landing page AIN'T LANDING SQUAT

by aizaku
33 replies
My Fellow Warriors,

I need your advice. Be brutal, be truthful, be whatever it is that will help me convert more with this product I created two months ago.

Check it out and beat it up:

How can I make this landing page land some conversions?

Lower the price?

Change or move things around?

Thank you all in advance!
#conversions #convert #landing #page #sh#t
  • Profile picture of the author James Foster
    There's a lot to consider here.

    1) Where's your traffic currently coming from?

    2) Is it enough traffic to give you statistically significant results?

    3) Does this product fill a need?

    I've got a child (now a toddler) and we had a diaper cake at my girlfriend's babyshower... but only because someone gave it to her... And it wasn't super fancy.

    Maybe it's just because I'm a guy (although my girlfriend didn't seam particularly impressed with it either) but it doesn't strike me as something people are going out of their way to buy a course on learning how to do.

    A book on cake decorating sells a lot, because you can always eat cake.... but a course on diaper cakes are only going to be useful so many times... How many of your friends are going to have baby showers? In my part of the US it's standard to have 1, regardless of how many children you have.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ron Desi
      You said be critical so here goes...

      I did a search for 'how to make a diaper cake' and got a TON of resources...all for free. I'm not sure anyone would actively purchase this product when there is a sea of free content out there.

      Perhaps offer the product for free and start collecting a list? Then you have a niche you can email market to and try to sell affiliate products.

      Just some thoughts.

      Ron Desi
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      • Profile picture of the author aizaku
        Originally Posted by WebsiteVideoPresenter View Post

        You said be critical so here goes...

        I did a search for 'how to make a diaper cake' and got a TON of resources...all for free. I'm not sure anyone would actively purchase this product when there is a sea of free content out there.

        Perhaps offer the product for free and start collecting a list? Then you have a niche you can email market to and try to sell affiliate products.

        Just some thoughts.
        Im thinking about it, but it isnt that true for all info and video products.
        thanks for your input!
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      • Profile picture of the author aizaku
        Originally Posted by illinimatt81 View Post

        Taking this same argument you could argue that all of our info products many warriors sell can have the same info found free elsewhere so selling eBooks is a waste of time. Clearly this is not the case. It is the value of having it all in one package with maybe some added value you can't get elsewhere.

        Problem here might be the niche. Is it compelling enough that people want to spend money on a course?
        Yes, i agree and yes i think it is
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  • Profile picture of the author doshmachine
    If your really intent on the Diaper Cake phenomena then create a facebook page and join any groups related to parenting etc....create some interest then post a link around.....
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    • Profile picture of the author daioner
      Originally Posted by doshmachine View Post

      If your really intent on the Diaper Cake phenomena then create a facebook page and join any groups related to parenting etc....create some interest then post a link around.....
      +1 you can create a fanpage and then advertize it to got some fans and the more fans you got the better are the chances some of them to be your customers! i increase my sales by adding fans to my page from they are fast!
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    At least you're on the first page of google for your EMD keyword.
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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by rmolina88 View Post

      At least you're on the first page of google for your EMD keyword.
      yea, a lot of good its doing me,

      Thanks for the heads up thou!
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    Thanks guys!

    1) Where's your traffic currently coming from?
    some affiliates and my baby shower authority site

    2) Is it enough traffic to give you statistically significant results?
    dont know - this is my first product, i've been making 'mine' as an affiliate so I dont know much about this side of the fence. What should I be looking at; a sale for every 100 visits?

    3) Does this product fill a need?
    tons of keyword traffic and ppl pay well over a hundred dollars to get one made.

    Im thinking about lowering the price again, or set it up as a business opportunity. Make diaper cakes and sell them from home kinda of thing. There is a demand.

    or I just might offer it for free for optin emails... but it such a good product, feels like a waste.
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    My instinct is that it needs photos - lots of them - showing creations you've made. I've never come across daiper cakes but I'd want to see photos of designs I could make. Something that would make me want to purchase your book so I could reproduce something you've shown me that I've decided I want.

    Put the photos at the top of the site to grab the reader's attention.
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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

      My instinct is that it needs photos - lots of them - showing creations you've made. I've never come across daiper cakes but I'd want to see photos of designs I could make. Something that would make me want to purchase your book so I could reproduce something you've shown me that I've decided I want.

      Put the photos at the top of the site to grab the reader's attention.
      Thank you, over the video?
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    I suggest that you start a blog about baby shower ideas and place your links there so that people who are interested in finding out about baby showers can also learn about your product. Just my idea maybe you don't agree but have you thought making them and shipping them to people as most don't have time or skill to make them while you can and selling a product will fetch you more money than selling videos.

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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by gYasirYar View Post

      I suggest that you start a blog about baby shower ideas and place your links there so that people who are interested in finding out about baby showers can also learn about your product. Just my idea maybe you don't agree but have you thought making them and shipping them to people as most don't have time or skill to make them while you can and selling a product will fetch you more money than selling videos.
      Actually , u've described my current situation. But thanks anyways
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  • Profile picture of the author AdenWhite
    Two words that should never be together -- diaper and cake. It's enough to put you off cake.


