1100 UV Last Month, Not 1 subscribed. Possible Reasons?

12 replies

I started my blog (link in signature) like 6 months ago. One month ago i started getting 40-60 UV per day but not one is subscribing to my blog.

I use Mail Chimp and i even give a free eBook. Any advice why not one person didn't subscribe until now?

My site's bounce rate is 83%, average time on site 1 min and average time on page 2 min, and i have 88% new visits for the last month based on Google analytics, if these are related.

Thank You,
#1100 #month #reasons #subscribed
  • Profile picture of the author WhamSoft

    Covering the basics first, have you tested the optin box to make sure it works?

    I'd redesign the optin box will a clear call to action and simplified form.

    Try another call to action such as:
    "Claim your free business starter pack"

    No one really wants a eBook, you have to dress it up a little and maybe add a picture of your ebook cover.

    I'd also change the optin box to request just a name & email, I'd remove the formatting part. I'd also remove the subscribe for updates above your call to action.

    You just want one simple clear message.

    With regards to the traffic to your site I'd check your stats and find out what people were looking for before arriving at your site, then you can create content to match what they're actually looking for and this will help reduce your bounce rate.

    Hope this help a little.

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  • Profile picture of the author laurenceh
    Hi Costasn,

    Where are your visitors coming from?

    What sort of keywords (if any) are you ranking for? They need to be relevant to what you're giving away or it may be possible your visitors won't be interested in your book. It would also explain your high bounce rate.

    Also your opt-in box is pretty bland. Colorwise, I had to look around for a while before I found it, and when I did your "Headline" is not very inspiring.

    "Get a FREE Ebook on Starting a Home Business"

    Why? What will you show me that I don't already know?

    Is it an eBook aimed at beginners? Stay at home mums? Will it show me how to start on a low budget?

    Give a specific benefit that will MAKE people want to download the book.

    For example...

    "Get your FREE guide to starting a home business with less than $20"

    "Download your FREE beginners guide to starting a home business"

    "Discover the secrets to starting a simple home business TODAY"

    Find an angle that builds a little desire ya know. You can do that in a few words if you think about it.

    Hope some of that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurenceh
    Oh I'd also suggest moving your opt-in box to the top right. Tends to convert better ;.)
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  • Profile picture of the author Diice
    Originally Posted by costasn View Post


    I started my blog (link in signature) like 6 months ago. One month ago i started getting 40-60 UV per day but not one is subscribing to my blog.

    I use Mail Chimp and i even give a free eBook. Any advice why not one person didn't subscribe until now?

    My site's bounce rate is 83%, average time on site 1 min and average time on page 2 min, and i have 88% new visits for the last month based on Google analytics, if these are related.

    Thank You,
    A bounce rate of 83% is very high for an informative blog, i would suspect that most people are landing on your pages and not finding what they were looking for. It can be really hard to lower your boucne rate but it can be done if you clean up the site and make sure people are getting what they want from the site.

    You also have to think logically, out of those 17% that did not bounce of your homepage, how many are really looking to sign up for something which is going to notify them constantly. I dont go to website looking to sign up for things but every so often i do. So its a game of both chances, and the factors you can improve to help those chances.

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  • Profile picture of the author Vivek_Sharma
    Pop Up otin box can be a good option try it ... and try to relate your gift with the site contents ... in same niche
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      BLAH! "Get a free ebook on....." Three exclamation points doesn't make it more interesting

      Have you tested better text?

      "Avoid small business pitfalls with this free report"

      "Step by step to starting a small business"

      "Our (or your) free guide to starting your own profitable business"

      "FREE - Our small business start-up guide"

      (those are just top of my head suggestions - you can come up with something better - but use text with some personality)

      You are offering "an ebook" so why make people choose a "format"? Whe visitors have to make a second decision - they lose focus on the initial offer.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author JaySG
    The bounce rate is high, so it's 83% bounce rate, that means just 17% of visitors are actually scanning the content. The first step is minimizing the bounce rate, and that is done by the quality of your content. Second, where is the optin box? Like Vivek_Sharma says try using a popup to capture the leads. Third, if your lead magnet is pretty generic or your copy is weak, your conversion will be weak too. Try improving your optin copy and make a lead magnet that pulls.
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  • Profile picture of the author sureshots
    I just checked out your blog and my question is where are you trying to capture email addresses? I noticed that you try to capture pages on "YOUR" top left hand corner. It's better idea to put it on your top right hand corner. When you look at your website pay attention to where your own eyes drift to first. For me it's always the top right hand corner!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Even though your opt-in box is at the top left hand side on the page, it's very hard to find. It blends in with everything else, and it's light to see. Also, remove the "required field, preferred format" part of your opt-in box.

    I would make the homepage a squeeze page, capture leads, then direct them to your blog for the content and inforamtion you have on their. Plus, if you want to make money with Google Adsense, leading your email subscribers to your blog on a daily basis is a great way to earn yourself some money.
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  • Profile picture of the author geekology
    I would personally keep 'Preferred Format' out. The more option you provide them the lesser will be the optin rate, that's a rule and have been proven time and again.

    Also try to have a pop-up optin. I have my optin rate doubling just by using pop-ups. I have reviewed a good pop-up plugin some time back on my blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hlatky
    One of the problems could be that people don't even see it. When I opened your site it took a few seconds to find it and I was looking for it! I would imagine people that aren't looking for it just might miss it. It blends in perfectly with your site.
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