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#$900 #ebook #fiverr #made #selling
  • Profile picture of the author Geoff Carter
    Hi Martin

    Well Done!

    Every penny counts and there are a lot
    of pennies in $900

    Keep doing it and thanks for sharing



    Geoff Carter
    Business Success Consultant
    Go to: http://www.BusinessSuccessConsultant.com
    Success Not Stress

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    • Profile picture of the author lovebeingdaddy
      Brilliant..thanks for the idea. You truly think outside of the box i appreciate this, I'm sure someone could use this idea for other services also.
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  • Profile picture of the author aaaa33030
    I have an ebook about 'making a high figure income' but it's not selling on fiverr, they are more into purchasing my link building gigs

    What is the niche of your ebook?
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      The ebook I sell on Fiverr is a Money Making idea, but promoting your ebook off Fiverr using some of the methods I mentioned in a previous post will help you to sell more of your ebook.

      To your success,


      Originally Posted by aaaa33030 View Post

      I have an ebook about 'making a high figure
      income' but it's not selling on fiverr, they are more into purchasing my link building gigs

      What is the niche of your ebook?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5735521].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jamesbrands
    Sounds good, always thought of doing something with fiverr but haven't got round to it as of yet!

    $900 is good going, plus that list is getting longer and longer all the time!

    Nice share.
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  • Profile picture of the author Genycis
    Wow Martin, that is great work indeed! Thanks for sharing your method on this.

    I had actually thought of doing something to this effect. I had thought of this layout:

    1) Create my website with an in depth ebook on a niche for $17 or $27 (just hypothetical right now)
    2) Create a Fiverr gig with a mini ebook of some content and some teaser content for the In Depth book for step 1 above.
    3) Promote the Fiverr gig and sell that ebook. The ebook would contain some links within it. It would also contain a link at the end of the ebook to my opt in page which would be part of my website of step 1.
    4) They could then join the opt in page and then wind up in the backend of the site where they can buy the ebook for a discounted rate per the advertisement within my ebook.

    Still brainstorming but indeed, there is money to be made on Fiverr. Nice to know that you're well on your way of doing it already! Congratulations! Keep us posted on your continued success!
    -- Absorbing & implementing. Need hip hop beats for your business needs? Hit me up!
    -- Posting my experiences and so forth with my own blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Gordon
    I have a friend who's doing well on Fiverr.

    He's offering a backlinking service for $5 then offering an ebook about how he builds link efficiently in the backend for $20. He's not the 'smartest' internet marketing -- I can't even consider him an internet marketer at all (I have other reasons...) -- he's just doing it for some extra bucks

    Backend sales are the key to success. A $5,000 lesson: "Make money off the customer you already have" and you'll be successful in internet marketing. Honestly, all you need is 10 good customers and you can make well over a living

    Most of my $10,000+ customers came from people who purchased my $7 - $30 information 'kits'.
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  • Profile picture of the author WriterWahm
    Great work Marty and thanks for sharing. $900 in 2 months is pretty impressive especially for passive income. Wishing you more success.

    PM me if you want a romantic fiction ghostwriter.

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  • Profile picture of the author PaulyC
    Sweet find! Great cost-effective way to build your list!

    Well done!
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  • You also want to build a mailing list of buyers to send other offers to, so what you do is when a person buys your ebook on Fiverr is you send them to a download page that has them opt-in by providing you thier name and email address in order for them to download the ebook they bought from you on Fiverr

    All it takes is one buyer reporting you and your account will be frozen. This is strictly against Fiverr's TOS. They are cracking down now on people doing this, most likely the ones who come here whining about how they didn't do anything wrong...

    You cannot require an email address. The fact that you're doing this outside Fiverr's messaging system means nothing.

    Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
    Love microjobs? Work when you want and get paid in cash the same day!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5559026].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Hils
      Congrats on your success and thanks for sharing.

      Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

      All it takes is one buyer reporting you and your account will be frozen. This is strictly against Fiverr's TOS. They are cracking down now on people doing this, most likely the ones who come here whining about how they didn't do anything wrong...

      You cannot require an email address. The fact that you're doing this outside Fiverr's messaging system means nothing.--
      To get around the TOS issue, maybe you could say for free updates subscribe me, or something like that, at the top of the page and then lower down have the option to download anyway.
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      • Profile picture of the author ScottDudley
        Interesting idea, I would have never thought of that.

        It's a great way to get people on your list and still make a few bucks, with the possibility of upsells as well.

