Have a FREE $200!!! It's all yours!!

33 replies
I'm not usually one to start threads of complaint since I believe focus can be put into better things, however instead of a blog entry, where I usually vent my thoughts this one is going publically hopefully to hopefully serve as a productive piece.

In the past few months I've had an increasing number of people contact me by all the means I provide asking for money. I am not phased by the contact itself but rather the content of it.

In most cases there is no tact to their request or even an offer of a service which they provide. I'm contacted by people who are advertising themselves as writers, designers - you name it. There is no attempt to sell their services or even ask for a method in which they can use to earn their crust. Instead I receive a blunt request for money. This never fails to astound me.

The first thing people need to realize is that in order to make money, you need to make yourself valuable to provide a product or service. You need to start thinking about GIVING before you RECEIVE.

If you insist on only taking you establish yourself as a broken link in an economic chain.

Quit expecting everything for nothing and have a think about doing your bit and the money will follow. It's the most simple of principles that so many people overlook. You need to be giving something!

At risk of sounding shamanistic; Don't make the mistake of overlooking simplicity and taking it for granted. Some of the best lessons of life are presented in the most simplistic forms.

If you find yourself in desperate need of money, first ask yourself:

"What can I do?"

...then go about giving something
and your return will come naturally.

#$200 #free #money
  • Profile picture of the author payoman
    Admittedly, I checked out this post because I thought you were giving away $200. Now I just feel like an ass lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Riggs
    I look forward to seeing masses of hypocritical Warriors arriving at this thread by primary influence of its title and posting opinions that support your statements.
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  • Profile picture of the author wizzard74
    If I give you 20 cents can you give me $200

    You don't want to click here --> Richard Arblaster

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    You are going to piss off alot of warriors.

    I will sum up your post in one sentence.

    "Work hard, and you will make some sort of monies!"

    Yes, I said the dreaded "W" word again!! eeeekkkkKKkk!
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    I feel for you Daniel

    I have had over the last 4-5 months on Skype asking for money , had one the other day and he/she wrote this ion the add me to skype " you have been on the WF for a few years so you must be rich! here is my email for paypal I need $500"

    Amazing how the next generation is going to cope becasue they execpt to be spoon fed, not all but most who are looking for the silver bullet or magic button...

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  • Profile picture of the author JDBradley
    Soooo, can I have that 200 bucks now?

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    • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
      I've never had this happen. Seems weird to me. The first thing I would do is teach them how to get the money themselves. I guess I would never hear from them again. lol but thats what you do if you want to help a homeless person you teach them how to survive.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    When people ask for me for money, I ask them for their resume.
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Report them. Asking for money via PM like that is surely against WF TOS.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author AlwaysAwa
    I don't want $200 but what I want is your the niche your promoting and the blueprint as well. Worth more than $200. I feel like an ass too lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author Entrecon
    So...let me get this straight..there isn't $200?

    Honestly though, this amazes me. I can't fathom just asking someone for money. I am working to develop my business and I am working fiverr gigs to not only refine my process, but also generate a little working money.

    Visit My website http://kipferguson.com

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    • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
      Originally Posted by xxxJamesxxx View Post

      Where's my 200 bucks?!

      James Scholes
      Yea for real!

      Good post but I came in here expecting money!

      No signature here today!

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  • Profile picture of the author Aqua Jeff
    Panhandeling goes internet!! No really it's for the bus... See my cousin dropped me at this internet cafe, cause my car is in the shop.....
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingChad
    Well said Daniel. It's a funny world we live in....the cavemen would be ashamed. "I hunted all day long and you want me to just GIVE you some mammoth meat!? I don't think so!" haha
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  • Profile picture of the author silverline
    Anybody who is looking to make $200, just list some gigs on fiverr and you certainly are going to make more than that.
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    • Profile picture of the author REHughes
      And as they say, the proof is in the pudding!
      Do you realize that at the time of my posting, there have been 239 views to this post, and only 16 replies?!:confused:
      I guess most who saw your headline really thought they would come in here and literally get that $200 just for nothing! They obviously thought they had found the easy quick money, until they entered, then just left - sad and dejected, again, at the so called scam they had just witnessed. Gone off in another direction still looking for that newest and brightest shiny object.
      I am surprised someone hasn't already outed you in another post screaming about what kind of fraud you are!
      Oh, well. As is already stated, that's just the mindset of this ENTITLEMENT generation!

      My Thoughts,


      p.s.- I'm pm'ing you my PayPal ID.!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5736462].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
        Originally Posted by REHughes View Post

        And as they say, the proof is in the pudding!
        Do you realize that at the time of my posting, there have been 239 views to this post, and only 16 replies?!:confused:
        I guess most who saw your headline really thought they would come in here and literally get that $200 just for nothing! They obviously thought they had found the easy quick money, until they entered, then just left - sad and dejected, again, at the so called scam they had just witnessed. Gone off in another direction still looking for that newest and brightest shiny object.
        I am surprised someone hasn't already outed you in another post screaming about what kind of fraud you are!
        Oh, well. As is already stated, that's just the mindset of this ENTITLEMENT generation!

