5 replies
Is there a way, or a service to find where your blog in ranked on Google but just typing in your domain?

Each time I create a new blog I do the Google shuffle, searching page after page until I find it, or just give up.

This would save some time and frustration. I'm sure there is a free or paid service out there, I just haven't come across it yet.

  • Profile picture of the author itsjordan
    Does Alexa have this feature? Maybe the toolbar?
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  • Profile picture of the author SUPER Louie
    Originally Posted by Ryan Sterling View Post

    Is there a way, or a service to find where your blog in ranked on Google but just typing in your domain?

    Each time I create a new blog I do the Google shuffle, searching page after page until I find it, or just give up.

    This would save some time and frustration. I'm sure there is a free or paid service out there, I just haven't come across it yet.

    You can try Traffic Travis, Magic Rank Tracker, Market Samurai's Rank Tracker, SEO Powersuite's Rank Tracker, SEScout, or Raven Tools
    A superhero is someone who knows how to be quiet, shed a tear for a moment, then pick up his sword, and fight again!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
    You probably already know this but for others who may not: remember to disable Google personalized search before you go looking for your site. If you don't, your site will appear much higher up in the SERPS for you that it really is.

    To disable personalized search add &pws=0 in the address bar at the end of a Google search
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