Delete non-essential mySQL logs on your Wordpress site!

13 replies
I was very frustrated with the load time of one of my wordpress sites. I deleted huge mySQL logs related to analytics type plugins and my website went from like 13 second load time on - test how fast a webpage loads in a real browser from over 50 locations worldwide to like 4. Unless there was some bizarre third variable, I am sure I can thank this action.
Most probably have no idea how to do this, but I am sure Google and Youtube are your friends in doing it step by step.
#delete #logs #mysql #nonessential #site #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author radhika
    While you adding an article, WP has a feature of saving that article manytimes. All these drafts will be saved in the database and slow down the mysql queries.

    Google for 'disable autosaving wordpress' and 'delete autosaved articles wordpress'.

    There might be other reasons too.

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    • Profile picture of the author TiffLee
      Originally Posted by radhika View Post

      While you adding an article, WP has a feature of saving that article manytimes. All these drafts will be saved in the database and slow down the mysql queries.

      Google for 'disable autosaving wordpress' and 'delete autosaved articles wordpress'.

      There might be other reasons too.

      You can flush out all of the old revisions, also. A girlfriend of mine, who runs a fairly popular blog, did this and it flushed out over 15,000 saved revisions. Her WP install had a MASSIVE performance increase after.

      Go into phpMyAdmin and select the database your WP is installed in.

      Once there, run this command string:

      DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = "revision";
      Should do the trick quite nicely.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul_1
    You can also try wp super cache plugin...
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  • Profile picture of the author metaarticles
    I never heard of WP Super Cache, I think I should try that too...thanks guys.
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    • Profile picture of the author wvdploeg
      Originally Posted by metaarticles View Post

      I never heard of WP Super Cache, I think I should try that too...thanks guys.
      It's a great plugin, only when using it on a blog having actually a lot of comments, it slows down actually...

      I did some performance tuning for a blog having 1000's of visitors and 100's of comments starting a few minutes after each newsletter send out (once a week), and it showed that disabling WP Supercache during this time boosted the performance with a factor 3... when -like most- you have less traffic WP Supercache is a good tool to boost performance.
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  • Profile picture of the author BenFromSoMo
    WP super cache isn't gonna do much good for first time visitors to the site, which was my big concern.

    I already had Super Cache installed. The mySQL cleanup was the key.

    If you do any kind of blogging and want to try the next big thing, PM me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Aqua Jeff
    Thanks TiffLee.. gonna swipe that lil tidbit!
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  • Profile picture of the author BenFromSoMo
    Yeah. Thanks Tiff Lee. I'm doing everything to help my site optimization.

    If you do any kind of blogging and want to try the next big thing, PM me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    1. That's why nobody should use plugins for simple tasks like adding GA code to your template file(s). It's a simple copy/paste "skill" that every self-appointed webmaster should have.

    And nothing will be stored in your database...

    2. Revisions:
    Add this to your wp-config file:
    define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false );

    Or limit the number of revisions saved/stored:

    define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 3 );

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  • Profile picture of the author lniskasaari
    There`s also plugin called wp-optimize that can cleanup your database without also optimizes database tables and removes spam comments.
    Really useful and free. Just google "wp-optimize" or use plugin search inside your wp dashboard.

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  • Profile picture of the author wordofmouthmagic
    Brilliant. Thank you for posting!

    I knew I had a slow site, but said 19.1 seconds! Yuck.

    I look forward to what these suggestions can do, because I know I have HEAPS of revisions lying around on my blog.
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