WarriorForum is now my Facebook!
But now it's the WF, I only actually noticed today that I do this and it kinda shocked me. For 3+ years it had always been Facebook. There is a kind of sense of relief, I know I have finally transitioned into a professional. Don't get me wrong I still go on Facebook. I do a huge amount of marketing there, why would anybody not want to utilize the millions of potential customers using social media each and every day. I am actually pretty successful with social media.
Anyway the real purpose of this thread is just to thank EVERYBODY here on the WarriorForum for just being themselves. I was a lurker on the forum for about 2 years and in October I took the plunge and joined. It was the best thing I could have ever done for my online business. Everybody is so kind and helpful and most of you have helped me to succeed at one point or another. So I thought I would take some time to thank you all. I would do it individually but that might take some time! :p
~ Rhonda White
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