What Do You Struggle With as an Internet Marketer

25 replies
Hello everyone,

Was curious to know what are the things you struggle with as an Internet Marketer?

It can be related to anything to do with our business.

Look forward to hearing from you all.

#internet #marketer #struggle
  • Profile picture of the author gvsridhar171
    I struggle with the following :
    • Time Management
    • Identifying right outsourcing associates
    • keeping a tab on questions raised by me
    • going through the WSO and CB products purchased
    • getting distracted with too much of information

    Despite the above constraints, I have made reasonable income from IM. If I am able to come over the above obstacles, I can do better.

    Let's see what others have to say
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    • Profile picture of the author Bret Ferguson
      I think you touched on a few items that affect us all. (Especially time management)

      I know for me working out of a home office, alone, gets boring. What I've been doing is hitting the coffee shops about every other day for a few hours. I actually find I get more done if I'm at Starbucks or somewhere like that.

      Thanks for your input!


      Originally Posted by gvsridhar171 View Post

      I struggle with the following :
      • Time Management
      • Identifying right outsourcing associates
      • keeping a tab on questions raised by me
      • going through the WSO and CB products purchased
      • getting distracted with too much of information

      Despite the above constraints, I have made reasonable income from IM. If I am able to come over the above obstacles, I can do better.

      Let's see what others have to say

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    • Originally Posted by gvsridhar171 View Post

      • Time Management
      Yea that's the big one for me as well. There just aren't enough hours in the day for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    I don't struggle with Time Management as much as I used to. The Pomodoro Technique was a huge help for that.

    My biggest issue is taking on too many projects at once. I love working on multiple projects, but I end up taking on a bit too much from time to time and it leaves some promising projects in the dust.
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    • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
      Originally Posted by AmandaT View Post

      The Pomodoro Technique was a huge help for that.
      Heck yeah!

      What a life saver.

      Plus it allows you quick breaks so you can grab a snack or check FB, but on a schedule so you don't get distracted by it while you're in the zone.

      No signature here today!

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  • Profile picture of the author aldentan
    I think for me it would have to be finding the motivation when there are NO results at all yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    I struggle with bringing traffic to my sites. It is kind of sad, really.
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    • Profile picture of the author manidip
      I always have problem creating Back Links.

      Content creation that engages audience and
      which also takes care of Keywords I lack.

      Too much info I read daily. I think it's the
      biggest ever road blockage in IM world.

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      • Profile picture of the author REHughes
        My main two areas I struggle with are lack of focus -- taking one plan and implementing it all the way through until I see a consistent income, (partially due to a medical condition, but not completely - partially just info overload), and also motivation - stuck at home all day without communicating with others in the IM arena - physically or at least vocally.
        Distractions are without my biggest downfall.

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  • Profile picture of the author Meozyn
    Just like Amanda said, my number 1 problem is taking on too many projects at a time, I would like to be able to Laser Focus!
    Great hint on the Pomodoro technique, just looked that up and I am going to give it a try!

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  • Profile picture of the author Dann Vicker
    Dealing with customer support issues.

    Looking for high quality solo ad traffic? 200-2000 clicks available/day. Testimonials here. PM me

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  • Profile picture of the author JamesLennon
    Managing my day I find a challenge.
    I have to write a list of things I need to get done for the week and then break it down in to days so I know what has to be done each day
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  • Profile picture of the author Marko87
    Time management used to be my big problem, but I feel I've got it somewhat sorted now.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShanaRN
    Getting my business/service in front of my target prospect.
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    • I have never really struggled with Time Management as fortunately I was able to adapt my previous techniques to internet marketing. My biggest struggle and frustration is in writing sales copy.

      I think the best solution for me is to just outsource my copy writing.


      Not enough hours in the day? Can't seem to stay focused? We can help.Check us out!

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      • Profile picture of the author sriram rajan
        The reason most struggle is because of the failure to focus on the fundamentals , With regards to any business or IM there will be 3 - 7 skills ...

        In IM my pick would be
        1) List Building
        2) Web site creation / Word press
        3) Product creation
        4) Affiliate Marketing
        5) Membership sites
        6) Traffic
        7) Sales funnels / upsells etc

        not in that particlular order of importance as these are the foundational pillars ..

        People look to make $$ before setting their foundations rights and hence there is a Lack Of Patience to see results in one method and jump to the next before really mastering the key skills..

        This is the reason why time management also becomes a issue as we are multi tasking all the time which for info / knowledge based work is nto going to work at all..
        If you pick start mastering tese skills then can use any of the latest and greatest software , plugin , FB marketing to make $$$.... the problem is when some one does not spend time to ste the foundations right is what leads to lots of confusions and bad results...

        Picking one core skill and becoming good and then at at leats 3 - 4o fother skills will help leverage things in a better way... Also networking is the key , going solo is going to kill any one strting out unless they are very lucky and heavily focused with no disractions .. make friends, tal often and we'll all make it
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  • Profile picture of the author Bret Ferguson
    Hey everyone, it's been good to hear other struggles on this thread. For one it makes you feel "not alone" in the battle especially when you work alone much of the time.

    I am seeing a few common themes here:
    • Focus! (or lack of or 'distractions')
    • Time Management (which could be a byproduct of focus/distraction)
    • Product/Content Creation (that engages)
    • Traffic
    • Support Issues
    • Getting Clients
    • Copy (yep that's a challenging one for sure!)
    • Working Multiple Projects at One Time (without completing them?)
    • Back Links
    A few of these are easy fixes much to do with self discipline.

    Does anyone have good info for some of the other items?

