I would like tips on creating a product
I have not been here in a long time, and don't remember what I last talked about. I tried searching for my 10 posts, but they are probably 'lost' or 'archived' and unsearchable.
I am 34 yrs old, and have lost a lot of money ($500) on PPC because I basically suck as an affiliate. So, maybe I should create one of my own products.
Trouble is, that I don't know where to start. Could someone point me in the right direction, and I will gladly put in the time to read all about it? Thanks for your time.
Well, I like to play online Holdem Poker, and fixing computers, painting on occasion, writing poetry once in a blue moon, running forums. I can read & speak Spanish. (not write it, lol) I love technology! and sci-fi.. etc. I consider myself intelligent, yet lazy. THAT STOPS TODAY. I will be dedicating more time into building my income off of internet based business. I know it will take time. I just bought something for $1 in the WSO area to get started on learning.
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Peace, Roey.
" You can either give a man a fish and feed him for a day OR teach him how to catch a fish and it will feed him for a lifetime"