        My Thoughts,


        p.s.- I'm pm'ing you my PayPal ID.!

        The thread itself proved my point as Riggs also highlighted, though I can't blame anyone for wanting a free $200. It's asking for it which defies belief!

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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

    There is no attempt to sell their services or even ask for a method in which they can use to earn their crust. Instead I receive a blunt request for money.
    How can I earn some crust? Now send me some money... Please?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5736506].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dawn Wise
    I'm here for the free money. Now where do I sign up?
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  • Profile picture of the author pex7
    Maybe they ask you for money because you post threads that say "FREE $200!"

    Ha, but seriously I was shocked to read people actually do that....IM panhandling....seems like an oxymoron
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  • Profile picture of the author megawarrior
    These people aren't smart enough to realise that there's a huge number of other people begging for money as well, so this 'technique' is not efficient.

    I remember reading on the news a few months ago that a couple who won the lottery had to move home because they received tonnes of begging letters.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg Jeffries
    Excellent thread. I realize starting out it's hard to give because you're in the game to succeed and get. But whatever stage you're at, you probably know a little more than someone else. So, always be in the mindframe of giving, always. I couldn't have said it better. Just give like crazy, help out others as much as you can, share what you know with what's currently working with you. And I promise you, over time as you continually provide quality and high value to others, they will remember than and the next time when you suggest a product they will without hesitation repay the favors by signing up under your affiliate link, etc.

    IMSource | #1 Resource For Internet Marketers
    Click here For my favorite internet marketing tool of all time
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  • Profile picture of the author CrusadeKnight
    Lol , so this about giving $200 away is not real ! Zzzz......
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  • Profile picture of the author David Keith
    I was going to leave without replying, but it seems that is frowned up in this thread.

    I didn't come for the $200 bucks, more out of curiosity, and I completely agree with the point of this post which is why I have something to offer if you send $200 my way.

    I will buy a nice bottle of whisky with the money, and then I can provide you hours of entertainment that will give you lasting memories of me acting a like a fool. You might even get a few videos that just might be good enough to go viral on youtube. Sadly you probably value your $200 bucks more than this so I am probably out of luck.

    oh well, on to the next thread.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5739120].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author debra
      I was going to scream:

      Bait and Switch!

      But, seriously, how many times have you heard,

      "If it's to good to be true, it probably isn't".
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5739249].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author debra
      Originally Posted by David Keith View Post

      I was going to leave without replying, but it seems that is frowned up in this thread.

      I didn't come for the $200 bucks, more out of curiosity, and I completely agree with the point of this post which is why I have something to offer if you send $200 my way.

      I will buy a nice bottle of whisky with the money, and then I can provide you hours of entertainment that will give you lasting memories of me acting a like a fool. You might even get a few videos that just might be good enough to go viral on youtube. Sadly you probably value your $200 bucks more than this so I am probably out of luck.

      oh well, on to the next thread.
      Dang It! I can't find the "Like" button.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5739259].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jack Coxill
    I had someone ask me to send them money for a car on here the other day.... that was weird...
    Grab your "Free" Emergency Cash report here:

    I'm Now Selling Solo Ads See My Great Reviews Here:
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  • Profile picture of the author jessicalambert
    yes you got me man
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  • Profile picture of the author Seotreat
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    • Profile picture of the author DaveWildash
      Okay, I admit I thought there was some method to get $200 for free, but I bet you're expecting me to leave a reply for nothing!

      Don't take advice in forums at face value. Ask questions, do your research, and remember: Testing is your business's best friend. Paul Myers

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  • Profile picture of the author NddS777
    Asking for money...imagine. This reminds of the days when I worked in retail. Total strangers would come in and ask, "so whats your best price on this" without even really looking at the product. Drove me nuts, and my answer was always "the price you see on the tag."
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael D Forbes
    I freely admit, I would have been more than happy to get a FREE $200. Really, who wouldn't? But that people are coming to you asking for money point blank? That kind of scrambles my highly refined nonsense receptors!

    What's really ironic about that is that I know of another Warrior that has actually tried to give away money over the years and is typically met with such strong skepticism that he would actually do such a thing that he has pretty much given up on the idea as far as I know. (Now THAT was a poorly constructed sentence!)

    I wonder how long it will take for my PMs to light up with people trying to find out who I'm talking about.

    (Don't bother, I won't tell. Do enough research and you will probably figure it out for yourself)
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  • Profile picture of the author buildablogsite

    It would be good to have got the money but do people really struggle that much, if you can work hard in a day job and get paid for it, then what makes you think on the internet its going to get handed to you on a plate.

    HArdword = Success!

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