KDP: Wow 25 Sales in 24 hrs

106 replies
I cant believe it. I just published my first book on Amazon and have already made 22 sales in my first 24hrs. I am elated. Never expected to see this many sales so quickly. I took a screenshot of my stats, it was published on Feb 8, 2011 and I checked my stats this morning. Not quite ready to quit my day job yet, but this is so cool!!

Actually just checked again and total sales are now at 25
#hrs #kdp #sales #wow
  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Congrats! That's awesome. Did you do any promotion to attract those initial sales?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593086].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sidenote
      Originally Posted by Gene Pimentel View Post

      Congrats! That's awesome. Did you do any promotion to attract those initial sales?
      Actually I did nothing but publish the book to Kindle and joined KDP Select. So far 30 copies sold and 1 borrowed!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593177].message }}
      • Well done! Excellent results.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5598120].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author macmani
          Kindle is a great platform to make money if you can publish quality material and in niches where there is demand. We need to do some research before either writing ourselves or getting it written. I have 3 books published in the past 2 months after following Ty Cohen's Kindle training in various niches and now have 50 sales from the 3 books, just 2 refunds, 0 promotion. I am at 70% royalty. So, this works if you can have say 30 titles and one can make a nice chunk of money every month to pay for urgent expenses. My plan is to have 3 books per month and and may be about 40 titles in a year, a long term project.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
    Well done!
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    • Profile picture of the author sidenote
      Originally Posted by ryanmilligan View Post

      Well done!
      Thanks so much!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593185].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    That's awesome! Great job!

    I'm launching my fiction short story in a week or so and really looking forward to it.

    One thing I did notice is your title is spelt incorrectly. This could spell bad news for your image and search results.

    "secertary" should read "secretary". Hopefully that's fixable and isn't rolled out across your cover design too.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593106].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sidenote
      Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

      That's awesome! Great job!

      I'm launching my fiction short story in a week or so and really looking forward to it.

      One thing I did notice is your title is spelt incorrectly. This could spell bad news for your image and search results.

      "secertary" should read "secretary". Hopefully that's fixable and isn't rolled out across your cover design too.
      Thanks for pointing that out. Self publishing does have its pros and cons. But I believe the ebook title is fine. I just typed the title incorrectly when publishing to Kindle. Since it was my first time I did have the jitters, but for the most part everything else went smoothly.

      BTW. just so you will know when you are ready to publish to Kindle, any changes that are made after your book has been converted do not show up instantly and apparently have to be reviewed by Amazon. I just made a correction to the title in the bookshelf and the correction is pending review, and can take up to 24hrs to be made.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593219].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author batchos
        So cool!

        We all make mistakes, but you took action.


        Make sure you publish more books.

        Originally Posted by sidenote View Post

        Thanks for pointing that out. Self publishing does have its pros and cons. But I believe the ebook title is fine. I just typed the title incorrectly when publishing to Kindle. Since it was my first time I did have the jitters, but for the most part everything else went smoothly.

        BTW. just so you will know when you are ready to publish to Kindle, any changes that are made after your book has been converted do not show up instantly and apparently have to be reviewed by Amazon. I just made a correction to the title in the bookshelf and the correction is pending review, and can take up to 24hrs to be made.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593307].message }}
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593116].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sidenote
      Originally Posted by noypiamuel View Post

      hi sidenote can you teach me how?
      I would be happy to teach you how I did it. What work skills do you have?
      That is a good place to start. If you can teach something that you already know then you are apt to do better in your content delivery.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593242].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kerry3280
    Originally Posted by sidenote View Post

    I cant believe it. I just published my first book on Amazon and have already made 22 sales in my first 24hrs. I am elated. Never expected to see this many sales so quickly. I took a screenshot of my stats, it was published on Feb 8, 2011 and I checked my stats this morning. Not quite ready to quit my day job yet, but this is so cool!!

    Actually just checked again and total sales are now at 25

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593217].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sidenote
      Originally Posted by kerry3280 View Post

      Thanks Kerry. Like most, my journey has been hard but the rewards are certainly gratifying enough to be worth the wait!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593260].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    When I first read the topic I thought that there must
    be something that you are not saying. I bypassed
    KDP Select before but you just gave me the kick
    I needed to try this was well. Hope I get the same

    Congrats. I don't think your results are typical
    without promotion.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593246].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sidenote
      Originally Posted by Raydal View Post

      When I first read the topic I thought that there must
      be something that you are not saying. I bypassed
      KDP Select before but you just gave me the kick
      I needed to try this was well. Hope I get the same

      Congrats. I don't think your results are typical
      without promotion.

      -Ray Edwards
      Thanks Raydal for the kind words. I totally was not expecting to see the results I have received, and quite frankly was preparing to do some backend promotions. It is certainly quite a surprise and I hope you see similar results on your publication.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593283].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Pawpoint
    Good to see people doing so well
    http://www.cheapherbalincense.biz Cheap UK Strong Aroma Incense + bulk - Free UK delivery 1.5g to 1Kg
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593254].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sidenote
      Originally Posted by Pawpoint View Post

      Good to see people doing so well
      Thank you!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593311].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nik0
        Congrats man, thats really awesome.

        Whats is KDP though?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593349].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sidenote
          Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

          Congrats man, thats really awesome.

