The "Take Action" Myth

48 replies
You want to know what drives me insane? The people always screaming to "take action". It's only partially true, and if you always take action without thought you'll get depressed fast if the idea wasn't vetted out properly.

Here's the true recipe for success in the online world:
-Focus on your strengths: forget your weaknesses, most of your weaknesses you can find someone on Fiverr or the Warriors for Hire. Focus on what you can do to be successful right now.

-Find your niche: make sure there is enough people interested in your niche and that they buy online. Some niches may have a great degree of search volume but you won't see many successful Clickbank products. Use Bing with your search terms to see if you can find competition (not google because it's restrictive). People have to consume what you give them or you're wasting your time. If your strength isn't sold well online ask yourself how you can sell it offline through postcards. Here's an example: gardening products don't sell all that well online, but offline you can make a boatload of cash. Remember your demographics: if they are over 45 they buy offline first for niche products.

-Focus on 1 thing only: one niche, one way to market that is scalable, one sales mechanism (video, copy, webinar), and focus on only that one thing before you try anything else, but make sure your methods are sound first and foremost.

-Grab an awesome mentor who is already successful. If that mentor can't show you what they have done are currently doing skip them. I'm NOT a mentor so don't approach me. There are a lot out there. Your mentor should be the person you bounce ideas off for your niche selection, marketing selection, and all the things in-between. Use Alexa and to make sure their own sites have enough traffic so you can see their success.

Now, go take action, you are equipped.
#myth #take action
  • Profile picture of the author MarketingChad
    I don't think anyone claims that you can blindly just "take action" without having some knowledge. I think it's just that 99% of the time people fail because they keep buying products to learn what to do an never fully apply their methods in order to see results.

    It's an epidemic in Internet marketing to be a perpetual buyer and not apply that knowledge. When people say "take action" I don't think they mean just go out there and do something without a plan, they are just saying the reason why you're not making any money is because you're not doing anything!
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    All good stuff. The reason you find so much emphasis on taking action on this forum is too many people are students of IM and spend their time and money planning, buying products, getting coaching and analyzing their niche, but they never get started.

    So when looking for a mentor, find someone who is also a strategist and a coach and who can light a fire under your a*$.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Cohen
    When someone first "takes action" and has never done so before in regards to online business, they're bound to fail. Then fail again, and again. I feel as if it takes many attempts and mistakes before the possibility of success exists. That's at least what it was like for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelSJohn
    Let me explain what I mean. Sure you need knowledge, but most of the knowledge out there is crap, it really is. I almost gave up a few times because I got some ideas that were flash in the pan type ideas that didn't have any weight behind them. I know most people have experienced this.

    So knowledge isn't the problem, it's the false information out there that they want people to act on. Let me give you some examples of commonly bad ideas...

    1st Learn to blog, build up a base, and monetize it. Just a dumb idea. By the time you build that base, all those articles, your fingers bleeding you don't even know what to do so you build a product and it doesn't sell well so you build another and another blog in another niche. This is plain insanity.

    2nd Read some flavor of the month product out there that isn't a real business. This applies to most ideas that are sold. You can get all the knowledge in the world and "take action" and fail miserably. Not because you didn't learn or take action, but because the info was horrible.

    And listen to what Seth just said, "So when looking for a mentor, find someone who is also a strategist and a coach and who can light a fire under your a*$."
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveBagasao
    Yes I agree, you have to take the "right" action and you have to have a well-thought-out plan. I think, however, the point people are trying to make when they say "take action," is that you'll never do anything unless you do something.

    In reality, some people just wait around for things to happen to if success will just fall in their lap. Others are simply paralyzed by the fear of failure, the fear of success, or the need for perfection.

    So I guess the saying should be, "find your strengths, get focused, make a plan, and TAKE ACTION." :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author sonicadam123
    I completely see where you're coming from, but I never once thought that when someone said "take action" that it meant do so blindly.

    I sort of thought it was a given I guess.

    Although I can see that a lot of people do take action blindly.
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    • Profile picture of the author cwilliams6009
      For me "taking action" is a good antidote to over-analysis paralysis.

