I Want To Create a Weight Loss Product

by CPA
17 replies
I created lots of IM products in the past but I wanna move on now and get into more profitable niches like weight loss for example...

Can someone point me to the right direction? I mean someone with a little bit of experience. I got no idea what will work better, membership site or ebook/report. I also got no idea where can I get weight loss plr stuff.

I'd appreciate you posting here.
#create #loss #product #weight
  • Profile picture of the author K2SMedia
    If you have some $$$ stashed away, I have had an idea for an actual physical weight loss product for quite some time now... It's researched and priced out

    That aside, I dont know much about pushing the products... One of the best people you could ask would be your affiliate manager, because they know what's hot and why...
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisFord
      A membership site needs a front end.

      If you're not already selling products in that niche, you will need to speak to groups in person to build a relationship before you can sell a subscription product.

      Sounds like you're not, so I would say start with the simple stuff, like CPA ads and affiliate sales of weight loss products, to learn where the traffic flows in that niche and to start building a list.

      While you're doing that, do your research on info products and develop your own.

      Just my 0.02, but I speak from experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author doberman
    4.5 out of 5 Americans need to
    lose weight so that would probably
    be a good area to try to invent
    a solution

    Réal is an expert at helping people achieve thier Dreams & Goals. We will lock arms and I will show you how to explode your business. I will literally walk you through your journey to a 7 Figure income.

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  • Profile picture of the author aglobalpartner
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    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      Are you taking the piss

      Hopefully everyone here is going to report this post

      Originally Posted by aglobalpartner View Post

      Dear Master CPA Super Ninja

      Have you seen this affiliate program?

      A lady doctor named Dr Suzanne Gudakunst has just release what many are calling the end of the need for potentially harmful weight-loss drugs and designer foods made to help you lose weight.

      Dr Suzanne's discovery allows anyone regardless of their particular diet to do "just one simple thing" and instantly start shedding anywhere from 15 lbs to as much as 200 lbs of unwanted and dangerous fat!

      Typical results average 45 lbs in just the first 30 days alone for most people just starting out using her new secret.

      The reason this is so is because her secret (aptly titled: "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret") operates on an entirely different approach in the battle against the ever-increasing "bulge."

      Dr Suzanne discovered that harmful crusty "plaque" builds up over the years in all of us - and which is the direct result of harmful chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, etc. deliberately placed in perhaps every food on the market (much of which is now suspected as being carefully and intentionally done so that people will continue to get fatter and thus sicker, and in order to make the food & drug companies richer!)

      The result: This harmful plaque is responsible for your weight gain because is BLOCKS your body's natural ability to absorb proper nutrition - and which causes two (2) chief things to occur:

      >> Your body starves no matter how much you eat - so by not
      feeling satisfied you continue to stuff your face and get very
      very fat (and eventually at the permanent cost of your

      >> Your body thinks it's starving so your 'hypothalamus'
      adjusts your metabolism to burn food much, much slower in
      an effort to store food - thus making you even more and
      more fatter than even before!

      So it makes sense that if and when you REMOVE this unwanted "garbage" from lacing your 'insides,' you will naturally start dissolving the fat and "stored chunks of lard" that disfigure an otherwise more attractive and healthier frame and sexier body.

      As if this 'plaque' goop weren't enough, Dr Suzanne identified multitudes of specific species of "parasites" (i.e., little worm-like "critters" - some which have 'fangs' but no eyes) living inside nearly 99.964% of all people's small and large intestines in the United States alone, and about 92.36% of people on average worldwide.

      These parasites excrete (meaning they take a CRAP inside YOU!) a jelly-like "SLUDGE" they coats your insides and which is very, very harmful and extremely TOXIC!

      Additionally, much like the plaque, they often steal your nutrition which in turn again causes your body to believe it's starving, and as a defense you continue even more just to get FATTER and FATTER!

      These parasites usually end up dying (but not before laying millions of eggs!) -- and once they die they fossilize forming a coral-like barrier preventing your even further from absorbing the correct amounts of proper nutrition.

      When these parasites are FLUSHED from your guts, you end up magically losing tons of fat and extra weight - and even WITHOUT making one slight change to your diet or how much you eat!

      SHOCKINGLY, these same "little critters (as Dr Suzanne calls them) actually release chemical "messengers" that make you crave foods that you are not even supposed to eat at all!

      People who get rid of the parasites, therefore, suddenly find that they no longer even desire the Cheetos, pork rinds, jelly-filled treats, and 10,000's of other equally deadly so-called "foods."

      In the past 6 years alone Dr Suzanne has tested her amazing new discovery and "TOP SECRET Fat Loss Secret" privately with a select group of volunteers, and seen results that fall nothing short of the truly FANTASTIC!

      Recently investigators began carefully keeping an extra protective eye on Dr Suzanne after she received death threats from "individuals" purportedly connected to the vast drug empires and weight-loss food manufacturing companies.

      It would appear on the face of it that Dr Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" must really work, because if it didn't no one would care to bring her harm.

      This would be akin to an inventor discovering how to make a car that runs on water instead of gas assassinated by the major auto manufacturers!

      Investigators insist that the reason she received threats is largely because what she is doing may actually make people healthier, leaner, sexier and trimmer, as well as make them live longer fuller lives -- and as a result they stand to lose lots of money (possibly BILLIONS of dollars!!)

      The BEST part of her secret is that it's nothing difficult to do, and it doesn't require a major change in either your lifestyle or diet.