          Whats is KDP though?
          Thanks Nik0. KDP = Kindle Direct Publishing allows you to self publish to Amazon Kindle.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593374].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author mowse73
            Congratulations on your sales.
            It's good to hear.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593409].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author sidenote
            Originally Posted by illinimatt81 View Post

            Anyone adding their eBooks or eCourses that they are currently selling on your own domain to Kindle for extra exposure and revenue?
            If you publish to Kindle you are required to agree not to sell your digital product anywhere else, but Amazon exclusively for 90 days.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593528].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
              Originally Posted by sidenote View Post

              If you publish to Kindle you are required to agree not to sell your digital product anywhere else, but Amazon exclusively for 90 days.
              That is not true. You can publish to the Kindle program and sell your books elsewhere also. However, in order to participate in the Kindle Owner's lending library, and be eligible for a share in the cash, you have to make it exclusive.

              The KDP Select program has millions of dollars (about $6 million according to Business Wire) to share so this can be quite lucrative for authors.

              Another great read; Introducing "KDP Select" -- A $6 Million Fund for Kindle Direct Publishing Authors and Publishers - MarketWatch

              Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593660].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Super Warrior
    Great! But, people here want to learn.
    What is the logic of posting if you're not going to reveal how did you do that?

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593268].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sidenote
      Originally Posted by Super Warrior View Post

      Great! But, people here want to learn.
      What is the logic of posting if you're not going to reveal how did you do that?

      Well Steve, my logic was to share my excitement with fellow WF members, and maybe help encourage others to do the same. Small wins do make a difference, and although I have not made a small fortune from my sales, I was hoping to show others that even as a newbie, with a little persistence you can succeed!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593342].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Super Warrior
        Originally Posted by sidenote View Post

        Well Steve, my logic was to share my excitement with fellow WF members, and maybe help encourage others to do the same. Small wins do make a difference, and although I have not made a small fortune from my sales, I was hoping to show others that even as a newbie, with a little persistence you can succeed!!
        Great! I appreciate. From your thread title it seems that you're
        about to tell something new, I asked because I didn't find anything to learn.
        Please keep us updated about your progress.

        WARNING:: Wasting time on Facebook? Make $500 in just 24 Hours with this simple strategy!
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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593439].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
      Originally Posted by Super Warrior View Post

      Great! But, people here want to learn.
      What is the logic of posting if you're not going to reveal how did you do that?

      What is the logic of posting just to whine? Geez! Can't you be happy for somebody else's success?

      You really have NO IDEA what the entire Warrior Forum is all about do you? There are posts of all kinds, and if you have ever paid attention (I'm making no assumptions on this point) then you would have seen a lot of people make posts about their success.

      This is the kind of post that can motivate people to try something new. If you have a problem with that, then maybe the WF isn't the best place for you to hang out.

      Or do you just expect everybody to tell you every step of how they did something? You want THEM to take THEIR time to write down every step, and I'm guessing you would demand screenshots and video too, and to do so for no other reason than to tell YOU how they did it.

      QUESTION: Could I have the links to ALL OF YOUR POSTS that explain how YOU make money online? After all, if you think that's what the WF is all about, then surely you have made several posts explaining your methods. Yes?

      Perhaps you should consider changing your attitude, as someone described in this thread...


      Or don't you believe in following your own advice?

      All the best,

      "Ich bin en fuego!"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593392].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Super Warrior
        Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

        What is the logic of posting just to whine? Geez! Can't you be happy for somebody else's success?

        You really have NO IDEA what the entire Warrior Forum is all about do you? There are posts of all kinds, and if you have ever paid attention (I'm making no assumptions on this point) then you would have seen a lot of people make posts about their success.

        This is the kind of post that can motivate people to try something new. If you have a problem with that, then maybe the WF isn't the best place for you to hang out.

        Or do you just expect everybody to tell you every step of how they did something? You want THEM to take THEIR time to write down every step, and I'm guessing you would demand screenshots and video too, and to do so for no other reason than to tell YOU how they did it.

        QUESTION: Could I have the links to ALL OF YOUR POSTS that explain how YOU make money online? After all, if you think that's what the WF is all about, then surely you have made several posts explaining your methods. Yes?

        Perhaps you should consider changing your attitude, as someone described in this thread...


        All the best,
        Haha! This is what I call 'over reaction'.

        Mr. A: Hey, I got 45 sales today and made $$$$ selling Clickbank product.
        Mr. B: Great! But how?
        Mr. A: I won't tell, I told you just to express my excitement.

        What Mr. B learnt here?

        You mean if someone tells that he made $$$ today, without describing how, then it's enough for you? Atleast not for me, sorry! It doesn't make WF a good place for sure!

        It's not how DISCUSSION on forums works. I think forums are for discussions :p

        99% warriors who opened this thread were expecting a story to learn something new, right?

        Anyhow, OP has already replied to my post and he was so polite in replying.

        He had no problem in replying to my post but I don't know what made you react like this. :confused:

        Oh and what a co-incidence you're directing me to my own thread (calling it someone's post), hehe!

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593426].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
          Originally Posted by Super Warrior View Post

          Haha! This is what I call 'over reaction'.
          OP has already replied to my post and he was so polite in replying.

          I don't know what made you react like this. God Bless You.

          Oh and what a co-incidence you're redirecting me to my own thread (calling it someone's post), hehe!

          Hi Steve,

          My reaction was the result of your negativity toward the OP in this thread. Instead of being congratulatory, you decided to publicly slam them for making an illogical post and not spelling out every step they took.

          It's wonderful that the OP sent you a nice message, but how could I possibly know that?

          And yes, it was your thread that I linked to because you talk about having the right attitude. I saw that thread and your post in this thread as being contradictory.