    I agree about there being more images.

    Check out this (totally unrelated) site: Animal Sculptures, Paper Mache Recipes and Projects

    I know it's a different subject, but it's a craft site, and I know that the site was getting 700 uniques a day at one point -- perhaps you could copy the style.

    The owner of the site used the "Goobert" method to get all that traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by AdenWhite View Post

      Two words that should never be together -- diaper and cake. It's enough to put you off cake.


      I agree about there being more images.

      Check out this (totally unrelated) site: Animal Sculptures, Paper Mache Recipes and Projects

      I know it's a different subject, but it's a craft site, and I know that the site was getting 700 uniques a day at one point -- perhaps you could copy the style.

      The owner of the site used the "Goobert" method to get all that traffic.

      This is the common idea that im getting from folks, both warriors and customers alike . Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Rough Outline
    If you haven't already, have you thought about adding a short video just explaing what you are offering and the benefits to the person etc?
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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by Rough Outline View Post

      If you haven't already, have you thought about adding a short video just explaing what you are offering and the benefits to the person etc?
      Yea, i got that already with little sample videos within the main vid.
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  • Profile picture of the author TolyZ
    I like the title of this thread lol
    Professional SEO Company that gets results.
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  • Profile picture of the author FrankieTP2
    Hey aizaku,

    Did you do market research to find out if people are willing to spend money on diaper cake courses? That's the first step you should have taken before creating this product.

    If not, I think you should do it right now even if it's too late taking into account that you already created this product. If it turns out that there's no market for this particular product, give it away to build a list you can market to as Ron said previously.

    If you are an info product marketer and you don't have a list, you just don't have a serious business.

    I have an idea actually... Offer the diaper cake course as a freebie to build your list, and sell the bonuses as a One-Time Offer (OTO). That is if the bonuses you are offering are yours.

    I hope that helps...

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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by FrankieTP2 View Post

      Hey aizaku,

      Did you do market research to find out if people are willing to spend money on diaper cake courses? That's the first step you should have taken before creating this product.

      If not, I think you should do it right now even if it's too late taking into account that you already created this product. If it turns out that there's no market for this particular product, give it away to build a list you can market to as Ron said previously.

      If you are an info product marketer and you don't have a list, you just don't have a serious business.

      I have an idea actually... Offer the diaper cake course as a freebie to build your list, an
      d sell the bonuses as a One-Time Offer (OTO). That is if the bonuses you are offering are yours.

      I hope that helps...
      I make sales but not as much as id hope. There are other diaper cake courses out there.

      So there is a market for it. I have a baby shower authority site and started building my list three months ago. I just bonused-up the product last nite and woke to two sells out of 79 views. Im gonna wait a while before i retire it as opt in bait- thanks
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      • Profile picture of the author FrankieTP2
        Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

        I make sales but not as much as id hope. There are other diaper cake courses out there.

        So there is a market for it. I have a baby shower authority site and started building my list three months ago. I just bonused-up the product last nite and woke to two sells out of 79 views. Im gonna wait a while before i retire it as opt in bait- thanks
        2 sales out of 79 views is a very good conversion rate. That possibly means you have to work harder on its marketing.

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        • Profile picture of the author aizaku
          Originally Posted by FrankieTP2 View Post

          2 sales out of 79 views is a very good conversion rate. That possibly means you have to work harder on its marketing.
          Yea, im thinking that too.

          thank you for your help!
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  • Profile picture of the author Daystar11
    You might try putting an optin box in the upper right corner, offering them a freebie in exchange for signing up. Then give them a 7 day how-to email series, or a short report, or some other enticement which will lead them to buy your product.
    How about changing the price to $9.95 (but its already pretty low); I would also put a nice big "Buy it Now"(or add to cart) button, and repeat it in at least 3 places, sprinkled through the copy, and starting higher up. I would also make the price bigger and with more space round the number, and have a few of the buttons without all the logos around it- keep it nice and simple, with just the call to action and the price.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5676256].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by Daystar11 View Post

      You might try putting an optin box in the upper right corner, offering them a freebie in exchange for signing up. Then give them a 7 day how-to email series, or a short report, or some other enticement which will lead them to buy your product.
      How about changing the price to $9.95 (but its already pretty low); I would also put a nice big "Buy it Now"(or add to cart) button, and repeat it in at least 3 places, sprinkled through the copy, and starting higher up. I would also make the price bigger and with more space round the number, and have a few of the buttons without all the logos around it- keep it nice and simple, with just the call to action and the price.
      Thanks, but i dont want to anger the few affiliates i have with that kind of leakage.
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  • Profile picture of the author Viramara
    "Learn to Make Beautiful Diaper Cakes" doesn't seem like a strong call to action for me...

    "diaper masterpieces and much more" sounds like a cop-out....I mean, it's like an unfinished statements.

