Video Screenshot Software?!

by rbowen
16 replies
Can anyone recommend a good, low-cost/no-cost software that I can use to make videos of what I'm doing ... what's showing on my PC's monitor?

I'd like to be able to do things (some, if not all) like: zoom in & out, blur or cover up certain spots (like my account password), insert an arrow, be able to underline or draw a circle around certain things, etc.

#screenshot #software #video
  • Try search for Camstudio. It's free and does the trick.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elmar
    Camstudio - free
    Jing project under 5 min - free
    Jing project over 5min - 14.95/year
    Camtasia - $200

    Of course Camtasia is the best but Jing is also pretty good. Very easy to use and draw with.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dann Vicker
    Best and sharpest screenshot recorder is camtasia, but it is pricey though it does the job. Cheaper alternatives include Jing (limited to 5 minutes for the free version) and Camstudio (free)

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    • Profile picture of the author SlicedGenius
      Depending on your future needs, you could also try - online based recorder and will also host the end result video for you too. They have a 15 day free trial available (no payment details needed) then it's $19/month.
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  • Profile picture of the author Slave
    I use Camtasia Studio to record the screen, it has all the things you require as per your post.

    It's easy to use - plenty of tutorial video's out there to learn from; but it's not cheap, butit's the only one you will ever need.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeraldNitram
    I remember one time when the higher ups wanted me to record how I actually do my work. They used Camtasia. If I remember correctly, I think they used a free edition. If you really want a good free screen recorder, go for Camstudio.
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  • Profile picture of the author stingrays06
    Only one I've used is Democreator and it got the job done...
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  • Profile picture of the author jayeye
    Camstudio is freeware, it works.
    Jing is free and good also and has a free upload service. There's a 5 min. limit for the
    free version, upgrade is about $15.
    Camtasia Studio is the best, but close to $300. You can get a 30-day free trial, though.

    Check them out ...
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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor
    You can use the free 30-day trial of Camtasia. Or you can use Camstudio, which is, as far as I can remember, free.

    There is another great web-based tool I use - Screencast-o-matic - lets you capture your screen without having to install anything, only Java is needed on your behalf.
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    • Profile picture of the author harrydog
      check out the link below for a complete free course on how to do this
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      • Profile picture of the author Valter B
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        • Profile picture of the author Jnelson
          I've been using Gadwin PrintScreen Professional for a long time now and Im comfortable with its image editing and annotation can try this!
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