          For the record, it's nothing personal, but rather a reaction toward the tone of the post itself. In other words, I would have given the same response to anybody who made a similar comment.

          All the best,

          "Ich bin en fuego!"
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593470].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Super Warrior
            Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

            Hi Steve,

            My reaction was the result of your negativity toward the OP in this thread. Instead of being congratulatory, you decided to publicly slam them for making an illogical post and not spelling out every step they took.

            It's wonderful that the OP sent you a nice message, but how could I possibly know that?

            And yes, it was your thread that I linked to because you talk about having the right attitude. I saw that thread and your post in this thread as being contradictory.

            For the record, it's nothing personal, but rather a reaction toward the tone of the post itself. In other words, I would have given the same response to anybody who made a similar comment.

            All the best,
            Are you kidding me?
            If you linked me to that thread just to show contradiction, then why you used the word 'someone'?

            as someone described in this thread...
            Anyhow, I am too positive towards anything and don't want to fill this thread with posts other than discussion about original method, but I'll have to say again that OPs reply was better than you and forums are for discussions

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            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593523].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
              Originally Posted by Super Warrior View Post

              Are you kidding me?
              If you linked me to that thread just to show contradiction, then why you used the word 'someone'?

              Anyhow, I am too positive towards anything and don't want to fill this thread with posts other than discussion about original method, but I'll have to say again that OPs reply was better than you and forums are for discussions

              LOL, I assumed that you would recognize the title of your own thread, but either way, the main point was the same.

              Your first post rubbed me the wrong way, and I responded. Yes, I sometimes respond right away, but I believe in a "warts and all" approach.

              One other quick point: our little side discussion can actually help the OP.

              I agree with staying positive and focusing on the OP.


              All the best,

              "Ich bin en fuego!"
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593547].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
          Originally Posted by Super Warrior View Post

          99% who opened this thread were expecting a story to learn something new, right?
          (Considering that you completely edited your post, I will only respond to the quoted part of it.)

          Nope. In fact, reading the title of the thread, I got exacly what I expected. I don't see anything that hints at telling HOW the sales were made.

          Maybe 50% expected to learn something new, but the % isn't important.

          There WAS something to learn for those that weren't aware of KDP vs. regular Kindle publishing.

          Yes, this IS a discussion forum where we discuss MANY different things in MANY different ways. Dictating how somebody else posts just ain't right in my book.


          CONGRATS to the OP for making that many sales in such a short time. I only have one title on Kindle, but will look into KDP for future titles. Thanks!

          All the best,

          "Ich bin en fuego!"
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593524].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Super Warrior
            Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

            (Considering that you completely edited your post, I will only respond to the quoted part of it.)

            Nope. In fact, reading the title of the thread, I got exacly what I expected. I don't see anything that hints at telling HOW the sales were made.

            Maybe 50% expected to learn something new, but the % isn't important.

            There WAS something to learn for those that weren't aware of KDP vs. regular Kindle publishing.

            Yes, this IS a discussion forum where we discuss MANY different things in MANY different ways. Dictating how somebody else posts just ain't right in my book.


            CONGRATS to the OP for making that many sales in such a short time. I only have one title on Kindle, but will look into KDP for future titles. Thanks!

            All the best,
            Great! Thanks for not stretching it out!
            WARNING:: Wasting time on Facebook? Make $500 in just 24 Hours with this simple strategy!
            Get Free PDF (Direct download, no opt-in required)-->> Read It Now
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593541].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author HeySal
          Originally Posted by Super Warrior View Post

          Haha! This is what I call 'over reaction'.

          Mr. A: Hey, I got 45 sales today and made $$$$ selling Clickbank product.
          Mr. B: Great! But how?
          Mr. A: I won't tell, I told you just to express my excitement.

          What Mr. B learnt here?

          You mean if someone tells that he made $$$ today, without describing how, then it's enough for you? Atleast not for me, sorry! It doesn't make WF a good place for sure!

          It's not how DISCUSSION on forums works. I think forums are for discussions :p

          99% warriors who opened this thread were expecting a story to learn something new, right?

          Anyhow, OP has already replied to my post and he was so polite in replying.

          He had no problem in replying to my post but I don't know what made you react like this. :confused:

          Oh and what a co-incidence you're directing me to my own thread (calling it someone's post), hehe!

          But he did say how - he put it on Kindle select. As far as the OP went he hasn't even had time to do any marketing on it yet. With all the info in here already about how to publish on Kindle, I'm surprised that he would be expected to explain it again. Kinda like beating a dead horse to me.

          Congratulations sidenote. I've been seriously considering going with Kindle myself and posts like yours really help me in my decision making.

          When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
          Beyond the Path

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593972].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author noypiamuel
    @sidenote i dont know where to start i started IM 3 days ago and im exploring on how to make online im a total newbie like gradeschool to collage
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  • Profile picture of the author Sojourn
    sidenote - Glad you're seeing some success. I've not explored Kindle publishing at all but it sounds interesting.

    I'm missing the monetization strategy for this method, though. I think I've found your guide on Amazon (it's the only Kindle title with the same typo and all) but the price shows as $0.00. Do you have links inside the book that lead the reader to some other product or to your list? Just trying to understand your overall sales funnel.

    Whether or not there's been any money made, the number downloaded in a short period of time is a good sign, I would think!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593394].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
      Originally Posted by Sojourn View Post

      sidenote - Glad you're seeing some success. I've not explored Kindle publishing at all but it sounds interesting.

