Traffic from Article Marketing

30 replies
Hi there,

Article marketing is often touted as a way to drive traffic via SEO. Does anyone still use it though, or is it a thing of the past? I'd be interested to hear people's views...


#article #article marketing #marketing #seo #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author TheZafraGroup
    People are still heavily implementing this strategy today. There are tons of experts using this. I recommend you check out Rob Fore for this. He has tons of free trainings on this subject.
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Article marketing through private syndicated networks drives nearly 90% of all of my traffic and sales. This marketing model is especially fast and effective in the most hotly competitive niches, because it completely bypasses the entrenched keyword competition in SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Wolfman
    I never realized how powerful article marketing can until google deindexed one of my websites which I promoted mostly using ezinearticles and a few other important article directories.
    Now all the traffic coming to this website is a result of good articles grabbed by people from article directories.
    I would recommend articles to balance your link building strategy. Now, google places less importance on this type of links but you still get the benefit of content distribution. It's a slow but reliable method.

    If you look for something fast I recommend, it's a very fast article distribution service and you can automatically generate a spin of every article so you get unique versions for every place your article goes to.
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  • Profile picture of the author joekoffi
    Social media is weighing much on AM but it still has a great share in pumping free traffic to web pages.
    Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers, Revealing unknown killer Affiliate Marketing tricks for Bloggers. Special Discount: WF17
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Article marketing is a good way to bring in traffic to your site but I personally from my own experience, you need to write good quality articles and also it is a numbers game.

    You can write 200 articles and maybe there is a chance that you may not get any traffic to what ever link your are trying to promote. Maybe article 201 may get you 3-10 clicks a day.

    If you write 100's of articles, you might get 10-30 clicks per day.

    1000's.....Is what you may need.

    I personally like PAID advertising more then FREE because it gets you FAST results.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      If you write 100's of articles, you might get 10-30 clicks per day.

      1000's.....Is what you may need.

      Things ain't like they used to be. It wasn't that long ago that 100s of articles would bring in tens of thousands of clicks. But even today, 100s of articles will still bring in thousands of clicks per day.

      If you've got 300 live articles and you're only get 1 click per 10 articles a day - then you need to write different articles!
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      • Profile picture of the author Ord Allenbea
        Or maybe you need to change where your articles are posted

        Originally Posted by Kierkegaard View Post

        If you've got 300 live articles and you're only get 1 click per 10 articles a day - then you need to write different articles!
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        • Profile picture of the author Nadim Hussain
          Article marketing is much simpler and more powerful than most people realise, which is why I love it. Well-written, properly-syndicated content is my favourite method of driving traffic because it brings floods of visitors who actually LIKE what you have to say and WANT to know more.

          The 'difficult' part is building relationships with the people who might want to use your content but once you've put the initial effort in it becomes a win-win situation. Do it properly and it will be like having 'traffic-on-demand'. There is lots of quality information on the subject from some of the more senior members of this forum (a few of whom have posted in this thread) and I would advise anyone who is struggling for traffic to look it up.


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          • Profile picture of the author celente
            Originally Posted by NadimH View Post

            Article marketing is much simpler and more powerful than most people realise, which is why I love it. Well-written, properly-syndicated content is my favourite method of driving traffic because it brings floods of visitors who actually LIKE what you have to say and WANT to know more.

            The 'difficult' part is building relationships with the people who might want to use your content but once you've put the initial effort in it becomes a win-win situation. Do it properly and it will be like having 'traffic-on-demand'. There is lots of quality information on the subject from some of the more senior members of this forum (a few of whom have posted in this thread) and I would advise anyone who is struggling for traffic to look it up.


            some very good points there.

            For us it all comes back to quality. Do not just put out good articles...... you need to go to high authoritive figures in your niches, blogs, newsletters, websites, sister sites, journals, forums, and give them high quality stuff. DO not just write a 400 word article that is crappy and say, "hey this is cool, you should use it on your site"

            Blow your target away. And show them you know what you are talking about. Give them an article so good, it goes viral on digg, facebook, etc. If you are trying to wooo someone this is how you do it. Like I said it all comes back to quality. If you can give them this, time and time again, you should have no problems making friends.

            We even have some (2 or 3) publishers regularly emailing us and asking if we want to post stuff to their resrouces and websites. And the targeted traffic there is killer. Yes, they email us asking for us to post!!! so that is what you want to do. Just imagine the traffic you could get if 50 people each month email you and beg you for you to post another article on their site. And it will stay there for years. This is all how you can leverage article syndication to the power of 100000

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Matthew Barnett View Post

    Article marketing is often touted as a way to drive traffic via SEO. Does anyone still use it though, or is it a thing of the past? I'd be interested to hear people's views...
    Hi Matthew - article marketing is a great way to drive traffic to your site, and it's how a large number of us, here, are making our livings ... but not so much "by SEO".

