Finding A J-O-B with the help of IM...
I'm looking for a FT job in the Atlanta area. One where I actually get up in the morning to go to. I'm doing something wrong seeing as to how I haven't found one yet lol. I am on the shy side, but I know that has to go out the window when you're looking for a job.
I was wondering if you were in my shoes, what ways would you use your internet marketing skills to land you a job.
I'm looking for basically secretarial, receptionist, front office type jobs if that helps.
I see all of the letters and videos used for internet marketing and was wondering what you all would do if you had to find a job at a brick-and-mortar.
I definitely want to do IM in the future, but just can't seem to concentrate because I constantly think about my job search situation. I just want to get to a point of being comfortable financially so I can dive fully into IM (more so offline).
Any info would be helpful.

P.S. I know someone might say network, but I don't know all that many people to be honest. Still willing to listen though!
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