10k Per Month Formula - Stop Trying To Get Rich Selling Those Damn $17 Ebooks
IMHO that is correct.
Don't get me wrong, there are some marketers or those with big BUYER lists that could do this and make some serious cash.
But realistically, if you have not got some sort of leverage selling these LOW PRICE items is NOT going to fill your bank accounts quickly.
So what is the secret!??
It is true, and a great way to make money online! But Still I do not see many people doing this. The ones that are, really do know what they are doing, and if you follow them, and study their formulas, you could really make some serious cash. and I mean BIG BISCUITS!!!!
Lets do some quick math. If we want to make $1000 selling a $17 product, we would need to make 59 sales in total.
Now you must know that needs a lot of traffic, or a big list and lots of hard work!
59 sales is not difficult but will take alot of work.
Now lets take this example.......
Let say you want to make $1000 the smart and easy way.
You must know that a higher priced product sells just as well as that $17 ebook. It is probably even easier.
So lets do the math again.
You have a good product that sells for $2000, of which you earn $1000 as a 50% commission.
So instead of trying to get 59 sales, you now only have to get just 1 sale.
It will take a little bit of planning but a lot less work to make the same amount. Cool huh! But many people do not realise this.
We do this each and every month, and the money racks up fast.
Heck with higher end product, (The $1000 commission one) you only need to make 4 sales, every month....and that totals 4k per month!!!

Neato right!? now it will take a bit of work, and you will have to target the right set of customers....and you will not have a problem making sales I can guarantee you that.
I mean, seriously if you are trying to promote a $1000, or $2000 product to people who are only looking to buy those LOWER prices product (like the $17 one) you are probably not going to make sales.
So that is the secret, which is to sell or find the right target customers.
Seriously if you can do this, you could be making $10,000 a month VERY QUICKLY!
So would you rather sell 59 x copies of a $17 product each MONTH!???
Or would you rather sell 4 x copies of something that sells for $2000 (you keep $1000)
I know which I would rather!....think about it.

Hope this helps.
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