      "If I do this, I'm afraid I'll fail. So I'll do it, and not be afraid anymore" - I remember thinking.

      and you know what? I'm not afraid anymore.

      important step for me
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    • Profile picture of the author MichaelSJohn
      Originally Posted by sonicadam123 View Post

      I completely see where you're coming from, but I never once thought that when someone said "take action" that it meant do so blindly.

      I sort of thought it was a given I guess.

      Although I can see that a lot of people do take action blindly.
      In essence reading something you don't understand, or an idea that is not vetted as a successful plan is essentially take blind action because you don't know the success rate of the idea, how to make it profitable, and how to get qualified traffic and the like.

      In fact that type of blindness is more dangerous because you think you can see the picture clearly when in fact you are still blind.
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      • Profile picture of the author fin
        How do you know what the right action is unless you fail.

        Do you guarantee that anyone who uses your method will be a success?

        If not, then how does someone know what the right action is.

        Personally, I think taking action is great, no matter how you do it.
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        • Profile picture of the author MichaelSJohn
          Originally Posted by fin View Post

          How do you know what the right action is unless you fail.

          Do you guarantee that anyone who uses your method will be a success?

          If not, then how does someone know what the right action is.

          Personally, I think taking action is great, no matter how you do it.
          All good questions, but failure is not the measure of success, but success is. I've never said nor intimated not to do anything, my point is that if you don't know how to harness your strengths properly, get the right guidance than all you'll do is fail.

          Taking action, especially if it's wrong, develops bad habits, poor mindset in how to develop your business, and leads to frustration and burn-out.
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          • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
            Originally Posted by MichaelSJohn View Post

            Taking action, especially if it's wrong, develops bad habits, poor mindset in how to develop your business, and leads to frustration and burn-out.
            I see where you're coming from. However, this line of reasoning is the entire purpose of the "take action" mantra. You'll never actually start anything if you put off taking action until you're certain everything is right. This is precisely what puts folks in the paralysis-by-analysis state of mind. Sometimes you've just gotta take the leap. Sometimes you soar. Sometimes you splat.

            Look at Thomas Edison: As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

            The man took action. He couldn't possibly know he was on the right track. We might still be sitting in the dark and burning ourselves with candles had he worried about his success rate rather than how to get the damn bulb to light up.

            This also reminds me of John Wooden, who once said, "Winners make the most errors." Wooden was a winner. Who am I to doubt him?

            Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

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          • Profile picture of the author fin
            Originally Posted by MichaelSJohn View Post

            Taking action, especially if it's wrong, develops bad habits, poor mindset in how to develop your business, and leads to frustration and burn-out.
            In some people's eyes.

            It gives me direction. Tells me what's not working so I can try something new.

            You're basically telling someone to do nothing unless it will work, yet they don't know what will work. Catch-22.
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            • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
              I must admit, I thought the same as Fin.

              You need to act to get a response to adjust to take action again with a better approach.

              Toddlers fall to their knees but they end up walking.
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          • Profile picture of the author Elizabeth Fee
            Originally Posted by MichaelSJohn View Post

            Taking action, especially if it's wrong, develops bad habits, poor mindset in how to develop your business, and leads to frustration and burn-out.
            Not always true. Taking action, especially if it's wrong, could provide an invaluable learning experience of what NOT to do in the future. Guess this could be an argument of seeing the glass as half empty or half full.

            The question is whether or not you recognize the action you have taken was wrong or not - I can see your point if someone takes the wrong action, never realizes it, and keeps going, then yes... they've likely developed bad habits, poor mindset, etc.

            But I'd like to hope that eventually they'll figure it out - and see it as more of a learning experience than anything.

            Elizabeth Fee
            The Niche Mom - My personal blog to inspire and guide you towards earning an income online.

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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Ward
    Of course you need a direction. You wouldn't go on a trip by getting into your car and blindly driving over the speed limit in a random direction.

    But you're never going to get to your destination if the car just idles in the driveway until it runs out of gas, either.
    "Keep moving forward."
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    • Profile picture of the author Lucy Writes
      Action plus a well-researched plan is the best path to success. You don't want to go running off blindly, because that could get you in trouble or in over your head or just get you simply nowhere. There is a certain amount of education and research you need to do first to come up with your plan, but don't go overboard on it. Learn what you need to know, come up with a plan of action, and then DO it. That's the quickest path to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
    It's not a myth, it's rather a battle cry against finding the newest and shiniest objects.

