Hey Warriors I need Advice on something.

7 replies
As you may know I'm starting a review websites for games. The thing that is kinda fustrating me is how can I profit from it? Have any suggestions?
#advice #hey #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author jamesbrands
    Promote CPA offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
    Promote relevant offers and build an e-mail list to which you can send more offers.

    You can send offers for game guides, games themselves, etc. This is a rich market and there is no shortage of ways to make money.

    You might want to check out jounce.com to find relevant affiliate offers for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zack Sprague
    I would do CPA offers, but I don't want to scare off my traffic :O.

    Zack Sprague

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  • Profile picture of the author ukcarl
    I think you will be fine with CPA there are tonnes of CPA offers for cool mmrpog browser games paying $1 - $2 per free sign up
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    • Profile picture of the author Zack Sprague
      Yeah True, but a good example is mmohut, the guy who runs that website is called Omer. He uses a cpm network called CPMStar. In order to get into CPMStar you need to at least get 10k Unique visitors a day. How can I get 10k Visitors a day :O?

      Zack Sprague

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      • Profile picture of the author jamesbrands
        Originally Posted by flatbro94 View Post

        Yeah True, but a good example is mmohut, the guy who runs that website is called Omer. He uses a cpm network called CPMStar. In order to get into CPMStar you need to at least get 10k Unique visitors a day. How can I get 10k Visitors a day :O?
        Create 10k manual High Pr Backlinks
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  • Profile picture of the author onlinebizgiant
    Originally Posted by flatbro94 View Post

    As you may know I'm starting a review websites for games. The thing that is kinda fustrating me is how can I profit from it? Have any suggestions?

    It's a wonderful idea and most profitable too. Never skip it. Actually I've heard about it from Glen of Viperchill.com. I did a little experiment about this niche and I found games is an evergreen niche. So keep up going and I wish you all success. Don't forget to come back to warrior forum with your success story
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