Why I was a Serial WSO'er
- I got "stuck" and too lazy/hard to figure out on my own
- Want to find an easier way to do something
- Thinking I'm missing out on another "Opportunity"
- Maybe I can relate better to another Trainer/Course
- Information Overload with a Product/Course
- As I would learn more-felt like I'm missing a piece of the puzzle to make it work
- And most importantly, It felt "Good" to buy something
What I learn somehow after beating my head aganist the wall for 2 years was that learning by itself is not going to make you money, only taking action will.
You can't give up, you are going run into problems somewhere or somehow, figure them out and if you can't figure it out yourself, ask someone here on the WF. Also(my wife is guilty of this) instead of thinking ABOUT the problem, start thinking about ways to solve the problem.
And lastly, I came to realize that it is NO ONE ELSE's fault but my own. You have to take responsibility and accountability of yourself and your actions.
⨠Here's How to Make Your First $177 Online
This Week Using the Piggyback Method...