        If you are offering something of definite real value for only $5, then you are sure to find a lot of interested prospects.

        Thanks for the tip.

        Scott Dudley is a direct response Copywriter from Perth, Australia, who also specializes in writing sales letters and emails for his clients. You can see samples of his portfolio at http://scottdudley.net/blog/portfolio/ or contact him on Skype by adding the username: Scott_Dudley

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    • Profile picture of the author Super Warrior
      Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

      All it takes is one buyer reporting you and your account will be frozen. This is strictly against Fiverr's TOS. They are cracking down now on people doing this, most likely the ones who come here whining about how they didn't do anything wrong...

      You cannot require an email address. The fact that you're doing this outside Fiverr's messaging system means nothing.

      Exactly! Having email address of your Fiverr buyer means that you're puttin Fiverr out of this game.

      WARNING:: Wasting time on Facebook? Make $500 in just 24 Hours with this simple strategy!
      Get Free PDF (Direct download, no opt-in required)-->> Read It Now
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5561439].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
      Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

      You also want to build a mailing list of buyers to send other offers to, so what you do is when a person buys your ebook on Fiverr is you send them to a download page that has them opt-in by providing you thier name and email address in order for them to download the ebook they bought from you on Fiverr

      All it takes is one buyer reporting you and your account will be frozen. This is strictly against Fiverr's TOS. They are cracking down now on people doing this, most likely the ones who come here whining about how they didn't do anything wrong...

      You cannot require an email address. The fact that you're doing this outside Fiverr's messaging system means nothing.

      That's nothing! You could very easily get around this in many ways.

      You could include in your a link in your ebook to your squeeze page for a free complementery offer!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Barnes
    Thanks for the tip Martin.. Are you selling your own ebook or a plr ebook?
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  • Interesting idea.
    I must admit I hadn't thought of selling my e-boos on Fiverr.
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    • Profile picture of the author EMaria
      I have to agree with fLufF about requiring the purchaser of your ebook to give their name and email address BEFORE you allow them to download their purchase. After all, they have already paid in good faith and completed their end of the deal.

      Personally, I resent it when I buy something and am required to give my email information before I can access it. Creates ill will in my opinion.

      If it is against Fiverr's TOS as fLufF says, it is probably only a matter of time before you get a customer who gets agitated about your purchase/download requirement and complains to Fiverr.

      Just my opinion.
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      • Profile picture of the author zerofill
        Originally Posted by EMaria View Post

        I have to agree with fLufF about requiring the purchaser of your ebook to give their name and email address BEFORE you allow them to download their purchase. After all, they have already paid in good faith and completed their end of the deal.

        Personally, I resent it when I buy something and am required to give my email information before I can access it. Creates ill will in my opinion.
        A few months ago I couldn't have agreed more. I have actually condemned the practice before myself.

        Here is the problem though ad why I actually agree with the practice now...

        If you are capturing someone's email at the time of sale... "The PayPal" email address. Guess what? A vast majority... and I do mean a vast majority of people don't even check the email PayPal is linked to. It isn't their primary email and they look at it like maybe once a month.

        Start building lists of thousands of PayPal email addresses like a lot of us have done. You will see exactly what I am talking about.

        This is also the exact reason why you see people use things like:

        "Register Your product before you download"
        "You must register your purchase to help us fight fraud (if you capture the IP then which you do in most autoresponders, this is actually a reasonable part of fraud prevention)" The IP address is one of the reasons I have won 80% of claims and chargebacks. Because the scammer is too lazy or dumb to change their IP address first.


        The thing is, that is actually how it has been done over the past several years.

        How many pieces of software have you downloaded or installed that required you to register before it worked? Or it quit working if you didn't after 30 days?

        The way it is going right now.. if you are only collecting the PayPal email at purchase. Heck... 30% of your list is useless for contacting people. Even contacting them about updates is useless. They won't see the email forever.

        EDIT: Congrats on the strategy working for the OP to.
        Serp Shaker
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  • Profile picture of the author danlew
    It is possible that we can make a full-time income with Fiverr, just like Martin showed us. All we need is to have some creativity to make our gigs attractive to customers, and we get what we have expected.

    Dan Lew
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    Thanks Martin!

    Good idea creating a squeeze page for sales made from Fiverr as well. Great list building technique. I must say selling 180 copies of an ebook on Fiverr is very impressive. Keep up the great work; and thanks for the tip

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author savvybizbuilder
    Thanks for sharing! it was great strategy.
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  • Profile picture of the author penny_zf
    That's a great strategy. Thanks for sharing. Great for list building as well.

