Homeless Graffiti Artist Makes $190 Million from Facebook

by MP80
13 replies
...And he's not happy about it!

According to the story:

David Choe was hired by Facebook company president in 2005 to paint murals on the walls of their offices. He accepted $60,000 in shares as payment, which have just been valued at $190 Million following Facebook's Initial Public Offering announcement earlier this month.

Great work, if you can get it! But really, who would have thought?

Everyone's like: 'Well, what are you gonna do now?' and I'm like, I'm still gonna do whatever I want except more people are just gonna bother me."

Here's the original article: Facebook artist sick of newfound fortune

I don't know much about shares, or IPO's, but I can't help but wonder if perhaps this is the best way to make money from facebook?
#$190 #artist #david choe #facebook #graffiti #homeless #ipo #makes #million #shares
  • Profile picture of the author TheWicker
    Beautiful. The man does his job because he loves it and not only because of the cashflow.
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  • Profile picture of the author davejug1
    Invest in a start-up with a sustainable plan and money to invest. A lot of start-ups are looking for capital at the start and your investment could be what catapults them into FB status.
    FREE List Building help. Click here!

    Yes I do have freebies!

    Expertise comes not through knowledge or skills, but through practice
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  • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
    Great problem to have. Rather than whining, he could do a lot of good with that money if it's such a problem for him. I can imagine there are quite a few art programs which could benefit from some extra funding right about now.
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    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
      Originally Posted by Cool Hand Luke View Post

      Great problem to have. Rather than whining, he could do a lot of good with that money if it's such a problem for him. I can imagine there are quite a few art programs which could benefit from some extra funding right about now.
      EXACTLY! He does seem to be complaining more about his privacy than the actual money. But hey, if you've got $190 million, you can buy privacy. And still have plenty left over to donate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Riggs
    "David Choe, the graffiti artist who became the centre of attention when he made around $190 million when Facebook filed for an initial public offering earlier this month, wishes he could buy his privacy back."

    Kind of reflects the cynical perspective I have of most celebrities. They work hard their entire lives trying to get known, then feel forced to hide behind sunglasses in public to avoid being seen.

    Good on the guy though, I hope he finds happiness in the fortune of his new fame.
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  • Profile picture of the author ckbank
    Originally Posted by MP80 View Post

    ...And he's not happy about it!

    According to the story:

    David Choe was hired by Facebook company president in 2005 to paint murals on the walls of their offices. He accepted $60,000 in shares as payment, which have just been valued at $190 Million following Facebook's Initial Public Offering earlier this month.

    Great work, if you can get it! But really, who would have thought?


    Here's the original article: Facebook artist sick of newfound fortune

    I don't know much about shares, or IPO's, but I can't help but wonder if perhaps this is the best way to make money from facebook?
    This goes to show you that luck plays as much of a role as talent. But, there is nothing like the feeling of not having that million bucks, but waking up everyday with the hope of making it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5611554].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MP80
      Originally Posted by ckbank View Post

      This goes to show you that luck plays as much of a role as talent.
      Yeah, that's often true... A combination of following your passion, not needing or wanting the money, and being in the right place at the right time.

      Or, as Oprah :p says: 'Luck is preparation meeting with opportunity'.

      Originally Posted by ckbank View Post

      But, there is nothing like the feeling of not having that million bucks, but waking up everyday with the hope of making it.
      Personally, I prefer to start each day imagining what it feels like to already have that million dollars, so that I am operating from an abundance mentality.

      But I do know what you mean!
      Before you do ANYTHING else in your day - do at least ONE thing that brings money into your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I wish somebody hired me as a network engineer when i was living in my car for 11 months studying computer networking. Woulda been nice.
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  • Profile picture of the author almiller
    This is interesting!
    But not a "way to earn on Facebook"
    Luck like this comes to people who are dedicated to their work, and have worked hard to develop their talent.
    "Good fortune comes to those who are too busy to seek it"
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    and all the rest of the artists are starving wow go figure
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  • Profile picture of the author lucidsuccess
    Good for that guy.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      If he doesn't like the attention he can buy an island and live there by himself.
      Don't have a lot of sympathy for his problems. He could always put all of the money in a trust for when he's older or broker or has had his 15 minutes of fame and can be anonymous again.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author ttdub
    Now that's a great success story!
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  • Profile picture of the author RagePA
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