    I'd say execution is as important. There are quite a few people who take a lot of good action, but aren't doing things the right way. If they knew what they're doing, they would be making bank by now. (That's where the mentor comes in.)


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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Im tired of people giving the advice "take action" too.

    Its ridiculous.

    Education is the key. You have to educate yourself before taking action, otherwise you're working without purpose.

    And infact, that's called "guessing".

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author Tom B
      Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

      Im tired of people giving the advice "take action" too.

      Its ridiculous.

      Education is the key. You have to educate yourself before taking action, otherwise you're working without purpose.

      And infact, that's called "guessing".

      You learn more from taking action. At least I have. People will purchase wso products for education only to continue purchasing more.

      There comes a time when you need to take action.

      The problem isn't taking action, the problem is not having a plan of action.

      A plan is necessary to achieve any long term success.
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  • Profile picture of the author nohypo
    take action means try mistakes
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  • Profile picture of the author kvnkane
    i disagree, first site i set up made $60 in one day. i didnt know anything about im. i took action and that site still makes me money 3 years later.

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  • Profile picture of the author biffula
    Originally Posted by MichaelSJohn View Post

    Now, go take action, you are equipped.
    I agree. Come up with a plan, then take action. The same thing that drives me nuts is the 'Never give up!' crowd. Not giving up is what drives people into bankruptcy. Know when to hold em, know when to fold em is a better strategy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kael41
    Eh, most people say that so that they can avoid paralysis by analysis
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmanjack
    Oh come one! the reason this became so wide spread is because people have harddrives full of information that they don't even read let alone act on.

    At least read the material you have already purchased before you purchase more.

    Imperfect action is better than no action at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
    Good points on both sides-

    It's obvious that most people are constantly jumping from method to method, but the "boring" stuff like blogging, article marketing, forum marketing, etc will always work as long as you're creating valuable content in a market with demand. It's impossible to take too much action with the basics, but when you get into more specialized stuff you obviously need to know what you're doing first.
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  • Profile picture of the author Landoy
    Thanks, very helpfull
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
    I think most people understand that take action means act on something you have thought out. Not just blindly do something just for the sake of taking action.

    Taking action is the only way to get results. No action - no money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Anton
    Spot on. You have to know where your going, or you'll never get there. Like Earl Nightingale taught us, if a ship had no destination it would barely get out of the port regardless how fast it was going (action)

    Write down where you want to be. You will unknowingly think about all the ways to achieve this goal. But once you write it down, you must act.

    I think the super focused efforts aren't for everyone. While working on one project I get ideas for another, or how to improve other things. It's human nature to dream, wander, and come back to a familiar place that has "become new again" with time.

    Don't pigeon hole yourself by any means. I was a "SEO" guy for years. While I still love it and consider it a great skillset, there is much more (doesn't have to be IM) if you allow yourself to freely roam the possibilities of what you are trying to accomplish.

    You don't have to know how to get there, as long as you know where you want to be.
    BacklinksIndexer - automated index/bulk links
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  • Profile picture of the author megawarrior
    Yes, definitely have to "think before you act".

    I remember a few years ago, in order to "take action", I bought a domain name that redirected to an affiliate link, paid a list-owner about $50 to send out an email to his list, and got no sales. I did nothing to track my clicks, check the quality of the list and the integrity of the website (which I found on google and did no research on).

    Fortunately I had already made a $300 hundred bucks by selling domain names a few weeks earlier, so I wasn't put off. But if the failed affiliate-link-to-newsletter-subscribers venture that I just explained had been my first attempt to make money online, I may have been put-off from taking more action in the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyke
    A lot of people get caught up in the "Perfectionist" syndrome, where they feel everything has to be just right before they do anything, resulting in a total lack of action, which in turn results in no money, disillusion and, more often than not, giving up. So, I think much of the reason for the "Take action" mantra is to do with not only avoiding sitting around gathering information ad nauseam, but also avoiding fear of failure due to some shortfall in perfection.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneMcc
    I have to disagree. I think the only way you can get good at anything is to take action and do something. If you start off with small steps in the right direction eventually you will reach your goal. If you sit back and over analyse things then you will get nowhere and by the time you do something teh rest of the world and your industry will have moved on. Yes of course plan before you take action but if you sit planning too much you will do nothing. I think it is Mark Zuckerbergs motto to "Break things" i.e. get out there and do something and learn along the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
    You can learn once you are applying things. So yes, taking action is neccasery.

