15 replies
Hi guys, I am completely new to IM and thought I would jump in without too much of a clue and have got a couple of exact keyword domains which actually aren't that great now I have read a bit more! Can anyone please look at the link below and give me any feedback. The site is going to be used as an Amazon affiliate site. The keyword has local exact search of 1000 in the UK which is great. However I forgot the next rule to see if there were lots of reviews/info about the subject which there isn't so I have decided to leave it as a one page site. For the wording I have found what I can and changed and added to it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

#rate #site
  • Profile picture of the author merlincat
    Love the background and colour scheme.

    However, I wanted to go somewhere and read more. I can buy immediately from Amazon, thats all.

    Try to add more content, do loads of research and write the reviews yourself maybe, or suggest the types of interior this lamp will work with.

    Nice site design,well done
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  • Profile picture of the author neilward
    Thanks for the reply, was thinking that myself just not sure where to get the content from. Guess I will just have to be creative!
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  • Profile picture of the author Eko Ventures
    Simple and nice, though there is definitely some room for improvement .

    As merlincat said, more information - perhaps some reviews - for each product within your own site would be a great addition!

    I would also recommend making the switch to wordpress sooner than later if you want to expand on the site at all, it will make adding additional products and pages much, much easier.

    The design is nice (and can be easily duplicated with wordpress) - though if you want to maintain the single column list I would recommend making the background static/non-repeated; so when a visitor scrolls down, only the column moves and the background image remains stationary. It's a very detailed pattern, so as I scrolled down I found myself distracted by it, taking my eye off the products.

    It's a great start either way though!
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  • Profile picture of the author neilward
    Cheers Eko Ventures, fixed the background, very good point. I need to have a look at wordpress again installed it a couple of years ago and never got round to seeing what it could really do but I have been recommended it a few times on this forum. As I have just got into the big world of IM I am trying to do one job at a time! I do have plans to make bigger sites so I think it is a must.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kom
    Nice !!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph G Spiteri
      If this is your first try then it's OK. You need some kind of header to catch the attention of the visitor. You need to ad more information for each lamp
      and you need to categorize these will make your site look a little more appealing.
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  • Profile picture of the author hartbob40
    i like it - very simple and straightforward but like merlincat said - try to add more content

    ...or at list more pics of the product imo

    good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author ItsChrissy
    Personally I would change the "Buy Here" link to read something like "Find Out More" . That way it should encourage those who aren't in buying mode to click too.

    I also think it needs a nice header graphic as mentioned above.

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  • Profile picture of the author K1
    If you're trying to sell those products I think you'll need more pictures, my opinion only.
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  • Profile picture of the author Green Diamond
    I can tell you it will works if you build some back links for the below keyword:
    "tripod floor lamp"

    Don't go for the second keyword because domination in Google will be harder

    Hope you can get what you want
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  • Profile picture of the author planetlubs
    Hi Neilward,

    Your site looks great. However, if you want to rely on Google for traffic, then you have to do more than putting up that page.

    I would suggest that you build more pages with unique SEO content (Such as reviews for the Lamps). That way, you will be able to attract the attention of Google that will send traffic to your site. If the current site does not allow you to add more content, you can look around for some plugins that can allow you to do so. I think there are a couple of them here on the forum.

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    • Profile picture of the author neilward
      Thanks for the reply planetlubs, a few people have mentioned about the content not being enough and I have taken that on board. I bought two domains to try out Amazon affiliate and I am just doing the second one at the moment. Completely ignoring the text as it is just copy and paste from amazon and I haven't got round to changing it yet is the link below more what you were talking about? Many thanks for all of the warriors help!


      Originally Posted by planetlubs View Post

      Your site looks great. However, if you want to rely on Google for traffic, then you have to do more than putting up that page.

      I would suggest that you build more pages with unique SEO content (Such as reviews for the Lamps). That way, you will be able to attract the attention of Google that will send traffic to your site. If the current site does not allow you to add more content, you can look around for some plugins that can allow you to do so. I think there are a couple of them here on the forum.
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  • Hi Neil,

    Although I'm going to go slightly off topic I going to add some things that it might also help to bear in mind when putting sites together. When I use the word Google I'm probably talking generally about most search engines.

    One of Google's primary business models is the advertising side of things. They make money if people click on the ads. To keep that model delivering cash for them, the businesses that place ads using Google want to make sure it's value for money. A key part of that is the will be customers who click on those ads who go on to make purchases. They want quality customers which if they get them increases the likelihood they will continue to use that as an advertising medium

    Google want to protect that revenue stream and one way they can do that is by making sure only the most relevant content ranks highest when people type in a search query. If they return a ton of junk unrelated to the search query, they will dilute their revenue stream. It's for this reason I think they do a lot of their updates to stop people gaming the system.

    It's for that reason that most of the responses here are about content. If Google sees your site receiving regular updates with high quality relevant content, they are more likely to give your site more love because it helps them achieve their business aim.

    Although your not running adsense sites, the logic of their business model is worth bearing in mind because it will still apply to the ranking they give your site for a search query.

    Also, more content may also be a factor in getting a better price if you decide not to stick with it and flip it.

    Good luck


    Be a business - wherever you are http://nomadentrepreneur.blogspot.co.uk/

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