    Exactly as Paul (who has been doing this for 5 times as long as me) explains above, the advantage of it is that it largely bypasses SEO.

    The "key concept" is that article marketing isn't intrinsically an SEO-based method of attracting traffic: it's a traffic-generating method in its own right.

    Very small numbers of articles can sometimes bring floods of highly targeted traffic. Whether or not that happens has little to do with "how many articles". It's about "how well syndicated" they are - or, in plain English, "how much targeted traffic gets to read them".

    If it helps/interests you, my own everyday method of attracting traffic through article marketing is described in this post:

    And the whole subject of "how article directories work" is well covered in this little thread (see especially posts #2 and #6):

    Don't imagine that you need to write a large number of articles to attract the traffic, Matthew: that simply isn't true at all. What you have to do is write the right kind of articles (however few) and get them in front of the right kind of readers, and for the most part how you do that isn't about SEO at all.

    Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

    If you write 100's of articles, you might get 10-30 clicks per day.

    1000's.....Is what you may need.
    Sorry, Tal - nothing personal at all, but this just isn't right. I know it's what some people may have found, but those are people who simply didn't understand how article marketing works. I'm not criticising them for that, in any way - in fact I used to be one of them, myself, until I learned better.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Coutts
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      Hi Matthew - article marketing is a great way to drive traffic to your site, and it's how a large number of us, here, are making our livings ... but not so much "by SEO".

      Exactly as Paul (who has been doing this for 5 times as long as me) explains above, the advantage of it is that it largely bypasses SEO.

      The "key concept" is that article marketing isn't intrinsically an SEO-based method of attracting traffic: it's a traffic-generating method in its own right.

      Very small numbers of articles can sometimes bring floods of highly targeted traffic. Whether or not that happens has little to do with "how many articles". It's about "how well syndicated" they are - or, in plain English, "how much targeted traffic gets to read them".

      If it helps/interests you, my own everyday method of attracting traffic through article marketing is described in this post:

      And the whole subject of "how article directories work" is well covered in this little thread (see especially posts #2 and #6):

      Don't imagine that you need to write a large number of articles to attract the traffic, Matthew: that simply isn't true at all. What you have to do is write the right kind of articles (however few) and get them in front of the right kind of readers, and for the most part how you do that isn't about SEO at all.

      Sorry, Tal - nothing personal at all, but this really isn't right at all. I know it's what some people may have found, but those are people who simply didn't understand how article marketing works. I'm not criticising them for that, in any way - in fact I used to be one of them, myself, until I learned better.
      I'm not given to making quotes from the Bible, but I do recall something about "casting pearls before swine".

      The six posts after your post, ignoring everything you said, is what I mean ... :rolleyes:

      Write System - superior web content
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
        Originally Posted by John Coutts View Post

        I'm not given to making quotes from the Bible, but I do recall something about "casting pearls before swine".

        The six posts after your post, ignoring everything you said, is what I mean ... :rolleyes:


        Exactly this ^^^

        The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

        ...A tachyon enters a bar.

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  • Profile picture of the author jbrownmarketing
    I think article marketing is still a great way to get traffic. There is more competiton these days but most still do not know what they are doing. I think article marketing will still be effective for years to come.
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  • Profile picture of the author imdomination
    Article marketing definitely still works. I generally will only use it for linkbuilding nowadays though.
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    • Profile picture of the author Thrasher66099
      Article marketing is still extremely powerful. It is the main service I provide for my offline clients. In fact it was the first service I ever provided and in many cases it is probably the most valuable to their business.
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  • Profile picture of the author AdenWhite
    The old "bum marketing" with EZA doesn't really work half as well anymore. I remember it being a thoughtless process - ie. publish any old crap with a decent title, submit 10 a day and you're golden.

    Now of course you need decent content, and a good linking strategy to multiple places in multiple formats to get near the same kind of traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author arny660

      Article Marketing is still a great way to get traffic. Although, as has already been mentioned, the content these days has to be good. Ezine have got very fussy! I use it to get backlinks - I can get good contextual links, which I think are the most powerful backlinks.

      Each article, of course, has to be unique.

      I know people have different opinions on spinners, but I use the Best Spinner to get many different articles quickly. There is still a bit of work to do after I have spun my article, but it is useful.

      Good Luck,

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  • Profile picture of the author adarsh2k5
    I tried article marketing for a little while, but never really made too much $ with it. All in all, I should have spent the time doing soomething else
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    • Profile picture of the author Flores
      Originally Posted by adarsh2k5 View Post

      I tried article marketing for a little while, but never really made too much $ with it. All in all, I should have spent the time doing soomething else
      I found the same to be true. It did more for my SEO than anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ord Allenbea
    Article marketing is very much alive and very effective, the problem is many have been taught wrong on what article marketing is. Look at some of the post above talking about mass submitting 100's of articles, amazing these people even have a business online.

