There are no substitutes.
Success is a derivative of persistence.
-Mark Batterson
Print out the above quote and put it next to your monitor.
Yes, you can be wildly successful in this business.
Yes, you can make your dreams come true.
Absolutely, 100% attainable.
However, keep in mind that no matter what the countless
flashy sales pages tell you, you can't push a "magic button",
and have $100,000 in your bank account tomorrow..that's
just not how it works.
I think many people start working from home and expect
the income of a highly skilled worker, from completing no/low skill work.
You wouldn't walk into a McDonalds and demand the income
of a surgeon for flipping burgers, would you? Of course not,
because just about anyone can flip a burger, but to become
a surgeon it takes years and years of school, residency, training, etc...
Yes, you can make money your first month, heck, even your
first week in this business. But in order to grow a long term
sustainable business (earning tens of thousands per month),
this is something that, outside of the rare exceptions who make
it big quickly, takes time to build.
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