      I'm missing the monetization strategy for this method, though. I think I've found your guide on Amazon (it's the only Kindle title with the same typo and all) but the price shows as $0.00. Do you have links inside the book that lead the reader to some other product or to your list? Just trying to understand your overall sales funnel.

      Whether or not there's been any money made, the number downloaded in a short period of time is a good sign, I would think!
      Amazon sets aside X number of dollars each month for the KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) Select program. Authors who make their books exclusive to Amazon are eligible to participate. The KDP program sets aside a set amount of $ each month for those who participate to share in.

      Prime members are able to download free books from Kindle. When they download a book in the KDP program that author earns. Many authors are making much more from the free lending library program than from selling their books.

      The 10 ten KDP authors shared $70,000 in December. Amazon has hundreds of thousands set aside for the program so it can be very lucrative.

      Great article on it here; http://www.techjournalsouth.com/2012/01/authors-making-a-bundle-through-kindle-direct-publishing/

      Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593482].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sidenote
      Originally Posted by Sojourn View Post

      sidenote - Glad you're seeing some success. I've not explored Kindle publishing at all but it sounds interesting.

      I'm missing the monetization strategy for this method, though. I think I've found your guide on Amazon (it's the only Kindle title with the same typo and all) but the price shows as $0.00. Do you have links inside the book that lead the reader to some other product or to your list? Just trying to understand your overall sales funnel.

      Whether or not there's been any money made, the number downloaded in a short period of time is a good sign, I would think!
      Hi Sojourn, Admittedly I am new to KDP, but according to my bookshelf, the book is priced at my set sales point, and in my month-to-date unit sales, the stats show exactly 43 units sold, units refunded =0, net units sold = 43, and units borrowed = 1. Now I may be wrong, but with KDP select the total units borrowed should be reflected in non-monetized downloads. However because again I have no experience with KDP, I may have missed something. If so, I don't have a clue, but am still excited to get any activity at this point
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593517].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author pianorosa
        Originally Posted by sidenote View Post

        Hi Sojourn, Admittedly I am new to KDP, but according to my bookshelf, the book is priced at my set sales point, and in my month-to-date unit sales, the stats show exactly 43 units sold, units refunded =0, net units sold = 43, and units borrowed = 1. Now I may be wrong, but with KDP select the total units borrowed should be reflected in non-monetized downloads. However because again I have no experience with KDP, I may have missed something. If so, I don't have a clue, but am still excited to get any activity at this point
        Congrats Sidenote! You should be proud. 43 Sales within a day or so without any promotion means that your book is going to do very well. Somehow I can't open the thumbnail jpg. Do you get 35% royalty or 70% royalty in the 43 sales. For the borrowed unit, you will find out in the middle of March how much royalty you get for each borrowed units.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593865].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sidenote
          Originally Posted by pianorosa View Post

          Congrats Sidenote! You should be proud. 43 Sales within a day or so without any promotion means that your book is going to do very well. Somehow I can't open the thumbnail jpg. Do you get 35% royalty or 70% royalty in the 43 sales. For the borrowed unit, you will find out in the middle of March how much royalty you get for each borrowed units.

          Hi Rosa,
          I am set for 70% royalties in the USA market, but am also on uk, fr, de, etc marketplace. Thus far, no sales outside USA. I am a little confused about the stats. Under my reports when I run month to date sales it is showing a number for sales, refunds, net sales, borrowed but does that reflect sales under the promo where I am not receiving any royalties for promo duration? Does it mean all sales were generated through KDP select and, is the borrowed unit for Kindle premium members? Sure could use some clarity here. Thx
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5595053].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author danr62
            If the book is free during your promo, you won't get royalties for it. To check it, run the report that says "Prior Six Weeks Royalties". All the way off to the right (you might have to scroll) you can see the actual earnings.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5595178].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author BrianTerr
            Originally Posted by sidenote View Post

            Hi Rosa,
            I am set for 70% royalties in the USA market, but am also on uk, fr, de, etc marketplace. Thus far, no sales outside USA. I am a little confused about the stats. Under my reports when I run month to date sales it is showing a number for sales, refunds, net sales, borrowed but does that reflect sales under the promo where I am not receiving any royalties for promo duration? Does it mean all sales were generated through KDP select and, is the borrowed unit for Kindle premium members? Sure could use some clarity here. Thx

            Your book price is set to $0.00, they are not sales if you are giving your book away! Why would they pay royalty on books they give away?

            KDP count giveaways as sales in the report (as shown in your image) but don't pay royalties on those "sales".

            The 6 week report and the monthly reports show the actual sales and promos separately. Only then will you know what your return is.

            KDP Select paid $1.70 per "borrow" last month, you have earned about that much so far.

            Your 1 star review may kill any potential sales, look at changing the spelling as suggested.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5595396].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author pianorosa
            Originally Posted by sidenote View Post

            Hi Rosa,
            I am set for 70% royalties in the USA market, but am also on uk, fr, de, etc marketplace. Thus far, no sales outside USA. I am a little confused about the stats. Under my reports when I run month to date sales it is showing a number for sales, refunds, net sales, borrowed but does that reflect sales under the promo where I am not receiving any royalties for promo duration? Does it mean all sales were generated through KDP select and, is the borrowed unit for Kindle premium members? Sure could use some clarity here. Thx
            Sidenote, like what all the others are saying, the 'number of units sales' you get from your promotion - you don't receive any royalties. I wish Amazon would have another column where they separate the 'number of actual sales' and the 'number of sales during promotion.'

