You CAN succeed.....
I started a small blog up last year with the intention of monetizing it later on (I had a source of income I was happy with). My idea was that I would take the time to learn the ropes, so to speak, find my way around and learn all about websites, marketing etc. (I knew nothing this time last year) I also joined a forum at the same time, within my niche, with the intention of becoming a good, solid and dependable member. Once trust had been established, my plan was to promote the blog on there.
Things were going well, I was enjoying writing and playing about with different themes, creating logos, it was all fun. I noticed that my visitors were on an upwards trend, even though I did absolutely zero seo, so after a few months of good solid articles I decided to add adsense and Amazon Affiliates to try and make some money.
I kept at it for a few more months, but no revenue was coming in. Writing articles every week, I could see people staying on my site and reading multiple articles, but my monetizing methods were not working (a few $s here and there, nothing major). So I then decided to use the content to write an eBook after reading an article that said eBooks were the future (as some of the content was valuable - I could see that from seeing how long people were staying on pages). I deleted the 'insider' content from my blog, but kept the core content.
It took me about 2 weeks from start to finish to put together the eBook and get the minisite and graphics completed. I then advertised my eBook, on the forum which surrounds my niche, as well as on my blog.
In just over 2 months since release, the eBook has turned over £3500 (approx $5200), I now have about 200 double opted in subscribers through the eBook, and around 80 that have opted in through my blog.
Now, I have learnt from here that it is 'all about the list'. How true. I spent a few hours researching how I could offer extra value to my list. First thing, I gave away a quick, free report to all on both lists. It went down really well.
After, i joined Clickbank. I researched for products that would be suitable for the niche I was in, but would not clash with my own product (i.e I wanted people to buy it, and not to think it was too similar to what they had already bought). I sent the email through aweber with the aff link. I also did some reviews on my site of CB products, with aff links in.
I thought nothing of it (No emails from CB to say I had commissions). I logged in yesterday to find nearly $330 worth of commissions in my account! In just over a week!
So, for me, my top tips:
- Formulate a plan, doesn't have to be strict, just a plan.
- Stick to one area when starting out. I stopped looking through WSOs as I found it sidetracked me (only bought 2 WSOs, directly relevent to my plan)
- Stop talking and start doing.
- Give yourself time. I feel for people when I see them say need to make x amount by x date to pay rent. For the majority, it wont work.
- Buy a day to page diary, and a pen, Set out targets on a daily and weekly basis - you get a great sense of achievement when you see a day with lots of ticks next to tasks and it helps drive you on.
-Research and practice one area. It is better being an expert in one area, than an amateur in many.
- Take time off. Don't sit in front of your computer all day, bouncing from one thing to another.
- If you are purchasing a WSO, actually take time to read/watch/listen to it, digest it, before even looking at another WSO.
By no means am I saying I am an expert with that little sum of money I have earnt, but I do believe I have had the correct approach. IMing is to me, about building foundations first, it is not, and never will be something that is a quick fix with instant results.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
You can follow what I am doing to grow my business at I've been self-employed for 13 years as a business consultant and internet marketer.