What are the best membership site solutions?

34 replies
I know there are a number of membership site solutions I've looked at over the years.

I'd like to know what your experience has been and what solution you recommend.

I need a great solution for a permanent product support and training site on a corporate level product.

I'd prefer something that doesn't need an engineering degree to operate, simple to add video and product training, and provides tiered membership.

I can add my own payment system or use an integrated one included.

Any street level experience and recommendations are appreciated.
#membership #site #solutions
  • Profile picture of the author InWait
    One that I know of is wpmudev.org. For a price they offer a lot of plugins for wordpress based membership sites, including tiered membership.

    I've played around with them over the past month. I haven't actually launched a membership site myself but from what I've seen of it I'm confident that I could have one up using what they offer once I have a solid plan.

    Though admittedly their included payment gateways are somewhat limited at the moment. (paypal, authorize, 2checkout)
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    • Profile picture of the author Jase1977
      This may or may not be helpful for you, but I use Niche Profit Classroom (NPC). But I am a beginner and it's great for beginners in my opinion. But if you're more advanced, then I don't know if NPC is for you or not, as I haven't gotten that far in the program yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Mcalorum
    How about a killer FREE resource?

    I know there are a TON of WP solutions...
    But then you gotta figure out your payment gateway as well.
    And the whole thing could be... well... confusing.

    I am setting up my first membership site
    and out of ALL my research I am going to go with this solution;
    (setting it all up tonight)

    FastSpring - E-Commerce, Merchandising & Fulfillment Solution for Desktop Software and SaaS

    If you check out their features, its actually pretty crazy!
    No other WP plug in can do what they do

    Plus its free to join! So, check out their page at least
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    • Profile picture of the author larksky000005
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      • Profile picture of the author Vtoy
        Travis Stephenson's Traffic in Spades.

        One of the best membership websites. I don't know what platform he's using but it's absolutely amazing.

        Just recently I became a member, it includes a forum, downloads section, chapter section, the list goes on and on. One of the more better looking membership sites, not sure what platform he's using though, figure it out and you're a millionaire.
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  • Profile picture of the author marcelomusza
    There are many, and in my opinion I could select two from all of them: Kim Roach and Chris Farrell membership sites. I am a member of Chris Farrell and I can say that the content is pretty amazing and worth entirely the investment.
    Internet Marketing Resources for Online Entrepreneurs
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  • Profile picture of the author marcuslim
    Not from personal experience, just from what I've heard most people use - the two good ones are wpmemberchamp and wishlistmember. Both are plugins for Wordpress.
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  • Profile picture of the author sofus
    I have set up several membership sites with wishlist member and it simply works great.
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    • Profile picture of the author Centurian
      Originally Posted by sofus View Post

      I have set up several membership sites with wishlist member and it simply works great.
      Great tagline "The Asymmetric Marketer." Asymmetric warfare was always one of my favorite terms.
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  • Profile picture of the author halo3
    anyone knows other membership site platforms aside from wp plugins?
    something more up scale.. a membership site which includes the ability to add pages and post the content on them, and a forum as part of the site
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    By far, the best membership solution is Digital Access Pass, also known as DAP.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author halo3
    can i include a forum section in the DAP platform alongside the content section?
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    • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
      Originally Posted by halo3 View Post

      can i include a forum section in the DAP platform alongside the content section?
      Yes. I use the Siteress plugin often with DAP.

      Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author michaelcorvin
    I use Wishlist Member on most of my membership sites. Used with WordPress.

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I use optimize press and with s2 member the FREE version. That seems to keep me and my clients happy. Recurring income and membership sites are the bomb.
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  • Profile picture of the author AuthorityRush
    Also, a side note, I have 2 membership sites using wpmemberchamp as well. If your site is simple and you just need a way to make sure your content is protected and get cash from Paypal, Clickbank or a WSO, it has these integrated right inside the system, so it works seamlessly with all 3. And you can run all 3 at the same time.

    It's a great way to protect your WSO and get up and running ASAP. Very easy to use and understand.
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  • Profile picture of the author Entrecon
    I have been looking at rolling out a membership site and DAP really looks like it will do what I need. I just need to wrap up a couple more pieces of content before I pull the trigger and buy it.

    Visit My website http://kipferguson.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Daystar11
    Setting up some membership sites intrigues me; but would you say that this is for more advanced marketers?
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  • Profile picture of the author AuthorityRush
    It depends. If you can't even set up WordPress yet, you might have some difficulty. But any product can be expanded into a membership. You just need to decide if that's what you really want to do. The work is on going if you plan on doing it correctly. Unlike a simple PDF that just gets sold once.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Joseph
    Hi there,

    I've used wishlist member for WP as a plugin, and it works well. If you have the budget and want a very powerful platform that builds any site you like, including a membership site, with little time then you can use Kajabi. It's pretty pricey, but seems to be an 'all in one' application, which I've heard some marketers having good success with. If you have the budget go for it. If you don't at this time, then there are always free or inexpensive versions like wishlist out there.

    Hope that helps!


    "Success comes when people act together; failure tends to happen alone." -- Deepak Chopra

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    • Profile picture of the author halo3
      200$ is really expensive i had the chance to see the kajabi platform in action and it has what im looking for: option to make a membership only website with content pages and a forum section.. the forum section is of real importance to me

      can someone point out a one time fee program that delivers more or less at the same level as kajabi?
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      • Profile picture of the author ravijayagopal
        DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) + OptimizePress

        Originally Posted by halo3 View Post

        can someone point out a one time fee program that delivers more or less at the same level as kajabi?
        - Ravi Jayagopal
        PS: I'm the founder/co-developer of DAP.
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        • Profile picture of the author Centurian
          Originally Posted by ravijayagopal View Post

          DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) + OptimizePress

          - Ravi Jayagopal
          PS: I'm the founder/co-developer of DAP.

          Thank you for your insights on this thread. It's an honor to meet you sir.

          Derrick Comfort
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamie Lin
    I used amember and pretty satisfied with it. It's not cheap, but constantly updated and well worth the investment.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I use Wish List, but here's the official Membership site thread

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Ogbin
    I use butterfly marketing and always satisfied with. It's somehow complicated to setup but it so amazing ButterflyOpenSourceCode.com
    Speedy Up - Jumping game that change your mood and put smile in your face :)
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  • Profile picture of the author danielmcclure
    I use Wishlist Member with WordPress for membership sites and product delivery. I can highly recommend it!
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  • Profile picture of the author harrydog
    I Use optimizepress and S2member
    Optimizepress lets you set up:-
    Squeeze pages (multiple built in styles)
    Sales Pages (multiple built in styles)
    Membership modules (creates membership menus)
    Membership child pages
    Blog pages
    Multiple menus
    Video pages
    and much more

    S2member is a free plugin that allows you to set up 4 levels of memberships 1 x free and 3 x paid and easily integrates with paypal. You can protect at page level, post level category level or tag level - very flexible

    hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Halcyon
    I've always found Joomla to be the best platform for memberships, the format lends itself very well to organizing visitors into groups.

    If you're willing to use Joomla, OSE Membership or NICE Memberships are my favorite extensions.
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