or a month, and then just give up.

      And when you think about's actually both sad, and comical.

      I mean, can you imagine someone opening up a brick and mortar store, and then closing up after 1-week because they hadn't hit the jackpot yet? LOL.
      100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
      + Support! All of this, just $397! (PM Me For Details!)
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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    Try this:

    Buy Electronics from craigslist and sell it on ebay, it takes some effort but it will make you money.

    Look into laptops, Macs,Iphones and Ipdas...always talk them down when buying from craigslist----> sell for a profit on ebay! Cha Ching Money in the bank!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
      Originally Posted by Kal Sallam View Post

      Try this:

      Buy Electronics from craigslist and sell it on ebay, it takes some effort but it will make you money.

      Look into laptops, Macs,Iphones and Ipdas...always talk them down when buying from craigslist----> sell for a profit on ebay! Cha Ching Money in the bank!!
      Let me add to this.....This thread is one of the most popular threads on FastLane Forum and it will really open your eyes to this idea:

      Hustler's Guide To Buying And Selling Anything

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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    If you want a ton of different ways to make money online you should check out this website called 101 ways to make money online. You will get your share of ideas there.
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    • Profile picture of the author goindeep
      Check out the first thread reply.

      Otherwise eBay. Anyone can sell on eBay, it costs you nothing if your smart about it and you can literally see money in your paypal within 3 days without laying out a single cent. You dont need traffic, a website, seo or anything like that.

      Build momentum by selling on eBay and then move onto other things.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    you just said it "million ways..."

    yes there are a million ways to make money online...the problem is that with newbie they pick one strategy or one WSO, and then read it, without trying it and then refund and go onto the next strategy, without even taking one ounce of action.

    Where do you think they get.


    Yes, so you must pick one thing, and get good at it. That is the fastest way to become successful online. Commit and take action.
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  • Profile picture of the author personalive
    I think content marketing is best way to increase money in your box..........
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  • Profile picture of the author Kripnal
    Develop a Good kind of website on news,movies,music and second thing is to develop an Timeline beta app and launched on Facebook . you will get a lot of attention from social media and rest other things will start happening on its own.
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  • Profile picture of the author carolinesmith09
    Thank you all for your posts. Starting a site is somehow challenging but I hope I can find something (like a tutorial) on how to get it started.
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  • Profile picture of the author DotComBum
    Build a site where you provide useful information for free, then sell advertisement to earn money, hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fundermentalist
    Build your list to drive traffic to your sales page
    How to make over $4000 in 90days. PM me to send you the material with the cost.
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  • Profile picture of the author nakmuay7
    Start working and stop posting on forums
    FREE Google Panda Exterminator ebook
    How to beat the New Google Algorithm, Get out of a Penalty and Build as many links to a new site as you like. 100% Free to all Warrior Forum Users! Dont buy any other WSO's till you have read this ebook today!
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  • Profile picture of the author bizzcuit
    Lots of usefull ideas here..... On average, how many hours a day do most of you spend online doing business?
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  • Profile picture of the author northernstar
    Create a digital product. Find a problem that people seek a solution for, and turn your product into the solution. It could be a script, an app, but just as well a how-to tutorial video series or private coaching. Then start building an email list and find potential JV partners who would promote your product as affiliates. Also plan long term. Come up with product ideas that would be related to your first product and that you could sell to your existing customers in the future. But don't forget to work on building a relationship to your prospects first.
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  • Profile picture of the author Yawg Dawg
    Make up a sign that says will work for food and go to the mall and stand there with your sign.

    No,,,,really there are alot of ways to make money. You can buy a book at Amazon called "From Newbie to Millionaire" and it will tell you everything about making money online. The only book you'll ever need.

    CPA is a good way to start out. And making videos and downloading to youtube with an affiliate link to CPA Offer, Amazon Product or Clickbank Product works well.

    Also selling stuff on ebay is great way to make money. You can work up to Powerseller and build a list while selling on Ebay. Especially if ou could build a list of 1,000 spendthrifts. Really you will build list of people who buy off of you on Ebay and you can start an Ebay Store while you're at it and can invite people on your list to visit store to look at new whatever you just got in. Some will buy something when visiting your store.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gerald Arno
    You can make money through PPC, SEO, Adsense, social media marketing, coaching, forum marketing, affiliate marketing, CPA, etc.

    The more income streams you generate, the less the likelihood that you will lose a significant amount of money if one strategy should go busto.
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  • Profile picture of the author loi77
    Build a list for long term success. This is the foundation for any online business.

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  • Profile picture of the author Peter ONeill
    Originally Posted by sadas View Post

    Hey! I am a newbie and want to know all the possible ways to make money online.Post your's now.
    the best way to make money is to work hard, stay focused and try to add as much value as possible.

    I know this ain't the answer you are looking for but it really is the key to making money online...... Not some new secret money makingstrategy.

    Thanks, Peter
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  • Profile picture of the author shelh39
    Whatever you decide to do, give it your all and work hard and you will get results. Don't give up and flutter from 1 hot porduct to the next.
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  • Profile picture of the author colinph970
    provide a higher perceived value to all customers than the price they are paying....then pay to get as many eyes on your offerings as possible................easiest way to a million bucks ever.
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  • Profile picture of the author spicer
    There are so many ways.
    Just pick one and work it until you are successful.
    The biggest problem people have is they never focus
    on one thing long enough to succeed. They want instant Success.
    It takes time and hard work.

    I love marketing and technology...
    I am hear to help anyone that is looking to make money online.
    Please private message me if you are looking for a mentor or just have some questions.

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  • Profile picture of the author sadas
    Yeah list building I tried and I got 8 optin's in 2 days but now I don't know what to do
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