FOOLPROOF! How a ruler, a pen, and $2 can make you money.
One thing that always bums me out, though, is people who just can't seem to catch a lucky break.
- ...want to make money, but don't know how
- ...tried following a guru, but it didn't work
- ...are totally confused
- ...don't know what to do
- ...want a method that will make them successful
You are going to need a few materials:
- A ruler or tape measure
- A pen
- $2
Step 1 - Sit in the place where you do your online work. (If multiple locations, repeat the following steps for each location)
Step 2 - Measure the reach of your left arm.
Step 3 - Measure the reach of your right arm.
Step 4 - Take your $2, it doesn't matter if it's cash, check, or credit card.
Step 5 - Go to your local discount store.
Step 6 - Purchase a pocket-sized calendar and/or notebook.
Step 7 - Return home.
Step 8 - Refer to Steps 2 & 3, and make sure that the calendar/notebook is always within reach.
Step 9 - Use the pen to write in the calendar/notebook.
The way I use this system is very simple. I write down a few tasks I want to do each day and then cross them off as I get them done. If something isn't done, it moves to the task list for the next day. Advanced users of this system can also write down ideas as they pop into their heads.
The secret to making this work is always having your pen and notebook within reach. Always.
Using a pen and paper to write stuff down really makes a difference.
Anybody can use this system to help them be successful. IT REALLY WORKS!
All the best,
Don't settle for anything less!
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