            If you cannot wait until Sunday where they show you the weekly sales, what I share with people here is that you can note down the number before the promotion starts and then note down the number after the promotion. Then when regular sales begins, then you can do some subtraction to see the number of actual sales you get.

            I still cannot open your thumbnail so I don't see your book. But from the posts here it seems that you have a negative review there. I don't know what that negative review says. Is it something very serious?

            If it is something very serious, this is what I can suggest. Unpublish your book and leave it as a draft. Then start anew and publish this book with a new title and key in all those fields and upload your book anew. Amazon will look at this as a new title. Then you will have a new link and just start all over again. Since you just started the book, you would not lose much (maybe just a few sales click) and just start the promotion all over again. As for the 'draft' copy, keep it as 'draft copy'. In that way, your book can go live again with a new link without that negative review.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5597119].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Sojourn
        Originally Posted by LilBlackDress View Post

        Amazon sets aside X number of dollars each month for the KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) Select program. Authors who make their books exclusive to Amazon are eligible to participate. The KDP program sets aside a set amount of $ each month for those who participate to share in.

        Prime members are able to download free books from Kindle. When they download a book in the KDP program that author earns. Many authors are making much more from the free lending library program than from selling their books.

        The 10 ten KDP authors shared $70,000 in December. Amazon has hundreds of thousands set aside for the program so it can be very lucrative.

        Great article on it here;Authors making a bundle through Kindle Direct Publishing | TechJournal South
        Ah!!! Got it and thanks for the link.

        Originally Posted by sidenote View Post

        Hi Sojourn, Admittedly I am new to KDP, but according to my bookshelf, the book is priced at my set sales point, and in my month-to-date unit sales, the stats show exactly 43 units sold, units refunded =0, net units sold = 43, and units borrowed = 1. Now I may be wrong, but with KDP select the total units borrowed should be reflected in non-monetized downloads. However because again I have no experience with KDP, I may have missed something. If so, I don't have a clue, but am still excited to get any activity at this point
        Yup - sounds like there's more to the program than just the sales price. Good job taking action and trying it out! That's truly a great way to learn. There's not a lot that can equate to real experience. Now you can take the lessons you learned and roll them into doing it again - making each attempt better than the last. Nice job!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593929].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
          Originally Posted by Sojourn View Post

          Ah!!! Got it and thanks for the link.
          This year the KDP Select author share "pot" is estimated to be at least $12 million dollars!

          "I noticed a reference to a $6 million fund. What is that?
          We expect the total KDP Kindle Owners’ Lending Library fund will be at least $6 million for all of 2012. Books enrolled in KDP Select have the opportunity to earn a share of this fund each month."


          Very sweet

          Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593968].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Raydal
      Originally Posted by Sojourn View Post

      sidenote - Glad you're seeing some success. I've not explored Kindle publishing at all but it sounds interesting.

      I'm missing the monetization strategy for this method, though. I think I've found your guide on Amazon (it's the only Kindle title with the same typo and all) but the price shows as $0.00. Do you have links inside the book that lead the reader to some other product or to your list? Just trying to understand your overall sales funnel.

      Whether or not there's been any money made, the number downloaded in a short period of time is a good sign, I would think!

      For sure Amazon is showing that it is a free book (maybe for the
      first five days?) so these are not "sales" as yet--as far as I
      understand. Also there is already a 1-star review critiquing
      the bad spelling in the title (secertary), so you may want to
      go in an correct that as soon as possible.

      -Ray Edwards
      The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593960].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author iw433
    Gooood! for you. Glad you were successful in you publishing venture. Keep up the good work.

    Bill Skywalker Edwards

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593510].message }}
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593550].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
      Originally Posted by sirtiman View Post

      Can I sell content from PLR stuff?
      Only if you completely change it, make it original, and make it a qulaity title. You can use PLR as the basis for a new title, but not reprint it as is. Other than that, Amazon has cracked down on reprinted PLR...thank goodness!

      All the best,

      "Ich bin en fuego!"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593575].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
      Originally Posted by sirtiman View Post

      Can I sell content from PLR stuff?
      As Michael says, Amazon has really cracked down on PLR deleting titles and closing accounts.

      You can however, use public domain material however, I would think you would need to "add" value to it and Amazon will ask for your source etc.

      It would not surprise me if they started cracking down on many low quality books like the thinly copied recipe books people are putting on there after reading WSO's.

      Best bet may be to come up with some original content that adds value and stands on it's own merits.

      Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593691].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Avish
    Congratulations!! For Your progress.. Thanks For sharing this. I will Consider Doing the Same when i make My own Product.
    Affrio - Enahnced Digital Shopping

    Affrio is a B2B and B2C shopping affiliate platform which offers the best, latest and chosen products and services of your choice digitally all over the internet world. Find the best money making opportunites along with online shopping.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593640].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    Sirtiman, why would you wanna put PLR on Kindle? Why don't you write something original that people would appreciate you for wholeheartedly?

    I'm sure there is at least one good story in you, don't you agree?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593674].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gerard Mohamed
    Well done on your achievement, and it should serve as meaningful inspiration for those who are either afraid or just damn lazy to take that first step towards online marketing profitability.


    USABizLeads - The Most Affordable USA B2B Business Leads Database

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593675].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    I've heard quite a few authors gripe about being on KDP select for months and not see a cent from those sales.

    When I get on KDP select I'll go in without expecting to get any money from the days that it will available for free (5 days across the board). I think not expecting any compensation in the future for those days is the best approach.

    It does seem to be a great program for exposure, and that's just as important as making a sale, or having a special offer inside your book to monetize it.