    7 Checks In Your Inbox Every Month and earn upwards of $2763.00 per month online from home. Download FR.EE Blueprints at MyFirstMagicButton.com

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  • Profile picture of the author edwinms
    awesome Martins, thanks for sharing.. this is nice strategy...
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    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      It is an effective strategy, and one I'm aware of since I bought a fiverr wso recently.

      Fiverr can be used for lead gen, and up sells, yes... but it does go against their TOS...

      I suspect there's quite a lot of people doing this on fiverr... it's the same as doing a small cash in hand job... I mean, who pays tax on something like this... I'm not saying it's right, but, it goes on... a lot.

      I have a project I'm working on, similar to fiverr, and I'll be faced with the same problems... I know there's going to be off site dealing, there's no way to stop it all.

      I think, rather than going after people... and shutting down their accounts, fiverr needs to make it more attractive for people, not to do this.

      Off the top of my head, lower their commission, increase the amount you can charge for a gig, there is a gig extra feature... but only available to top sellers... make this available to all.

      Fiverr's great... it's saved me a ton in outsourcing... and it's only the tip of the iceberg... I'm bringing something that will really help save people money and make people money.

      I plan on keeping my commission low, and have more pricing options... $5, $10, $15 +$20... possibly more.

      Basicly, if you give people more flexibility, they're less likely to abuse the system...
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  • Profile picture of the author Invert Planet
    ahhh bit it is possible to add the bonus tip in the squeeze page. Get XXX if you subscribe and an "no thank you" for just the core product.

    I am sure if the wording was different it would be ok with the TOS.

    Good job on the cash mate. Excellent work.
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  • Profile picture of the author talashme
    Nice strategy
    specially I have not thought of selling ebook there, its a good idea.

    can you provide link to your gig?
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  • Profile picture of the author Pauline Bennett
    Hi Martin
    thanks for sharing, I have been selling a couple of gigs on Fiverr but have only made a few $'s so your method sounds very good, I will give it a try and hopefully see an increase in my sales!

    How To Create Your Own eBook
    Click Here To Find Out More

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  • Profile picture of the author Elluminati
    That's awesome and thanks for sharing.
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    • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
      I don't think that you have the right to withhold purchases unless buyers subscribe. If I bought something and was forced to subscribe to get it I would ask for my money back rather than take part in forced subscription tactics. You are lucky that nobody has complained to Fiverr yet...

      I would offer a second free package on the download page for opt in and not force them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor
    Hey Martin,

    Great suggestions, I have been building list with Fiverr as well. I have one question for you: Do you send your buyers traffic to the opt-in page right after they place an order without giving them the e-book they bought right away? I mean, do you first require them to sign up in order to receive the e-book they bought?

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  • Profile picture of the author Rich Struck
    So you require people who have already paid you to "opt in" to your spam list? **** that, I'd report you and demand a refund.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tangela
    WOW! Congratulations and thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Lee Jr
    Good Idea Martin, and thanks for sharing

    I think it's ok to to have people subscribe only if the links are placed in the book, and the customer chooses to click the links and sign up for someone's list.

    If someone is forced to subscribe to a list after paying for a product - the seller is asking for trouble
    How Can I help...
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  • Profile picture of the author Shane N
    Great share... There's tons of money to be made on fiverr and related sites. A suggestion: Try putting your ebook on some other micro gig sites and you may be able to increase your sales by 10-50%+ depending on how many you post it on and if they're good ones with traffic.

    Congrats on your success!

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  • Profile picture of the author AlphaAspect
    Great job, I would like to eventually do something similar on fiverr
    www.AlphaAspect.com - Men's Fashion to Fitness
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  • Profile picture of the author robie
    Such a brilliant idea, Martin.
    I guess its worth to try.
    Congratulations for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      I just wanted to clear things up and exsplain how I do things on and off Fiverr.

      What I'm doing is after a person buys my ebook off Fiverr is I'm sending them to the download page for the ebook they ordered and at the top of the download page is a special offer for a free money making report and an opt-in for my mailing list and for them to get my free report, so the person buying my ebook from Fiverr dosn't have to opt-in to get the ebook they ordered, just if they want the free report.

      Now once they opt-in they are sent an email by autoresponder that provides them with the link to the free report and and a link to my money making website were I have a few other money making ebooks for sale and the hope is to get customers off Fiverr and make bigger profits.

