3 steps secret How a new person can make money fast online

by wiliki
3 replies
Here are the steps

Step 1.LEARN IT........ So you want to start internet marketing or may be you want to know how to make money from information product. You must learn how this really works before you jump into it.

Step 2. DO IT....... ..... Practice they say makes perfect.This time i start by practicing what i have learn and be a master of it.

Step 3. SELL IT......... This is where you take what ever you have learn to the market so that people buy from you.

This is what has helped me to where i am today and other Internet marketers you must have heard of.

There a lot of information in this forum and on the internet that can help you on this.

And lastly, don't be a jack of all trade..... Wish you good success!
#fast #make #money #online #person #secret #steps
  • Profile picture of the author Fraser SellHealth
    Originally Posted by wiliki View Post

    Here are the steps

    Step 1.LEARN IT........

    Step 2. DO IT....... ...

    Step 3. SELL IT.......

    don't be a jack of all trade..... Wish you good success!
    thanks for the share , this is the big picture way of thinking.

    I agree 100000% with not being the jack of all trades , its all about putting people together

    Fraser Mackie
    Affiliate Manager

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  • Profile picture of the author 1luckyman
    Originally Posted by wiliki View Post

    Here are the steps

    Step 1.LEARN IT........ So you want to start internet marketing or may be you want to know how to make money from information product. You must learn how this really works before you jump into it.

    Step 2. DO IT....... ..... Practice they say makes perfect.This time i start by practicing what i have learn and be a master of it.

    Step 3. SELL IT......... This is where you take what ever you have learn to the market so that people buy from you.

    This is what has helped me to where i am today and other Internet marketers you must have heard of.

    There a lot of information in this forum and on the internet that can help you on this.

    And lastly, don't be a jack of all trade..... Wish you good success!
    Interesting post - but easy to say, harder to do.

    Learn it - fair enough.

    Do it. There are not that many things you can do without having a grasp of the key elements of I'M

    Sell it. Here too you can't really do that much without a grasp of the maiin elements of IM.

    It's a fair model - but like many ideas touted in IM it suits the guru to pitch the sollution as simple and doable.

    And suggesting you can do much with a limited range of understanding is also dangerous. If this is true are all specialisms equal?

    What is true is you have to get started - and there's no need to have everything down before you do.

    But I wouldn't set a limit on how much you want to understand about IM!
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    • Profile picture of the author TaiC
      I would say don't forget about the people aspect of IM. Business online is similar to all other business in that you need people and partners to do business with.

      Transformation is the Key

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