    Best of luck to the OP.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593707].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
      Originally Posted by Christiani View Post

      I've heard quite a few authors gripe about being on KDP select for months and not see a cent from those sales.

      When I get on KDP select I'll go in without expecting to get any money from the days that it will available for free (5 days across the board). I think not expecting any compensation in the future for those days is the best approach.

      It does seem to be a great program for exposure, and that's just as important as making a sale, or having a special offer inside your book to monetize it.

      Best of luck to the OP.
      It takes 60 days to get a payout from KDP and it is a combined payment; royalties and sales.

      Interestingly enough, unlike the Amazon's affiliate program where you can't use your own links to purchase, you ARE allowed to "rent" your own book and get paid!

      More info: https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishi...NSCOBA#earning

      Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593906].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nuke07
    Originally Posted by sidenote View Post

    I cant believe it. I just published my first book on Amazon and have already made 22 sales in my first 24hrs. I am elated. Never expected to see this many sales so quickly. I took a screenshot of my stats, it was published on Feb 8, 2011 and I checked my stats this morning. Not quite ready to quit my day job yet, but this is so cool!!

    Actually just checked again and total sales are now at 25
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593732].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rodanglee
    This is great news, i hope I can profit just like you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593734].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author steven sanderson
    That's fantastic work, well done, sounds like you are onto a winner there


    DON'T BELIEVE ME, CLICK THE LINK AND SEE FOR YOURSELF http://www.warriorplus.com/wso/view/40365
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593890].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dana Holt
    Wow, that is really great. Congrats!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593896].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Gram
    Originally Posted by sidenote View Post

    I cant believe it. I just published my first book on Amazon and have already made 22 sales in my first 24hrs. I am elated. Never expected to see this many sales so quickly. I took a screenshot of my stats, it was published on Feb 8, 2011 and I checked my stats this morning. Not quite ready to quit my day job yet, but this is so cool!!

    Actually just checked again and total sales are now at 25
    Congrats! Yup, this stuff works!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593899].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CatherineMay
      Congratulations, Sidenote!

      This is so inspiring...I've always wanted to be a writer, and now it looks like I have no excuse to not try. Thanks for putting me in that position!


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5596180].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Christines Dream
      Congratulations! Just curious... What type of book did you create (category)?

      And will you be sharing all the details in a WSO? Maybe? Please?? :p
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5598099].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    Wow... 22 sales in first 24 hours...!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5593924].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    It's awesome.
    I never try it before but if someone can be succeed on that, I believe can do that as well
    Thanks for the motivation.
    Love the screenshot
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5594027].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author joekoffi
    Wao! do you have affiliates promoting you?
    Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers, Revealing unknown killer Affiliate Marketing tricks for Bloggers. Special Discount: WF17
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5594183].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Fraser SellHealth
    Good work !! that's awesome

    Fraser Mackie
    Affiliate Manager

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5594356].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jennafer Scott
    Great job. You've encouraged me to start putting up some of my own material soon. Thanks for the extra motivation, Sidenote!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5594358].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Eric S
    That is awesome! Congrats!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5594410].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cage73
    Congratulations on your success! I love publishing to KDP.

    I located your book in the marketplace and noticed your price is set at $0.00. Your actually ranked #2 in the top free books for your category.

    Were you intending to give your book away, as it stands now, KDP Select aside, your not earning any money from your book on KDP.

    West Coast Goodz Leadz Group - https://www.gumroad.com/a/957969523

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5594622].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Yogini
    I am in US and not a prime member but it was priced at 0 for me so was free as well. I am not sure if you were running a promo, but it seems at least for today there is no charge for the ebook for anyone. If you were set at 70 percent then that would mean you did intend to charge over 2.99 for the ebook at least on some days. Free downloads would be recorded under sales.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5595400].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Matt Huggins
    Good to see positive for someone around here
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  • Profile picture of the author VeronicaD
    Wow that's pretty impressive! I've been wanting to get a book done to try my hand at publishing on there, but I just never seem to have the time. This kinda puts a fire under my butt though

    Contact me if you need to!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5595425].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    How exciting! I'm very happy for you. I wish you great success. -Lori
    Learn Website Tips, How to Do Keyword Research, & How to Write Killer Content.
    Stop Wasting Time.
    Start Living Your Dream.
    Click Here NOW to Get Your Hands on
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5595553].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author chow
    Congrats I am also looking into publishing my first book on amazon kindle.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5595683].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Originally Posted by sidenote View Post

    I cant believe it. I just published my first book on Amazon and have already made 22 sales in my first 24hrs. I am elated. Never expected to see this many sales so quickly. I took a screenshot of my stats, it was published on Feb 8, 2011 and I checked my stats this morning. Not quite ready to quit my day job yet, but this is so cool!!

    Actually just checked again and total sales are now at 25
    Good on you!

    Its good to see someone experiencing some success.

    Definitely refreshing to read threads like these. Well done

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5595826].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author netcowboy
    Originally Posted by Chris Kent View Post

    My buddy uploaded a 5,000 word fiction book the other day. A week later and he told me he had 7 sales which shocked me because I always assumed that you had to do some promotion and wouldn't make a penny unless you did.
    There is no big secret to why you can get sales with no promotion. Amazon is so good at promoting anything to its visitors and they have an interest in how many sales you get because they get part of it. You can imagine how much this adds up to be with thousands of people making sales.

