by eQuus
8 replies
In manual blog commenting, you're given three fields: name, email, and website. Is it enough to leave my website in that field, or I need to leave another link inside my comment, and should I use an anchor link in there?
#blog #commenting
  • Profile picture of the author jackofeverything
    If there is a url field use that. I would say however to make sure you provide something valuable that the userbase can see as adding to the knowledge on that topic and they will then look into you further. You get more bang for your buck there anyhow. Remember that a good deal of comments are moderated so if you just post a senseless ad you will not get posted anyhow.
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  • Profile picture of the author K Meier
    Always depends on the website. Often when commenting on blogs, you can't use links directly in the comments, or if so, they are nofollow links.

    If you can and allowed by the owner, I would try and use it with an anchor text. Just make sure you don't come across as a spammer.
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  • Profile picture of the author WebMarketingDiva
    I would stay away from links in the comment. It definitely looks like spam. Use your URL in the URL section, then you can try putting your anchor text as your name. This can look spammy, so you may not get approved - but if it's auto approved - then you're golden.

    I recommend leaving a thoughtful, insightful, and relevant comment. Stay away from "nice article" kind of stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author owlfowl
    the best way of blog commenting is, write something about the product you're commenting, then describe your feeling, you can say i all ready use the products, for more information put your site link there. This doesn't look line a spam, so people love this way, you can get some traffic from your comment if it doesn't look like spam.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndyBlackSEO
    KeywordLuv plugin allows you to use keywords as anchor text. What I would say is stay away from blogs that have spammy comments on them, ie - nice site!, I've bookmarked your great article etc. Google can identify these blogs as low quality and unmoderated. Look for posts with a few good quality coolants and follow suite. I've just created an app that helps me to find great blogs to post on and I believe this mindset is the way forward as far as blog commenting is concerned.
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  • Profile picture of the author eQuus
    Thank you friends, appreciate your informative input. I intend to write relevant and informative comments that, not only contribute value to the blog, but also position my blog as a place worth visiting for more information.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasono
    It's actually better to have your links inside the body of your comment but it will still be moderated and most blogs today are inactive so success rate of your comment to be live is less. I suggest you comment on active blogs but give a relevant comment so it will not be disapproved.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andylinks
    Most high PR blogs are moderated. To get your comment accepted, I advice that you leave out links in the body of the comment and put your url in the URL box. You may be able to get away with anchor text though.
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