Clickbank Outside The US?
I was happily pricing away my new product destined for a European market when I got to the testing payment point.
I say the price is €29 and when I tested I realise they get to the checkout and it's €34.98.
As you may have guessed this is due to VAT being imposed outside the US.
So I've lowered my price so the total at checkout is exactly what I claim it is on the sales page. But then I realise that if someone outside of this VAT region wants to buy the product then the price will be different again! :rolleyes:
After all, seeing a different price to the one claimed in the sales pitch is a good reason for inexperienced buyers to get scared and run away

At least now I understand why I get less sales than I get order form impressions. I am losing sales probably due to this add on which freaks some buyers out.
And in fact, this concerns any CB vendor out there, and even CB affiliates.
How do you deal with the tax addons in other countries and the potential loss of sales?
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Don't take advice in forums at face value. Ask questions, do your research, and remember: Testing is your business's best friend. Paul Myers