For All Those Asking for a Mentor: Get a Mentor for Free
We've had a rash of people here lately asking for mentors, but they either can't pay anything or can only pay very little.
Here are two ways you can get a mentor -- FOR FREE:
1. MicroMentor.org
A few months ago, Entrepreneur magazine profiled a free mentoring service called MicroMentor (MicroMentor: Home).
From their website:
"MicroMentor is an online service that connects small business owners with business mentors. MicroMentor puts experience to work by offering business professionals meaningful volunteer opportunities and by offering entrepreneurs one-on-one advice to help build successful businesses. Our mission is to help small businesses grow faster, generate more revenue, and employ more people. We make it easy to be a mentor, find a mentor, and build a business."
This is not geared specifically to IM, which some might consider a negative.
Actually, it's not. This service matches REAL business owners with REAL entrepreneurs. I think such a match could go a long way towards helping some Warriors choose a REAL business model, niche and target market.
2. SCORE.org
Also, if you're in the U.S., consider the Small Business Administration's SCORE, the Service Corp. of Retired Executives. SCORE is also a FREE service that matches retired executives with budding entrepreneurs for FREE help.
You can find them at Free Small Business Advice | How-to Resources | Tools | Templates | SCORE Just put in your ZIP code in the green box on the right-hand side and click "Go."
There ya go! No more whining or excuses!

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