How can I hide/"mask" my clickbank affiliate link?

16 replies

I was wondering how I can hide my affiliate link in a way that the person clicking it won't see the regular clickbank affiliate link but something else?

I think the regular link is too clearly affiliate link and people tend to avoid buying through affiliates.

I also can't use the clickbanks own crypting option because it won't allow me to crypt a custom link (I am using salespage without opt-in instead of the regular one with opt-in). Or at least I didn't find out how to do this if it's possible.
#affiliate #clickbank #hide or mask #link
  • Profile picture of the author Arroway
    You can use a link shortener like tinyurl, or you can get a cheap domain name and just put an iframe on it set to 100%. People going there will see the domain in their browser, but the site of the clickbank offer.

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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Monroe
    Originally Posted by Quahas View Post


    I was wondering how I can hide my affiliate link in a way that the person clicking it won't see the regular clickbank affiliate link but something else?

    I think the regular link is too clearly affiliate link and people tend to avoid buying through affiliates.

    I also can't use the clickbanks own crypting option because it won't allow me to crypt a custom link (I am using salespage without opt-in instead of the regular one with opt-in). Or at least I didn't find out how to do this if it's possible.
    I think to do what you want, you need to purchase a domain, and forward it with masking, then the only thing that will show in the URL box is your URL.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingChad
    There are a number of plugins that can accomplish this or you can do what I do.

    Create a special folder that you want to add all of your affiliate links to. Something like:

    Then block the "goto" folder from robots in your robots.txt using this code:

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /goto
    Disallow: /goto/
    Then just create a PHP file for each affiliate link and name it whatever your offer is.php so the file URL would be

    Then in the PHP file use this code:

    Obviously making the location whatever your affiliate link is.

    I realized after I typed this out it may seem more complicated than I intended But if you have any questions just ask!
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeyman120
    Make a sub directory on one of your sites.

    in that folder put a php file(notepad text file saved as .php) with this code in it:

    header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");

    Just edit the clickbank ids to suite the product.

    people will see the clean link and not the affiliate link.

    You could get a domain just for this like. (Thats probably taken)

    and set up subdirectories with one of these php redirect files for each product.

    I have a special domain similiar to the one I listed above for my links.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jere Kuisma
    Thanks for so many quick responses! I will try the methods you gave and see if
    I can get through with one
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  • Profile picture of the author ukbuddy2
    only prob is

    when you go to the affiliate page the hop link still shows up

    any way of hiding that?
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  • Profile picture of the author fatcitygirl
    Pretty Link Pro plugin for Wordpress. It cloaks your link so people can't see your affiliate link even after they get to the sales page. Really nice.

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  • Profile picture of the author zicer
    I use URL shortener. you can get paid for it too, or you can use it without displaying their ads...
    Visit My Blog, who knows maybe you find something interesting :)
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexyew
    Originally Posted by Quahas View Post


    I was wondering how I can hide my affiliate link in a way that the person clicking it won't see the regular clickbank affiliate link but something else?

    I think the regular link is too clearly affiliate link and people tend to avoid buying through affiliates.

    I also can't use the clickbanks own crypting option because it won't allow me to crypt a custom link (I am using salespage without opt-in instead of the regular one with opt-in). Or at least I didn't find out how to do this if it's possible.


    Your answer can be easily found in Google.

    Do a search in Google. It is not necessary to get the answer from forum since the forummers might just copy and paste the information from Google.

    CPA is all about testing, tracking, determining.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Broberg
    The "Pretty Link" plugin for wordpress looks better. Plus, you can access them anywhere in the world. The php method is okay, but you still get the clunky .php at the end of the link. It's easier for most people to use wordpress rather than transferring php files with FTP.

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  • Profile picture of the author fettah901
    grate tips from u guys to hide affiliate link
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  • Profile picture of the author JFizz and are some good FREE link shorteners that I frequently use to mask my affiliate links. Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kaizen5
    I was looking for a good URL Shortener so far is reliable (belongs to the website analytic provider clicky). And is a URL shortener from stumbleupon, that mean it shows a stumbleupon topbar which can help you to add them to SU (Not working with clickbank affiliate-links).

    I plan to start my own private URL shortener, because I'm tired to look every few months for a new URL Shortener, just because they get blocked/banned etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author FelixUng
    For WordPress users, there is a plugin called "Redirection" which allows you to use your own url like to your affiliate link. Extremely simple to use. Just change the xxx to something which is related to the product (eg. title).

    All the best!
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