    Getting your hands dirty is always the best way to learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tonylee93
    "Taking action is the only way to get results. No action - no money. " -Tim

    I believe in this a lot! I think you must jump in in order to make some type of start or money. Knowing and have done some research will help you succeed more but overall, taking action you need to just go out there and do it.

    I feel that you get better results if you try hard than if you just waste some time.
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    • Profile picture of the author fin
      What do people mean exactly by "no action without a plan".

      Who jumps blindly into something without thinking about it? Surely if you try something it's because you think it will work.

      We're all adults here. I think the phrase "planned action" is nauseating.

      What do you think we do:

      • Type random letters into Namecheap and register the domain.
      • Search "build a website" and use whatever is on the first page of Google.
      • Type 1000 random words on the keyboard and use it as an article.
      • Write the name of 100 Clickbank products and the one we pull out the hat is the one we promote.
      Like I said, we all take action before we do anything. Some people to stupid to tie their shoe laces; some people use "no plan" as another reason why they have failed to make money, so they can endure another 6 months of torture.
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      • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
        Hmm - haven't tried that. Probably an easy first page ranking on Google. Should give it a whirl.

        Originally Posted by fin View Post

        What do people mean exactly by "no action without a plan".

        Who jumps blindly into something without thinking about it? Surely if you try something it's because you think it will work.

        We're all adults here. I think the phrase "planned action" is nauseating.

        What do you think we do:

        • Type random letters into Namecheap and register the domain.
        • Search "build a website" and use whatever is on the first page of Google.
        • Type 1000 random words on the keyboard and use it as an article.
        • Write the name of 100 Clickbank products and the one we pull out the hat is the one we promote.
        Like I said, we all take action before we do anything. Some people to stupid to tie their shoe laces; some people use "no plan" as another reason why they have failed to make money, so they can endure another 6 months of torture.
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  • Profile picture of the author ukcarl
    I think taking action as many have mentioned before is about doing something rather than just buy product after product and never getting going.

    Also I don't think its a bad thing to try different thgings and fail, have you ever heard the saying "Winners Lose Much More Than Losers" the reason this is true is winners keep trying things until they do succeed and the people who don't succeed are the ones that spend all there time thinking about it but never do anything
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    • Profile picture of the author TopKat22
      Originally Posted by ukcarl View Post

      I think taking action as many have mentioned before is about doing something rather than just buy product after product and never getting going.

      Also I don't think its a bad thing to try different thgings and fail, have you ever heard the saying "Winners Lose Much More Than Losers" the reason this is true is winners keep trying things until they do succeed and the people who don't succeed are the ones that spend all there time thinking about it but never do anything
      I agree totally. I don't know it there is any scientific evidence to support it but I have observed it often in my life.

      As a matter of fact, most every successgul person I know would tell you they've had more failures, it just takes that one big success and that's it.
      44 days in and we broke the $10K a month recurring bench mark.

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  • Profile picture of the author clarest
    Maybe sometimes we have to be driven to a corner before we will go forth to act upon it.

    "There are no new fundamentals. Be suspicious of someone who says 'I've got a new fundamental.' That's like someone inviting you to tour a factory where they are manufacturing antiques." ~ Jim Rohn on fads

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  • Profile picture of the author cashtree
    I disagree with this post. Yes obviously you should have a feel for if there's a market before you go after it, but if you look at the most highly successful men, they didn't get there because of some "safe" plan. Take bill gates, he had 0 confidence in Microsoft early on, infact he tried selling it many times for cheap...and after it exploded in success, every raves about what a genius he is. You'll find many incidents like this, it's about right time, right place, not so much intelligence. Because you can also find countless examples of people who spent A LOT of time studying whatever, invested A LOT of money for the "perfect" idea that was going to make them rich, and it flopped...even behemoths like Google or Apple, how many of their products and services have flopped? And they have some of the smartest people in the world working for them...