      Now, also what I do at least once a month is send everyone on my mailing list a limited time special offer that is only good for say 3 days and give them say 50% to 75% off one of my ebooks if they order in the next 3 days and this helps to increase my sales and make money off Fiverr.

      Well I hope this clears things up and helps other with making money on and off Fiverr.

      To your success,

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      • Profile picture of the author tayuyaa
        Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

        I just wanted to clear things up and exsplain how I do things on and off Fiverr.

        What I'm doing is after a person buys my ebook off Fiverr is I'm sending them to the download page for the ebook they ordered and at the top of the download page is a special offer for a free money making report and an opt-in for my mailing list and for them to get my free report, so the person buying my ebook from Fiverr dosn't have to opt-in to get the ebook they ordered, just if they want the free report.
        Actually if you use Aweber you could automatically put your customer into one of your list if they buy through paypal. It's pretty cool and legal.
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        • Profile picture of the author RySpencer
          Originally Posted by tayuyaa View Post

          Actually if you use Aweber you could automatically put your customer into one of your list if they buy through paypal. It's pretty cool and legal.
          You can do this in other regards, but not with a fiverr gig.
          When someone orders from fiver... they are paying fiverr not you. Then fiverr credits your account.
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        • Profile picture of the author Ian McMullan
          Originally Posted by tayuyaa View Post

          Actually if you use Aweber you could automatically put your customer into one of your list if they buy through paypal. It's pretty cool and legal.
          How do you put your customer onto aweber via paypal

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  • Profile picture of the author jivens
    I put off fiverr for too long. It helps pay for my hosting, etc. How do you promote your gig? If that hasn't been asked already?
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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor
    Thanks for the response, Martin.

    Is Fiverr OK with you sending your buyers to your site? I thought they wouldn't allow that.
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Your Welcome!

      Also, you are not breaking any rules if you are making money on back end sales off Fiverr.

      To your success,


      Originally Posted by Trevor View Post

      Thanks for the response, Martin.

      Is Fiverr OK with you sending your buyers to your site? I thought they wouldn't allow that.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarlboroMonkey
    You have to be careful sending them anywhere but Fiverr or risk your account being banned. All it takes is one person to report you. The good news is, apparently they still let you withdraw your money on a banned account but there's a couple month holding period...
    SentientAds.com - The Evolution of Display Ads
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    • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
      Originally Posted by MarlboroMonkey View Post

      You have to be careful sending them anywhere but Fiverr or risk your account being banned. All it takes is one person to report you. The good news is, apparently they still let you withdraw your money on a banned account but there's a couple month holding period...
      Fiverr does allow you to direct people to your YouTube account for video samples and portfolios. Now, when I send prospects to my YouTube channel, they're automatically going to get the link to my website. If they call me or contact me through my website for other services, I'm sure not going to report that! That's giving away money!

      In that respect, the potential buyer "might" be violating Fiverr's TOS but I'm not. I did have a buyer call me; he said he just couldn't see only paying me $5 or $10 for the gig or ordering several multiples to get done what he needed to get done. Since I have my YouTube link listed for portfolio purposes, he went to my website, got my phone number and called.

      A $20 fiverr gig turned into a $270 quote that he very happily paid upon invoicing.

      And the other day I just earned my Level #1 so now I can add my upgrade "Extras" to my gigs easily.

      Now if I could just do what the OP is doing with ebooks, that would be even better! :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author Ewan1998
    Nice. I wasn't sure about selling eBooks on Fiverr because I've seen some pretty decent one's that I've recognized not getting any hits or anything. I suppose if you get $5 for every sale and you sell hundreds, you'll get decent profit but the eBook would have to be something special. But the idea is good, never thought of that.
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  • Profile picture of the author mert
    Thanks for the idea Martin, It's thinking in completely new ways that makes the difference.
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  • Profile picture of the author SeanSupplee
    Good plan never dawned on me to sell a custom ebook on fiverr for some reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author megawarrior
    Great share. I also use fiverr to get back-end sales. Many people don't seem to realise this can be done and instead tend to think "fiverr is too little money!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Edie47
    Sounds like a great idea and I'm glad you clarified how you handle the downloads and opt-ins. Would hate to have you lose the account after all your hard work. Thinking outside the box definitely increases your bottom line, doesn't it! Nice work!
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  • Profile picture of the author RichardDin
    so, you have been selling not one ebook, but a few as OTO and upsells?
    This tactics sure works not only on fiverr, but elsewhere
    TwitTunnel.com domain is for sale. Contact me in PM for questions.
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  • Profile picture of the author cresad
    Great , i was thinking the same way but a bit confused, but i think i have to go for it

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  • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

    I advertise and get traffic to my fiverr gigs by placing ads on craigslist, facebook, article sites, ads inside my ebooks and by using my mailing lists, etc.

