An upsell technique that really annoys me as a customer
It looked like a great product and at $5 it was a no-brainer, so I purchased. Clicked the buy now button and arrived at an upsell page. That's always a bit of a downer, when you are feeling excited about the product you have just bought, to be told that there's another much better product that you also really need.
Anyway, I ignored the upsell, scrolled right to the bottom and clicked the tiny (almost invisible) link that said "No thanks I'll pass on this great offer".
Lo and behold, there was a second upsell on the next page. Now I was feeling a bit frustrated and also a bit more deflated. If the original product I bought was so great,why do I need this upsell so desperately. I'm starting the feel the original product can't be so great after all.
So, I scrolled to the bottom, clicked the tiny "no thank you" link again and....
A third upsell! Another product this time. By now I'm starting to feel very agitated. My respect for the marketer has diminished and I'm in a very negative frame of mind towards his original product.
OK, you might say, "what do you expect when you only pay $5 for a product?" But surely there are better ways to do this from a customer relations viewpoint? I guess this upsell technique works, or he wouldn't be doing it.
But from the customer's viewpoint, it sucks big time.
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