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The energy robbers...maybe you got ripped off, had a fight with someone you didn't resolve, or you're halfway done on your project for MONTHS.

This is what I found to be helpful. The List
  1. Fist make a list of the things that give you the sense of incompleteness. Should take 8-10 min.
  2. Go through the list and prioritize the ones that are robbing you the most energy.
  3. These are the ones you want to get to first.
  4. Either complete them or let them go consciously. Decide it's not worth having it rob you of energy any longer.
  5. WARNING! This will be hard because our ego is involved, I know at times we feel want justice rather than energy.
  6. I know it, but the best solution is to make the conscious decision to either complete it or release it to the sky.

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