Advice Needed Urgently

by trnz
10 replies
I am starting to get people 'liking', 'commenting' and following on my blog.
This is a good thing and everybody on here advises that l should be communicating with these people and building up relationships. Here is the problem. I am a newbie to blogging. I am still learning and getting bogged down in the nuts and bolts of all the programs and tools that I am learning to use. I am also researching and writing my blog articles.
I just do not have the time to email these people. Can anybody advise me how to handle this problem? Any help will be very welcome.
#advice #needed #urgently
  • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
    You only need to write one email
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  • Profile picture of the author planetlubs
    Some of your email subscribers do not have the time to visit all the articles you write on your blog. How about if you email your blog article to them. Then when you have time, you can write to them.

    That would be a good way to keep in touch .That is great

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  • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
    If you have time to type up this thread, then you have time to compose an e-mail.
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  • Profile picture of the author clarest
    If general questions were asked by your commenters and if its too laborious to answer one by one, answer all together in a post or set up a FAQ if you have to. You should give a response somehow.

    "There are no new fundamentals. Be suspicious of someone who says 'I've got a new fundamental.' That's like someone inviting you to tour a factory where they are manufacturing antiques." ~ Jim Rohn on fads

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  • Profile picture of the author SteveBagasao
    I've been an offline (and recently online) business owner for many years and my moto has always been..."take care of your customers first, and everything else will fall into place."

    All the nut, bolts, tools, and programs mean nothing if you don't have real people coming to your blog. I would make them your priority. It's real easy to get bogged down and side tracked with every little new shiny IM gadget and plugin.

    My advice would be to give top priority to your content and your visitor. Give them a worth-while experience and they'll keep coming back, plus they'll tell others about you too.
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  • Profile picture of the author ericbryant
    How about just post right in the comment thread? If people are RSS'd or email-subscribed, they will get it. Or use a tool that lets you handle all your comments in one place like Disqus.
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    • Profile picture of the author trnz
      Thanks for all the good advice. My blog is a philosophical one not a factual one. I could get involved in some very long discussions. What I need is having some sort of forum where they can talk to each other.
      Any suggestions for this? I have Blogger, Wordpress and Facebook Fan Page accounts.
      In the meantime some posts suggest one email. Is this what you mean: Write out one/set/template email and send it to all? Like this:
      "Thank you for your like/follow/comment."
      This does not address questions. What should I do about questions? Should I put something in the email?

      Make the world a better place! Spread some Love, Peace and Happiness! Join The Happy People!

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      • Profile picture of the author wilsonljx
        I have seen many bloggers sending follow up message on popular posts and I found it pretty effective. Also, some comments might not be sent by real people, it can be sent by bots. One of the way to prevent it is to download GASP plugin. It is to prevent spamming.
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        • Profile picture of the author livethedream
          First make sure these comments are from real people and not bots as mentioned in the previous post. You can spot a bot comment a mile off so it wont take much of your time.

          If they are real people don't waste this opportunity, start to build a relationship with them, offer them a freebie, setup a page on your blog where they can download your gift. Best way is to use something like aweber, this way you can send them to the download page and add them to your list !
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          • Profile picture of the author r30ducez
            Using something like Aweber to manage your list is a very good idea, you can set up an auto-responder to automatically send out a welcome/thank you email every time someone subscribes.

            As far as answering comments, just set aside some time everyday to answer some comments. Give yourself 20-30 mins, then move on. You are not going to get them all, but eventually you will start having active subscribers who will also help answer some of the questions and be good contributors to your blog.
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