Experience with cloud-based VPSes

3 replies
Does anybody have experience with the cloud-based VPSes that are available? For example, I say an advert from digitalocean.com where the smallest VPS was only USD 5 per month. Obviously that is not enough to run a large website, but you could put something smaller on there. And a monthly fee of USD 5 is hardly more than USD 2 to get another unique IP address for your backlinks. I am currently looking at my hosting arrangements and wonder whether to include this approach.
#cloudbased #experience #vps hosting #vpses
  • Profile picture of the author Kingfish85
    $5/month for a VPS? You get what you pay for....

    If you want reliable service, I'd suggest you look into a more reputable company. I've personally never heard of them.

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    • Profile picture of the author StunningWarrior
      I use eUKHost for my VPS where my main websites are located and I also have a reseller account at Hostgator for sites that I intend to sell - so much easier than shared hosting as I can provide the buyer with a period of hosting support. I am happy with both these suppliers.

      But I was looking at getting some other IP addresses without the expense of full blown SEO hosting, and this caught my eye as a place to get backlinks from a different C-class network and maybe also host some little adsense minisites that don't get much traffic. Let's see if anybody replies with experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author micksss
    For cloud-based vps I'd check into vps.net
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