    So I say don't try and get too clever, instead just TAKE ACTION and more importantly have a passion for what you're doing, the pieces will fall into place then and you're much more likely to succeed that way. To further my example, take fishing boats, when big storms come they have two options
    1) sail away out of the storm and stop fishing till it's over(this being the "smart" and "safe" choice) or
    2) keep fishing in the storm, take the risk and maybe sink your boat, lose what you already caught(if it's crab they're really brittle for instance, and banging around the boat can kill them easy not to mention when 1 goes, they let out toxic gas to kill others)

    If you ever watch deadliest catch I can't tell you how many times i've seen the boats completely clean up during or right after a storm, pots COMPLETELY full, because they took that risk, because they're passionate about what they do.
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  • Profile picture of the author accendo
    I agree with much of what has been. The directive to take action also implies the assumption of a researched action. I believe I read in Rich Dad, Poor dad somewhere that a risk is not a risk if it's a calculated risk. It's not an educated guess.

    Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    The kind of action that makes a difference in your life comes from inspiration.

    A lot of marketers WASTE their time taking uninspired action - just because they think they need to utilize (or fill up) their time.

    Not true.

    If you want to HELP lots of people with your SOLUTION (whatever you product or service is), then you need to focus on developing your unique voice and insights.

    Action shouldn't (and doesn't) feel like work when you come from an inspired perspective.

    I've built many successful online businesses (for myself and others) while only working just a few hours a day.

    Action is 90% internal and 10% physically enacting the creative process.


    P.S. A lot of people take non-stop action because of fear that if they stop working, their competition will get their customers or clients. You've always got to remind yourself that there's plenty of financial abundance for you. Just imagine people lining up for your service or buying your product BECAUSE THEY WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU! It's simply a matter of aligning your thoughts (and therefore action-steps) by focusing on your own abilities, assets and unique perspectives. That's how you will get AND STAY RICH!

    Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More

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  • Profile picture of the author kingrich21470
    i was on youtube the other day, and this person is running a membership site, and he uploaded a video of an idea to sell items online.

    i think he forgot to check the private box on his video, but it when public.

    well, what i'm saying is i'm going take this idea and test it out, and add my own spin on it.

    so, take any idea. make it your fountain, and add to it.

    Your Friend,
    Richard Patterson
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  • Profile picture of the author extremebizopp
    There are really only 3 huge evergreen markets.

    1. Wealth. 2. Health. 3. Relationships.

    Sub-niches are great, if theres not too much competition.

    Social media. The final fronteer...

    Facebook as really cleaned up in the relationship market.

    Set up a social media site. People write the content.
    And promote you to every corner of the internet.
    A few years later you collect 100 billion$.

    I'll take that deal... Actualy im just waiting to
    cash in my lottery ticket this weekend.

    Umm, social media, this gives me idea...

    I think ill keep that to myself...
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    LOL - what a mash-up this is.

    When you are new online - ANYTHING you do is action. If you read a product, attend a class, ask questions or read info in a forum -- it's all action. Do you think that people learn to make a blog or website before they actually do it without action? Learning IS action. You can't do much of anything until you have at least a rudimentary idea of how to do it. It takes action to figure it out.

    Needless to say -- when people are screaming about "aciton" -- what they really are referring to is "focusing" the action. You act to learn about something, then you pinpoint where to start and focus your leaning action on accomplishing what you initially took action learning about. Action isn't a "thing" --- it's a "process". It starts broad, and narrows into a laser as you come closer to the should. If it doesn't narrow down as you go, have a problem.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author Fixers
    IMO you need to take action if somewhat blindly at first. Then learn from what you have done and use this on your next project. Yes before this you need to read and then read some more to understand but s soon as you find a strategy you think will work AND that you think you can do ten jump in.

    You say about stick to something and scale, well yes and no on this one. Yes scale it and work it up but at the same time split test and try things a little different to spread what you do. What happens if your chosen strategy gets shot down and no longer works, you will be in a huge heap of s&£t!!

    Not saying you are wrong in what you are saying just partly wrong and there is a lot more to the picture.
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