    When I published my fiction book through CreateSpace, I had to promote it to get any sales. But Kindle changed everything, and once I put it up in Kindle, my sales immediately took off with no outside promotion from me. There are so many Kindle users, that there became this huge market to get content for them. So you don't have to promote your book because Amazon can do that through the KDP select program.

    But if you do promote your book along with what Amazon does, you can increase the sales even more. This is perfect for fiction writers like me because my second fiction novel is in the works. I'm also currently editing 8 of my short stories that will become its own short story collection book that will be uploaded to kindle in just a few days.
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  • Profile picture of the author ipb2012
    Good job! thats like selling one every hour. May i know what was your secrets or can i have tips? i want to sell mine too
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5595987].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author megawarrior
    Congratulations! That's a very good start. Hope you keep it up!
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    Interesting. I guess I should start listing my books over there.

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    • Profile picture of the author edlewis
      This is the second post like this on the WF in the last few days....and I can't help myself from commenting on it as there appears to be some confusion about how things work on KDP.

      Right now your ebook is being given away by Amazon for FREE....

      I just downloaded it to my laptop and my Kindle.

      I didn't pay a cent.

      There is a huge difference between giving the ebook away for FREE and "Borrows" thru the Kindle Lending Library that is available to Amazon Prime members.

      People also need to understand what KDP Select offers to publishers.

      One thing it offers is the ability to offer your ebook to members of Amazon Prime for free. This is what the "Borrows" are.

      KDP Select also allows you 5 promotion days where you can offer your ebook for FREE to ANYONE....(you do NOT get paid anything for these)

      One thing I see is new KDP users thinking that the 5 promotion days where the ebook is offered for FREE is somehow part of the Lending Library "Borrows" that you actually get paid for.

      They are totally different.

      There is money to be made on Kindle....but these couple of threads here the last day or so tell me that lots of people are confused as to how it actually works.

      Part of the problem is many of them are simply getting some horrible advice....much of it from marketers who have now identified KINDLE as a "hot niche" and are starting to publish content about how to make money on Kindle....even though they haven't done so themselves.

      Imagine that...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5596317].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
        Perhaps Amazon needs to change the verbiage from "sales" to "downloads" during the free period to avoid getting people overly excited about non-existing sales.

        If you do it right though, those free downloads can turn into real sales. Misspelling the frigging title isn't going to help. You already have a bad review over it.

        Attention to details folks!

        And when someone is selling a Kindle make money product and they show you all those sales, keep in mind a big chunk might be free downloads. So they don't even have to Photoshop their proof screenshot.

        On a positive note, hey you're getting these free download so you have a good topic there. Fix it up and you might want to hire a proofreader.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5596638].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sidenote
          Originally Posted by Alan Petersen View Post

          Perhaps Amazon needs to change the verbiage from "sales" to "downloads" during the free period to avoid getting people overly excited about non-existing sales.

          If you do it right though, those free downloads can turn into real sales. Misspelling the frigging title isn't going to help. You already have a bad review over it.

          Attention to details folks!

          And when someone is selling a Kindle make money product and they show you all those sales, keep in mind a big chunk might be free downloads. So they don't even have to Photoshop their proof screenshot.

          On a positive note, hey you're getting these free download so you have a good topic there. Fix it up and you might want to hire a proofreader.
          As far as changing the title, I did that as soon as I realized it was wrong on Kindle, but it has been awaiting changes by Amazon, and from what I can tell, any changes to your upload after it has been converted to Kindle can take up to 24hrs... yikes

          Now, the book itself seems okay, and that is the reason why I am still getting downloads in spite of the negative review. I am actually up to 70 downloads as of tonight. Unfortunately when setting up the book on Kindle Amazon does not provide a spell checker, so I clearly did not see the misspelling in the kindle title. This should be corrected sometime tomorrow. The book is over a year old, and has been through several versions for proofreading, errors, grammar, etc, but this one just slipped by me.

          Luckily for me the error was not in the cover itself, or in the content but more so the Kindle profile.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5596705].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author edlewis
          Originally Posted by Alan Petersen View Post

          Perhaps Amazon needs to change the verbiage from "sales" to "downloads" during the free period to avoid getting people overly excited about non-existing sales.

          You hit the nail on the head here, Alan.

          The problem is waiting for a giant like Amazon to make the needed changes to their system...

          Probably not going to happen anytime soon...which stinks...but it's just part of playing the game on their field.

          Right now, if you are running promos or getting "borrows" all you can do is sit back and wait until the 15th of the next month and see what you've been credited with by Amazon as far as sales, borrows, and the price received for each borrow.

          Seems a little outdated in today's world...but seeing as how January was only the 2nd month of KDP Select, I guess I will cut Amazon a little slack on this one.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5596716].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author kurtistb
            Originally Posted by edlewis View Post

            You hit the nail on the head here, Alan.

            The problem is waiting for a giant like Amazon to make the needed changes to their system...

            Probably not going to happen anytime soon...which stinks...but it's just part of playing the game on their field.

            Right now, if you are running promos or getting "borrows" all you can do is sit back and wait until the 15th of the next month and see what you've been credited with by Amazon as far as sales, borrows, and the price received for each borrow.

            Seems a little outdated in today's world...but seeing as how January was only the 2nd month of KDP Select, I guess I will cut Amazon a little slack on this one.
            While I agree that amazon should change their verbiage, I also think it is important for authors to track their own "sales". The last thing I want to rely on is for someone else to tell me how much money I have earned. With just a little bit of effort it's pretty easy to differentiate how many books are being given away as opposed to actual money generating sales. Things get dicey in regards to the 70% vs 35% thing but that is a bit more advanced.

