Should The Warrior Fourm Have a PayPal Liaison?

13 replies
I know PayPal is important to the Warrior Forum Community.

Does the Warrior Forum have someone that is a liaison to PayPal for the Forum? If not, why not?

I have not seen guidelines that have been posted by moderators (sticky notes) that would help the Warrior Forum members to keep updated about the changes at PayPal or trends PayPal would like to change. I know every marketer is responsible for their own actions..but..I think of the Forum more as an association. Should at least some of that $40 that goes towards being part of the War Room and some of the money collected from WSO go towards the payment provider of choice on the Warrior Forum (PayPal).

I have seen plenty of WSOs about how to not get your PayPal account shutdown. Why not have a resource dedicated to helping members with PayPal and have part of the money from the War Room and a portion of the WSO money pay for that.

Is that reasonable?
#fourm #liaison #paypal #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    I'm sure the owner of this forum has a dedicated Paypal rep he works with.
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    • Profile picture of the author WSO Bonus

      You are totally right..I am SURE the owner has a dedicated rep. I was just wondering if that rep could have their own sub forum (great suggestion Young and Opulent) where the could post trends that we should be aware of (ex. privacy policy, refunds..etc). I am not even saying that they have to answer the posts..just some guidance other then the huge Terms and Conditions policy.
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      • Profile picture of the author Centurian
        That also assumes that they love our community.

        Maybe that's a little like inviting a wolf into the hen house. We saw what merging PayPal did to the eBay world.

        Is eBay better off now for entrepreneurs?

        History shows that only one factor mitigates market monopolies.

        "Wherever profits abound, ruinous competition will arise." That's what we need now.
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  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
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    • Profile picture of the author WSO Bonus
      Hey Big MIke-

      I agree with you about the account rep. Would it not also be reasonable to have the Forum have a rep (no doubt Russ Sells is right about they already have one) update on a part of the Forum about trends that could shut down an account? There are a lot members that do not do the volume to get an account rep.
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  • Profile picture of the author Centurian
    The forum has an advocate right here.

    If you're sick of relying on PayPal to bank your business, contact me. Your money belongs in your bank, not PayPal's.

    I've been in the financial sector for almost 30 years. I've watched this crap for too long and experienced it firsthand.

    So I decided to do something about it. We're building a bridge to your bank, with a master merchant solution pre-approved for your business model that deposits directly in your local account.

    Don't let PayPal "keep" your money for you. Why do you have to "beg" them for permission to get your money?

    Love PayPal? Then keep it, but protect your profits with a bullet-proof backup payment pipeline. Warriors don't whine, we tear the house down and build a new city where freedom reigns.
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    • Profile picture of the author DueDiligenceDiva
      The other challenge with having a "liason" is that we would be making an assumption that PayPal is operating with any level of logic. This would be a hasty generalization, especially when related to the warrior forum, which PayPal is notorious for labeling a "high risk" forum.

      So, a good suggestion, if we were dealing with equal levels of logic. Which we are not. PayPal has run their business model as they choose for years, with little to no meaningful regulation as to how they deal with your money as a seller, unlike banks, which are held accountable.
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    • Profile picture of the author WSO Bonus
      I could not agree more. Everyone should have options. If you are using Warrior Plus or JV Zoo you really do not have an option at this time.
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      • Profile picture of the author sonicadam123
        Originally Posted by WSO Bonus View Post

        I could not agree more. Everyone should have options. If you are using Warrior Plus or JV Zoo you really do not have an option at this time.
        Not just JVZoo and Warrior Plus, but this is a global problem.

        Whether some like to admit it or not, PayPal has most of us by the short and curlys.

        After hearing the call Anthony Aires recorded with this guy from PayPal then it's worrying to say the least.

        If you haven't heard it -
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    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
      Originally Posted by Centurian View Post

      The forum has an advocate right here.

      If you're sick of relying on PayPal to bank your business, contact me. Your money belongs in your bank, not PayPal's.

      I've been in the financial sector for almost 30 years. I've watched this crap for too long and experienced it firsthand.

      So I decided to do something about it. We're building a bridge to your bank, with a master merchant solution pre-approved for your business model that deposits directly in your local account.

      Don't let PayPal "keep" your money for you. Why do you have to "beg" them for permission to get your money?

      Love PayPal? Then keep it, but protect your profits with a bullet-proof backup payment pipeline. Warriors don't whine, we tear the house down and build a new city where freedom reigns.
      Bank or not...the risk management department at a merchant company is still standing between you and your money anyways.