    I hope this helps,


    Originally Posted by Chris Kent View Post

    More importantly, I'd like to know how you got your gig noticed. Getting noticed on fiverr is very difficult - did you promote your gig to a list or elsewhere?
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  • Profile picture of the author ExpertSEOServices
    Great success on Fiverr.
    I have been considering starting offering something there and then pushing a backend offer to build up revenue.
    This inspirational post has given me the push to do it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lucy Writes
      That's some really great outside the box thinking on how to use Fiverr. It's ideas like that which make full-time incomes and are the hallmark of a real entrepreneur. Congratulations on your success! I hope others here use it as a model to their own success.
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      I'm happy I was able to help motivate you and if I can be of any help, please feel free to PM me.

      To your success,


      Originally Posted by ExpertSEOServices View Post

      Great success on Fiverr.
      I have been considering starting offering something there and then pushing a backend offer to build up revenue.
      This inspirational post has given me the push to do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author messiah
    Thanks for the share, Martin.
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  • Profile picture of the author icegin
    Nice work! I haven't been really looking at Fiverr as a potential avenue for making money online but it looks like I might be missing out on a good opportunity. Thank you for sharing your experience
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  • Profile picture of the author madzstar
    great post ma man
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  • Profile picture of the author morgain
    That's really great

    Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author HsuPowers
    Well done!
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  • Profile picture of the author PaulSilver
    Wow great story and just got my mind working
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  • Profile picture of the author InternetSEOKing
    That is a great idea, Congratulations on your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author fenixpro
    Yes this is a well exercised tactic on fiverr. I'm glad you have had success with it. Last year I purchased around 10 ebooks on fiverr and every single one had affiliate links in the copy as well as text bit.ly links in txt. files in the zip file I downloaded. Those links would direct to another 'great' deal or product. I might have bought one of them.

    I am about to pull the trigger on an aggressive list building campaign and one of my sources to get people to my squeeze page will be fiverr. have a couple of methods worked out - one of which is similar to yours.

    Thanks for sharing !

    You Are Not Your Thoughts
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  • Profile picture of the author robledo1
    Nice. Thanks for sharing.

    I just got a whole list of ideas from this.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnDBrewer

    That is a great idea and I must say that until you posted the second post explaining a little bit, I was a little worried with what the others were saying.

    I must say that it is sad that people have responded to this thread with only a thanks. I think people forget to push the "thanks" button. I removed my signature off this post to show that I am not responding to get my sig read.

    I bought a product based on Fiver and I really haven't given it any more thought. This shows me how little I am paying attention to business at large.

    I did press the thanks button to show my appreciation.

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  • Profile picture of the author Aremutola
    Congrats, you are so lucky
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    • Profile picture of the author ShayB
      Originally Posted by Aremutola View Post

      Congrats, you are so lucky
      Yeah, it's amazing how "lucky" people get when they work. :rolleyes:

      To the OP: Thank you for the post.
      "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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  • Profile picture of the author blillard
    I would send them to a Opt-in page after payment then from there I would send to a OTO page as well while they are still in buy mode. So it would say visit yoursite.com to download your product, then they optin. Instead of sending them to a thank you page send them to OTO page for higher priced ebook or whatever. You'll get way more sales up front and still be able to get more backend sales from your ebook links.
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  • Profile picture of the author MattWell
    Well done. I tried selling ebooks on fiverr for a while, but couldn't seem to make any sales. I'm not great at writing sales stuff, so that may have had something to do with it, but I love fiverr because you can get some great services for $5 that you would pay a lot more elsewhere. I still have gigs on Fiverr and did have some success with an article writing gig, but it was taking up too much of my time when I should have been doing coursework and I was only getting $4 for 400-600 words, often more.

    For more of my knowledge, go to my blog at MatthewWellington.co.uk

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  • Profile picture of the author icegin
    This sounds like a very smart strategy. Thanks for sharing and well done -- $900 for one ebook isn't bad at all
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5834704].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GeeWhiz1
    Great share! Some good information there!

    Always collect emails and put them in a excel document (or any spreadsheet). Try and categorize them!
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