            The good news is the OP won't have to wait until the 15th of next month to see how many sales she got, only until Monday. That is when KDP will have a break down of last weeks numbers. Most likely sales will result in a net of $0.00 but as someone else mentioned the rankings boost is at least something. As far as borrows, the worth of each borrow won't be released until the 15th of next month but I guess you could use the $1.70 number from December as an extremely rough estimate.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5600961].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author budfox
    You should have waited a bit on the celebration. You now have a 1-star review posted because of misspelling secretary and that will hurt your sales.

    You actually have not sold any yet. I found the book (was easy, the misspelled one) in the kindle store and you have it set on free promotion today. So you are giving it away free right now and there are a lot of kindle owners who just go nuts downloading free books and never even read them.

    I don't mean to burst your bubble here. My first kindle book got 507 downloads during the 2-day promotion that I kicked it off with. That was enough juice to get it on the top-100 list in the sub-niche on the paid side the day it went off free and I sold like 3 units a day after that for a while, before it settled down to a sale every other day or so.

    Romans 10:13

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5596736].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Paulie Ciara
    Isn't that a killer feeling? Great work! Remember, you've got some momentum going now so don't stop working. Take the success and energy you're getting from this and direct it to your next marketing venture! Keep that momentum going!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5596892].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Venkat001
    Well, now this gives me some motivation to do my own ebook and sell it

    [Beware] - The Dark Side of Few Adsense Sites on Flippa - [Read/Click Here]
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5596953].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author edlewis
      Originally Posted by Paulie Ciara View Post

      Isn't that a killer feeling? Great work! Remember, you've got some momentum going now so don't stop working. Take the success and energy you're getting from this and direct it to your next marketing venture! Keep that momentum going!
      Originally Posted by Venkat001 View Post

      Well, now this gives me some motivation to do my own ebook and sell it

      Well....apparently no one reads the entire thread before they post anymore....:confused:

      Too funny...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5596959].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Congratulations on your book's success. Did you include any links to other products you're selling or any affiliate links you're promoting? Amazon is a big money getter. I hope your account doesn't get freezed and they seize your income for 15-30 days... typically happens when you have success too fast.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5597189].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Anton Nadilo
    Great work sidenote. Publishing to Kindle and the various other ebook platforms can be a very lucrative and rewarding business model. Keep up the great work and as they say once you have found something that works..... "rinse and repeat"....best of luck with your next book launch!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5597897].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    This thread just keeps getting better lol.

    Mymoneymentor: I would at least re read the last few comments carefully if there is any confusion. ; )
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  • Profile picture of the author Tonylee93
    Congrats that is something that you should be truly proud of! and you should also remember that there are people who never make that many sales in 24 hours like that. Great work! promoting! Any tips for us?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5598494].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author carolf
    Frikking Fabulous and a huge well done

    I looked in my paypal account today and for the first time since I was made bankrupt about 8 years ago, I made $10 in passive income.

    $10-$100-$1000-%10,0000 its just scaling up and working smarter. I am over the moon for you honey
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5598507].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    So is it worth committing to the Kindle Select program? I really want to get on and promote my book through other channels, not least in pdf form as a list-builder on my own site. I am thinking Select it's not really worth it for me - thoughts?

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5598648].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author richrowley
      Originally Posted by markowe View Post

      So is it worth committing to the Kindle Select program? I really want to get on and promote my book through other channels, not least in pdf form as a list-builder on my own site. I am thinking Select it's not really worth it for me - thoughts?
      I dont think you need to worry too much about KDP Select just get your book on Kindle first as you can achieve great results.

      There are also several other ebook publishers that offer platforms for Ebook readers to download. Take a look at Lulu and Smashwords for example.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5598671].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author richrowley
    Congratulations on your sales.

    What's your price point? I can see your book in Amazon but it looks to be free.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5598655].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author batchos
    Shipping free books helps the book rise up the rank in Amazon bestsellers list.

    Originally Posted by bowerboy View Post

    These kind of threads really make me question the value of this forum sometimes....the original post is great and thanks for posting that but its all the people that clearly havent read a word of any one elses posts and then just come on and say.."woo hoo awesome man".."wow thats inspirational, thanks so much"

    Stop and read the thread. Yes its probably a feeling of acheivment to write and publish something but I would not call giving books away for a free a success...

    I don't understand why people do this...any ideas?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5599206].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
    Originally Posted by edlewis View Post

    Well....apparently no one reads the entire thread before they post anymore....:confused:

    Too funny...
    Originally Posted by bowerboy View Post

    These kind of threads really make me question the value of this forum sometimes....the original post is great and thanks for posting that but its all the people that clearly havent read a word of any one elses posts and then just come on and say.."woo hoo awesome man".."wow thats inspirational, thanks so much"

    Stop and read the thread. Yes its probably a feeling of acheivment to write and publish something but I would not call giving books away for a free a success...

    I don't understand why people do this...any ideas?
    Believe it or not, after a few years of reading the forum, it becomes obvious that some people don't even read the op. They read the topic title and then open the page and hit reply. (sigh)

    Do something spectacular; be fulfilled. Then you can be your own hero. Prem Rawat

    The KimW WSO

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5600253].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author chaoslinker007
    Wow i think this is amazing,Well done and keep it going!
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  • Profile picture of the author mrelk159
    very nice lol
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  • Profile picture of the author MaryKathan
    Great start ! Thanks for the inspiration for everyone considering KDP.
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