12 replies
Hi Everyone,

Please can i ask any of you guys, to have a look over at my new blog site, and
suggest or recommend any changes, or revisions that may help to make the blog
better for my visitors.

It's a food recipe site, and i'm looking to monetise the site. I have added Adsense, Clickbank Ads, and Cpa Offers, and even a Amazon Store.

I'm hoping visitors like what they see and read, and ultimately buy from the site.
I have bought Bookmark Soup Pro, with the aim of adding social bookmarks linking back to the site.

Please can anyone give any advice about the site, and also any other blog promotion methods.

The site url is Eton Mess Recipe|How To Make Simple Eton Mess Recipes

Thanks to anyone wanting to help out.


#critique #site
  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    It's a nice, friendly looking site. I have no idea what Eton Mess is. Do you suppose others might not? I clicked on the "About" tab and it said something about being a site about Eaton Mess and I still don't know what it is.

    I'd say a paragraph or two is in order along with an h1 benefit oriented headline or at least a phrase to get people interested in whatever eton mess might be.
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    • Profile picture of the author opt in
      Nice Site Here's what I think:

      I like the color and the picture of food is nice, professional, makes you want to eat more and stay on the site to take notes of the recipe.

      When you click on one recipe, you go to another page with the actual recipe and you replace a photo of the plate with Google ads. I think you should stick to a photo with the recipe plate so people can enjoy the plate in their mind while cooking or taking notes. It will help to keep your visitor on the page. You can still put Google ads but on the left or on the right of the page.


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  • Profile picture of the author tim_buchalka
    Lots of Ads on the site. Maybe too many.

    When I click an article I got ads about building websites and relationships. Would be good for them to be more about the content of the page itself.

    A good introduction to the Eton Mess Recipe possibly (as mentioned by travlinguy) and may a reason to use it. Why not make it clearer.

    e.g. You should follow this because you will be healthier in x days.

    Maybe a personal story of your success using it.

    I see it as a nice looking blog overall. Maybe you should promote the ebook/recipes OR adsense but not both ?

    Good luck!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5596828].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    That's a nice looking site. But what is it that you want your web visitors to do? Seems confusing. How will you make your money from this site? Advertising or Adsense? How are you getting people to your website?
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  • Profile picture of the author mrelk159
    this is a good looking site, how much are you making through adsense?
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  • Profile picture of the author DoubleIT
    Beautiful design. Add in more articles daily and you'll do great.
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  • Profile picture of the author PhilButler
    Thanks to all you guys that have taken the time to look over the site. I will put more content on the about page, with possibly a good header description too. The ADsense links will be moved to lower down each article page, and I think that the big clickbank images should be moved to a completely new page.

    It's possible that there is too much advertising on the home page, so I ll change the layout around. Thank goodness the site is wordpress based.

    The site is practically brand new, so maybe it ll take a while for visitors to check out the site as long as I keep getting back links. I'm interested in getting organic traffic.
    I have a Eton mess dessert squidoo page which I can link from which will help the rankings too.
    Thank you all for your help!.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tenzho
    I like it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Irwin Dominguez
    It looks really clean, but the images scroll through too quickly; I didn't have enough time to read about each image. I don't know if you intended to do this to force readers to click on the image to read the related article but I could imagine some people getting frustrated by it and not reading the articles at all... but overall - it looks really clean.
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  • Profile picture of the author papaz322
    Originally Posted by PhilButler View Post

    Hi Everyone,

    Please can i ask any of you guys, to have a look over at my new blog site, and
    suggest or recommend any changes, or revisions that may help to make the blog
    better for my visitors.

    It's a food recipe site, and i'm looking to monetise the site. I have added Adsense, Clickbank Ads, and Cpa Offers, and even a Amazon Store.
    Adsense will just take AWAY your visitors. Few pennies will not pay your bills. Promote better paying, afiliate products.
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  • Profile picture of the author rrm
    I had to exercise the eye muscles just to find what Eton Mess was, but I finally found it.


    It's not enough to want it... you have to want it enough.

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    • Profile picture of the author butters
      Ok, this is a quick scan over and here is what I see wrong with it so far, in my oppinion...

      1) You have about 6 different shades of blue on the page, the banner, the border, link text, button text, page outlining... You might need to tweak the css code to kind of bring it all into two or three different shades of blue which blend well.

      2) You need to check your grammar, just going to pick on this one "How to whip up recipe eton mess", that makes 0 sense.

      3) This will have to come down to testing when you get some traffic and this is your ad placement and amount of ads.

      4) The grey font is two small in my opinion, I find it quite hard to read, maybe up the font size by 1-3px and turn it to a darker shade of grey.

      5) Make your "about us" a lot more appealing, if all your gonna write is that then delete it.

      6) Post font size need to be bigger and black, it is hard to read in my opinion.

      7) Unless your going to update the site every couple of days / weeks, remove the dates from the home page, posts etc... There is nothing worse then seeing an article written a year ago

      Thats just food for thought, there is a lot more work which needs to be done and this is souly my oppinion of how I would tweak my site.
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