Content for Sites - Which is better, unique content less often or syndicated content more often?
I am going around in circles lately - I know I am spreading myself too thin, trying to keep an X amount of websites/blogs updated with regular content.
My question is, which would be more effective traffic/ranking/Google-wise in the long run -
1) Posting my own unique content less often (say 2-3 times a month).
2) Or posting content more often (weekly), and supplementing it some with syndicated content from article directories?
I do notice a spike in my traffic whenever I post fresh content on my sites. So in that regard, I believe posting content more often, even if it is only syndicated, would be better as far as traffic is concerned.
What are your opinions and ideas?
Thanks for your advice -
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It's Simple... I don't "sell" IM anymore, but still do lots of YouTube Videos