    "this method cuts diaper...."
    "this method is incredibly...."
    "this method is...."

    why don;t you cut+delete the "this method" words and straightly emphasize the rest of sentences? Raise the font size and add the check will have stronger impression that way

    where are the pictures of beautiful baby diaper cake? you keep telling it but no pic...maybe if you include this on the vid, you can make it into pics instead. Most readers want to scan quickly through the sales page and chances are they are lazy enough to play the video just to find out. spread the beautiful pics everywhere on the sales page to impress your readers.
    example :

    "yes, you'll be making diapers like this"
    (pic 1)

    and this
    (pic 2)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5676337].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by Viramara View Post

      "Learn to Make Beautiful Diaper Cakes" doesn't seem like a strong call to action for me...

      "diaper masterpieces and much more" sounds like a cop-out....I mean, it's like an unfinished statements.

      "this method cuts diaper...."
      "this method is incredibly...."
      "this method is...."

      why don;t you cut+delete the "this method" words and straightly emphasize the rest of sentences? Raise the font size and add the check will have stronger impression that way

      where are the pictures of beautiful baby diaper cake? you keep telling it but no pic...maybe if you include this on the vid, you can make it into pics instead. Most readers want to scan quickly through the sales page and chances are they are lazy enough to play the video just to find out. spread the beautiful pics everywhere on the sales page to impress your readers.
      example :

      "yes, you'll be making diapers like this"
      (pic 1)

      and this
      (pic 2)
      Thank u! Thats what im talking about- images and copy ideas. Ill be implementing this . Last nite i bonused-up the product and pasted some big fat buy me now buttons and got some conversions from it. Next are more images . Id like more s.copy ideas. Thank u all
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinW
    I would say a simple change of strategy is needed.

    Do this:

    1. Setup a "Squeeze Page" with less info. Just a video, some bullet points and an optin form.
    2. Offer the free product for the contact information.
    3. Follow up with an email with a link to your sales page.

    Give something of value for free and you'll get some love from your visitors. This will increase the % of buyers. And you'll build a valuable buyers list.

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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by KevinW View Post

      I would say a simple change of strategy is needed.

      Do this:

      1. Setup a "Squeeze Page" with less info. Just a video, some bullet points and an optin form.
      2. Offer the free product for the contact information.
      3. Follow up with an email with a link to your sales page.

      Give something of value for free and you'll get some love from your visitors. This will increase the % of buyers. And you'll build a valuable buyers list.

      thats a great idea but i dont want to anger the few affiliates I have on click bank. I know i wouldn't promote a product with that kind of leakage.

      If i switch back to paypal then i will most certainly set up a freebie

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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    There is no sizzle there.

    Instead of going out .. micro in. Your selling point should be how much the person that buys your information can make selling the diaper cakes you tell them how to build.

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  • Profile picture of the author David Raybould

    If this is your first product, the decision
    you need to make here is pretty simple.

    Are you willing to pour enough hours into
    this one to make it a success?

    Or will it be smarter to put those hours
    (and everything you learned on this project)
    into your next project?

    I suspect the issue we're having here
    is that you've picked a market without a
    lot of trauma. I don't imagine there are
    too many people in the world lying awake
    at night wishing they could make a diaper

    If you think about some of the big money
    markets- weight loss, health, credit, insurance -
    they all have prospects that are trying to
    end some form of suffering, and that makes
    it much easier to sell them on a solution.

    As for diaper cakes, I just don't know if it's
    the kind of thing that's going to fire people
    up enough to get them to give you money.

    If I were you I'd turn this into a squeeze
    page, start capturing the leads, and move
    on. Try not to fall in love with your product -
    it'll be easier for you to maintain the correct

    Good luck with it.

    -David Raybould
    Killer Emails. Cash-spewing VSLs. Turbocharged Landing Pages.

    Whatever you need, my high converting copy puts more money in your pocket. PM for details. 10 years experience and 9 figure revenues.
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    • Profile picture of the author melnat85
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      • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
        Might need to check that free autoresponder .. the form is dead .. edit .. guess the post is dead now lol.

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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by David Raybould View Post


      If this is your first product, the decision
      you need to make here is pretty simple.

      Are you willing to pour enough hours into
      this one to make it a success?

      Or will it be smarter to put those hours
      (and everything you learned on this project)
      into your next project?

      I suspect the issue we're having here
      is that you've picked a market without a
      lot of trauma. I don't imagine there are
      too many people in the world lying awake
      at night wishing they could make a diaper

      If you think about some of the big money
      markets- weight loss, health, credit, insurance -
      they all have prospects that are trying to
      end some form of suffering, and that makes
      it much easier to sell them on a solution.

      As for diaper cakes, I just don't know if it's
      the kind of thing that's going to fire people
      up enough to get them to give you money.

      If I were you I'd turn this into a squeeze
      page, start capturing the leads, and move
      on. Try not to fall in love with your product -
      it'll be easier for you to maintain the correct

      Good luck with it.

      -David Raybould
      Great advice! It does bring in profit about once every day. Yea, im not too hung up on it. I got me an asset (be it a weak) time to make another asset.

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