What to do with squeeze page/ sales page templates?

7 replies
Hi all. I have some nice templates for building squeeze pages. I do not know what to do with them. I have my own site at webs.com but am not impressed. Is there anyone familiar with webs who can tell me how to use the templates? Or is there a better site for me to use to host my site and make it easier to build my pages in the most effective way. Any advice will be appreciated.
#page #page or #sales #squeeze #templates
  • Profile picture of the author Josh880
    what is your site about?

    I would suggest buying a domain from Godaddy.

    Hosting the site with Hostgator.

    Installing wordpress on the site.

    Then use your templates.

    I'm not sure if you can do the same with webs.

    Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author Jay Wessman
      Originally Posted by Josh880 View Post

      what is your site about?

      I would suggest buying a domain from Godaddy.

      Hosting the site with Hostgator.

      Installing wordpress on the site.

      Then use your templates.

      I'm not sure if you can do the same with webs.

      Good luck
      Yep this would be my advice. WordPress is extremely easy to install with the 'Fantastico' tool that can be found in the HostGator control panel... it literally takes just a couple of clicks.

      WordPress will give you much more freedom and flexibility to do what you want.
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      • Profile picture of the author ojohman
        Is it a good idea to use Squeeze pages on Wordpress? Some people say that they Wordpress is slow because it uses database.

        I am also quite newbie, so I dont really understand how to host Squeeze pages. Should I host them on html website or can I host them on Wordpress (php). Or, can I host on same server html and php?

        Thanks a lot in advance,
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  • Profile picture of the author Shawn Wilson
    I also have to agree with Josh and Jay. Create your own site on one of the two most used hosting providers, Hostgator or Bluehost. Those are the most common. I use Hostgator and they are very good and customer service is one of the best in the industry.

    Search for a coupon and your first month is only a penny. Install Wordpress, and don't think it's that difficult, there are videos all over youtube and other sites to help you with doing this.

    Use our squeeze or sales page for whatever purpose you are looking to persue. Stick with one idea and take action. That is the key to making money online.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rich Shaw
      The guys here have given you some sound advice.

      I use WordPress for my sites and is definitely the best way to go.
      Especially with a reputable hosting company such as Hostgator and it's easy to install using the CPanel.

      But I wouldn't use GoDaddy for your domain name as in the past they shut down my domain for some ridiculous reason and it took me 3 days to get back online!

      Good Luck with the site
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  • Profile picture of the author NewNovaWellness
    Thanks guys. That is what I needed to know. My site is about weight, or more accurately, fat loss. You can check it out at newnovawellness.webs dot com. I wrote it like that because I can't post links yet. I already bought the domain name at namecheap, just need to get this set up right. Any feedback or criticism would be greatly appreciated. I changed my template due to feedback but it is still a work in progress.

    Everything is live though and I have made a few sales even with my setup being so shabby. I know this business plays on slight tweaks and certain marketing fundamentals that I am trying to learn on a shoe string budget. Copy writing, properly produced videos, social networking, and the rest are new projects for me and there is a learning curve. I am trying to get info here to straighten that curve. Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author HarrieB
    squeeze the template to 520*800 size and convert it into a facebook squeeze page and promote ur products or build a list from there ;-)

    Just my 2 cents
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