      In fact, "Nature's actually on our side" according to Dr Suzanne, as her solution to the arduous ills of fat and obesity is simply the ingestion of Nature's own 'protections' against both the harmful death-causing/obesity-causing plaque as well as the nasty little critters living in your bowels!

      I recognize a great thing when I see one -- and THIS SECRET is definitely the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

      We all know that people are just getting fatter and fatter, and more and more UNHEALTHY - so this is a secret whose time is long overdue.

      And to top it off, Dr Suzanne is now willing to let YOU share in her big fortune online! For every sale made from traffic you send to the Home Page, Dr Suzanne pays you through ClickBank(the most trusted name in digital online selling and affiliate programs worldwide!) a WHOPPING 75%!

      If you want the good doctor's secret for yourself and so that no one can ever take it away from you or steal out of your hands, then all you need to do is grab your own PDF copy. Just go to my fitdocs.net website in my signature to get it.

      So if you're wise, and want to grab her secret before something unforeseen forever prevents you from doing so, then you'd best do what I did and go secure it now.

      So don't overlook this opportunity as it may very well prove to be one of the most influential and important ones you've ever received...


      PS Just go to my fitdocs.net website in my signature to get it.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarQueteer
    I'm pretty amazed why you have to ask for diet PLRs if you are raking in $5000 daily (without spending a dime) from CPA offers as you claim in your WSO...
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    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Hi Marqueteer,
      I'm pretty amazed why you have to ask for diet PLRs if you are raking in $5000 daily (without spending a dime) from CPA offers as you claim in your WSO...
      Exactly what I was thinking.


      RE - aglobalpartner

      It's worth noting that this poster seems to be a real person, with real websites and an avatar photo and even a warrior album!

      The only conclusion I can come to is that she thinks that spamming the crap out of the forum is totally normal behaviour, along with ignoring (or failing to read) the rules and having an affiliate link in her sig that leads to an awful MLM site with a really loud audio that kicks in after about 15 seconds.

      Whois appears real!

      Takes all sorts, perhaps that's what MLM does for you. First rule of spamming - don't sign your name on it.

      She could do with learning that 'untitled page' is not a good page title for SEO, and some of the advice on the site is quite interesting -

      Important Questions & Answers ... Is my colon really so important to my health?
      Yep. Without one, you're gonna have problems.

      Roger Davis

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  • Profile picture of the author CPA

    First of all I never spammed ANYONE. I don't know why people are so stupid to waste time playing games on forums. If you can prove I EVER sent a pm like that to anyone, I would request to be banned myself. This thread was not meant to be judging me. I asked for support by people that are experienced in this niche because I am totally new to it and want to know more. If you have something personal against me please don't prove yourself to the community trying to get a few more "thank you" hits. Get a job. And yes, it's not just 1 person here. We are talking about 5 people behind this. So mind your own business before telling I don't make $5k every day. I actually make more. This thread was never meant to do any promotional stuff. I am removing the signature now.

    Article writing services still available!
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    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      Hi CPA

      If you read the responses to the thread thoroughly, you would see no one was accusing you of spamming, it was someone else who's post has now been removed.


      Originally Posted by CPA View Post


      First of all I never spammed ANYONE. I don't know why people are so stupid to waste time playing games on forums. If you can prove I EVER sent a pm like that to anyone, I would request to be banned myself. This thread was not meant to be judging me. I asked for support by people that are experienced in this niche because I am totally new to it and want to know more. If you have something personal against me please don't prove yourself to the community trying to get a few more "thank you" hits. Get a job. And yes, it's not just 1 person here. We are talking about 5 people behind this. So mind your own business before telling I don't make $5k every day. I actually make more. This thread was never meant to do any promotional stuff. I am removing the signature now.

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  • Profile picture of the author CPA

    Don't take anything personal. I apologize if I said something wrong to you, take no offense please.
    Article writing services still available!
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  • Profile picture of the author CPA

    Any newsletters you'd recommend? I mean sites where I can subscribe?
    Article writing services still available!
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    • Profile picture of the author Charles E. White
      I have been in the weight loss niche since about 2002. Instead of doing an either or on the e-book or membership site, why not do both? You can also add free recipes on the membership site that are low-fat, low carb or whatever else you want them to be.

      Offer a free e-book when they join your membership site and/or post the link to your membership site in your e-book.

      Recipe ingredients are not copyrighted but the recipe with the order of ingredients are.

      Charles E. White
      Internet Money Making Programs
      ^Find out the programs and products we have found to be worth the money^
      Join our FREE newsletter and get up-to-date details.

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  • Profile picture of the author maymorgano
    Hello CPA,
    Do you want to sell the weight loss as an affiliate? or be the Merchant who buys the product, makes sure that there is a decent shipping & handling, AND gets the chargebacks?
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  • Profile picture of the author CPA
    I've been thinking about creating a free report (short one) to gather some trust to those people and then link to my membership site where I charge like $97 per month... I also have to make sure I provide real good information there. I will hire someone probably.
    Article writing services still available!
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  • Profile picture of the author CPA

    Great thanks for all of the help. Is $97 really that much? I'm interested in learning more about how things are going in this niche...
    Article writing services still available!
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    • Profile picture of the author IMChick
      Originally Posted by CPA View Post


      Great thanks for all of the help. Is $97 really that much? I'm interested in learning more about how things are going in this niche...
      I think that you need to do preliminary niche research first before asking some of the questions I've just read. You can answer your own questions and then come back here for advice from people willing to share how they do things in the same niche. But you already have to have your answers for the basics before asking for help, I think.
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