Have a FREE $200!!! It's all yours!!
In the past few months I've had an increasing number of people contact me by all the means I provide asking for money. I am not phased by the contact itself but rather the content of it.
In most cases there is no tact to their request or even an offer of a service which they provide. I'm contacted by people who are advertising themselves as writers, designers - you name it. There is no attempt to sell their services or even ask for a method in which they can use to earn their crust. Instead I receive a blunt request for money. This never fails to astound me.
The first thing people need to realize is that in order to make money, you need to make yourself valuable to provide a product or service. You need to start thinking about GIVING before you RECEIVE.
If you insist on only taking you establish yourself as a broken link in an economic chain.
Quit expecting everything for nothing and have a think about doing your bit and the money will follow. It's the most simple of principles that so many people overlook. You need to be giving something!
At risk of sounding shamanistic; Don't make the mistake of overlooking simplicity and taking it for granted. Some of the best lessons of life are presented in the most simplistic forms.
If you find yourself in desperate need of money, first ask yourself:
"What can I do?"
...then go about giving something and your return will come naturally.
Website: https://jacobriggs.io
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Don't take advice in forums at face value. Ask questions, do your research, and remember: Testing is your business's best friend. Paul Myers