      To me, I would MUCH rather deal with Paypal than a merchant account. I've run millions through paypal and have never had an issue.
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      • Profile picture of the author Centurian
        Glad to hear it Ryan!

        There are two considerations. First, it depends on your business model. Secondly, who you're dealing with.

        If your business is properly underwritten upfront, you should secure a custom processing model that fits what you do. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of merchant banks. They each have their own niches, guidelines, and risk models.

        What I did was secure contracts with over two dozen different bank acquirers. This enables me to pick the correct provider for your specific operation. Then I negotiate an appropriate risk plan for your business. You have a personal agent and business manager to work directly with you.

        I started a merchant bank ISO in 2008 to help my clientele business managers with their financial solutions. Back when there was such a thing as an economy, we did more high-end finance. That was the same year I personally had a hassle with PayPal.

        There are other factors to consider as well, such as a 3-level defensive strategy. It's not advisable to put all your eggs in one basket. It doesn't matter how wonderful things seems, life can suddenly shock you.

        As Paul Myers said, even this entire forum can disappear. I was in the middle of a three million dollar project in 2008. When I was ready to go to my next phase, my 7-year faithful funding source pulled out. Overnight, banks started to implode and suddenly all funding ceased. Funny thing, the bank still wanted to get paid. I used to get money with a simple phone call, then everything changed. Contingency and redundancy plans are critical.

        The reason PayPal remains risky is their front-end assessment is non-existent or limited. You never really know if you're approved until it's too late. "One-size fits all" really doesn't fit.

        The other critical issue is PayPal always has veto power over your withdrawal request. When you initiate a transfer, they may just perform a review before they let it go. As they say, possession is 9/10's ownership.

        My dad always said, "Follow the money." Where's yours? In PayPal's bank or your own? If it's not in your own, is it really yours? I know what you're thinking, a merchant account can still withdraw it from yours to pay for charge-backs.

        Then regularly transfer your balance out of your business checking into savings or your personal account for safe-keeping. At least you don't have to ask permission to move it. You have full control and it's yours. The other difference is banks don't freeze your entire account or seize all your money. They only cover a charge-back.

        If you think your life with PayPal is safe and secure, I recommend you go listen to Anthony Aires link. You might just experience that shock.

        I rest my case.
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  • Profile picture of the author Suthan M
    That's Paypal call.

    But I think at the end of the day; they would not want to allow another third party site to be the 'voice' or the place their users go to get advice about their range of service. This can lead to many problems, including security breach in the future if things go south with partnerships such as this.

    Plus there is thousands of other forums too that is related to marketing, and I think having one official rep here, will trigger other sites to ask for their own one as well to be situated in house. I can see a problem in Paypal manning that.

    If anything that I can advice you on: other sites (that is not paypal) that offers Paypal tips and advices should only be referred as 'unofficial' guides, advices and tips- and its best to ask any questions you have with directly and get official answers from them- and for your best interest, keep everything in black and white- plus recorded if possible too.

    Whats the latest movie you watched? Anything good?

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    • Profile picture of the author WSO Bonus
      Hey Suthan-

      I do agree with you about allowing a third party voice might not be the best way to go..totally.

      I do think everyone should get a rep because each and every situation is different.

      I guess I think with the volume of PayPal payments that are made here on the Forum and all of the members it would be nice if there was a place to speak as one voice and have some leverage with ______ (PayPal, etc.) It is my mistake to think of Warrior Forum as an Association with that kind of it?
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      • Profile picture of the author George Wright
        Originally Posted by WSO Bonus View Post

        It is my mistake to think of Warrior Forum as an Association with that kind of it?
        This is just a forum. It belongs to Allen. It works for him and it works for the forum members who play by the rules of the forum.

        I know things are changing. I had a major wake up call when Paul Myers stated "the Warrior Forum has become a platform."

        Still, it's apparent Allen has his PayPal house in order based on the tons of payments he processes daily.

        As far as being an association, that to me (I'll stand corrected if need be) would denote member/ownership. Not gonna happen.

        As far as speaking in one voice, have you followed any PayPal discussion? "one voice" on that isn't going to happen either. Not even in this short thread.

        As far as your quote/question above, I see why you would feel that way there is a lot of us, however we are here for other reasons than becoming a "force" on the net. And that is how Allen set it up, IMHO

        George Wright
        "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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