    I know support issues always suck and that, for the most part, is part of doing business in any field. (But it still sucks)

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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Coxill
    I used to get in a muddle about what I was going to do in a day on here, and it would result in me doing hardly anything. Now, I plan my day out and I plan tomorrow today so that I'm never wasting my time, and my days have been a lot more productive since I made this change. It's a great feeling knowing what you have to do in the day, and even better when you get it all done

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  • Profile picture of the author tharith
    Nice post for this page. It is great tips of IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author KateStevensB
    As an internet marketer, the competition of course.
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  • Profile picture of the author bighostchennai
    One main thing I suffer I loaded with too much of information, so much ideas, so many things to do, loss focus easily.. for consistent success we need to work on only one thing, devote fully on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author KevL
    Umm, I have to make my own coffee!!!
    Getting up in the morning is sometimes a struggle, yawn...

    Joking apart, thinking back - the biggest thing I've probably struggled with over time (which I'm happy to say I don't struggle with any more) is being pulled from pillar to post with all the new big things, and wasting all I've earned & more on learning new stuff that I just didn't need to learn at the time. If you consider the web marketing arena, it's like no other in terms of the sheer quantity of informational products being poured out continuously - if you went into any other line of business, you'd never be inundated with new information & new must have membership packages & so on that we're used to with web marketing.

    If I could go back, I'd adopt a more "blinkers on" approach - this is what I'm doing, I know enough, and if I need more info on anything in particular then I'll seek it.

    BUT, having said that - there are chunks of info I've picked up as I've gone along, that I now use, that I may not have done if I'd not got so addicted into learning the latest new thing - so who knows.


    SEO Kev
    Small business SEO / Web Marketing Tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author bluebrain
    Information overload!
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    • Profile picture of the author Bret Ferguson
      Originally Posted by KevL View Post

      Umm, I have to make my own coffee!!!
      Getting up in the morning is sometimes a struggle, yawn...

      Joking apart, thinking back - the biggest thing I've probably struggled with over time (which I'm happy to say I don't struggle with any more) is being pulled from pillar to post with all the new big things, and wasting all I've earned & more on learning new stuff that I just didn't need to learn at the time. If you consider the web marketing arena, it's like no other in terms of the sheer quantity of informational products being poured out continuously - if you went into any other line of business, you'd never be inundated with new information & new must have membership packages & so on that we're used to with web marketing.

      If I could go back, I'd adopt a more "blinkers on" approach - this is what I'm doing, I know enough, and if I need more info on anything in particular then I'll seek it.

      BUT, having said that - there are chunks of info I've picked up as I've gone along, that I now use, that I may not have done if I'd not got so addicted into learning the latest new thing - so who knows.


      Kev, you are right. Most marketers have more than enough knowledge to get into the game and actually have an online business. Most don't need any new products at all. But for some reason many thing they are missing that one crucial piece to build that online empire. Haha! They are, it's called "Just Do It." About a year ago I unsubscribed from many lists that I was on just to get rid of all they hype.

      Originally Posted by bighostchennai View Post

      One main thing I suffer I loaded with too much of information, so much ideas, so many things to do, loss focus easily.. for consistent success we need to work on only one thing, devote fully on it.
      This is a challenging one for many. You will have to discipline yourself it takes a lot of discipline. There's no one standing of your shoulder to get it done! Pick and idea (After researching to know if it's a good idea or not. Don't fall in love with an idea that won't go anywhere. That's like quicksand to an internet marketer) Once you have your idea down, get to it! Don't stop till it's done. Don't let outside distractions pull you away. YOU said it best "Devote Fully On It"

      Originally Posted by KateStevensB View Post

      As an internet marketer, the competition of course.
      I actually like competition, to an extent. It makes you better at your game. Having said that I have a couple of sites in Niche's that I don't want anymore competition! Totally unrelated to marketing to marketers and I tend to keep private. In fact I have a couple friends who are at the top of their game in niche marketing upper six and seven figures a year marketers. You'll never see them here on the warrior forum divulging marketing secrets here btw. Which should tell you something about much of what is floating around here. (I didn't say all)

      Originally Posted by Jack Coxill View Post

      I used to get in a muddle about what I was going to do in a day on here, and it would result in me doing hardly anything. Now, I plan my day out and I plan tomorrow today so that I'm never wasting my time, and my days have been a lot more productive since I made this change. It's a great feeling knowing what you have to do in the day, and even better when you get it all done

      That's great advice Jack. Plan out your day! That was gold for someone right there.

      Originally Posted by Usmile View Post

      On my end here are my challenges:

      - The dynamic internet marketing trends
      - Fast-changing technology
      - Blooming number of competitors.
      Dynamic Internet Marketing trends/Fast Changing Technology - Those are both great pieces. Which we all need to be aware of. If you don't embrace market and tech changes you will fail. It happens in the offline world all the time and everyday. All of what you said should keep us from towing the "Status Quo" In fact the first and second items you addressed could be a great part of someone's marketing business. Let's face it tech and the internet are rapidly evolving. Steve Jobs was a master visionary of where things were heading. In fact he literally re-shaped the music industry with itunes.(and so many other things as well) Some would say he saved the "record companies" rear end. (for better or worse, ha..)

      Originally Posted by bluebrain View Post

      Information overload!
      Blue Brain, one of the best things I did was unsubscribe to many lists I was on. The only ones that remained are ones that offer REAL value. In fact when I was building my niche sites/business I think there was a period of about a year (?) I didn't come onto this forum at all. Talk about distractions! And I survived! Quite well actually.

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