    Many teach article marketing as a way to get backlinks by mass submitting articles that are spun by some junk software and using some lame software to do the submissions. This is how NOT to do article marketing and it never was effective as many claim.

    You need a strategic plan when doing article marketing just as you need a business plan before you start a business (many miss this step also). You need to create high quality content and base that plan around your high quality content. High quality means your articles must contain proper spelling and grammar, semantically related words, and read at a proper grade level that corresponds to your niche, according the Flesch-Kincaid readability test.

    Despite popular belief, article marketing was created to market your quality content and syndicate it to websites that can help you empower your website. This is a step that many miss because they was blinded by that all so mighty backlinks as they "think" they was getting.

    Some seem to think the panda update targeted article marketing but myth's are a dime a dozen online and especially in the internet marketing arena. The panda had nothing to do with article marketing - It targeted content farms filled with junk articles (from that bum marketing junk) and littered with ads all over the place.
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  • Profile picture of the author AppsFromHome
    There are so many different levels to article's like choosing between a steak at Ponderosa or Mortons.

    I do think article marketing can still be effective but compared to what it used to be it's not nearly as powerful.

    Make sure to include high PR places like Scribd instead of hundreds of article marketing farms.

    Have it be a piece of your SEO pie, not the whole thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author hazephase
    Its better to do Press Release, You are sure to get traffic from your articles in this way.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by hazephase View Post

      Its better to do Press Release, You are sure to get traffic from your articles in this way.

      Do not submit your article to press release sites...

      1) You will not get any good results.

      2) Press release authorities absolutely hate this.

      A press release is a news worthy story about your business.

      If you submit an article to press release sites, you will not see very good results at all.

      If you have a viral or news worthy story about your business or about an upcoming event, then that will turn heads and get attention.
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  • Profile picture of the author veheme
    Article marketing is still relevant even after post-Panda. Although the strength weakened, it is still effective.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I really think that many people are starting to wake up to that fact that mass spamming article directories no longer works. Neither does spinning.

    The way we do article marketing, is getting or paying for high quality articles 800 - 1000 words and then syndicating them on high traffic sites in that niche. The amount of traffic and targeted views you can get from this is increadible, if done correctly.

    Get your mind out of the gutter, writing one half arsed article and spamming them to the top 10 directories is not really going to get you the results your are after. Think quality first, and then think targeted eyeballs. The more targeted the more chance you are going to have for getting subscribers and sales.

    This is the proper way article marketing is done, it always has been, and you do not have to worry about SEO keywords, or google rankings at all. It is totally unrelated.

    So again, think quality first, and getting targeted eyeballs. Even if your offers and optin pages are half decent you will see good results.
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  • Profile picture of the author LyndaL66
    I love when these threads pop up because it gives me the opportunity to go and read some great reference material. I finally did read the cauliflower soup scenario in Alexa's thread, and I have to say it is mind blowing.

    My problem is that I am already making money working as a writer myself. I am putting in the hours, writing for clients, and I don't write articles for my site or either or the two ebooks I have in mind. I now know how to do it, but I am struggling with finding the time. I guess I need better time management.

    Thanks for all the help, though. It's awesome.

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  • Profile picture of the author rayalleninc
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    • Profile picture of the author veheme
      Originally Posted by rayalleninc View Post

      Spinner Chief has helped me in many ways in spinning my blog posts into articles. Has anyone else found out another method that might be less time consuming ?
      By blog posts you means 100-200 word-posts? And then combine them into articles?

      Scraping for them using SC, TBS or other programs that have scrapers can do the trick.

      You can also outsource them if you want and buying spin articles that are awesome in quality and in uniqueness.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Barnett
    Hey everyone,

    Thanks for the responses, especially Alexa for pointing me at

    As you may have gathered from my tone in the initial question, I was sceptical about how Article Marketing could ever realistically work or provide a worthwhile return on your efforts - the thought of writing hundreds of articles to get a few clicks seemed / seems insane.

    I can now see how it works... ..and it's not about SEO


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  • Profile picture of the author daioner
    Article marketing is a way to drive traffic and also rank you in google for sure!
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  • Profile picture of the author James P
    I've found Ezine to be really fussy these days, however still very effective at times. I usually see a jump in my keyword serps within about 5 days of publishing an article. Of course it depends on how good the competition is etc.
    Still find it worth the bother though if I find a spare half hour.

    Just to re-inforce that opinion - an example of this can be found here Niche Finder Review This jumped up 5 places to hit the No 1 spot for "niche finder review" after just one article on ezine.
    OK, it may not stay there - especially after this but what the heck
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