Which Traffic Techniques Are You Concentrating On In 2012 That Is Different From 2011?

67 replies
Which Traffic Techniques Are You Concentrating On In 2012 That Is Different From 2011?

My traffic techniques are pretty similar I am concentrating mostly on video marketing, seo, social networking, and providing great content for my blog.

And obviously listbuilding

I am starting to buy more solo ads too keep building my lists up.( Most are worth every penny just look for the solo ads with a lot of positive reviews ).

What new traffic methods are you using in 2012 that you were not using in 2011? Or are using more and more of?

Thanks, let's get the party started :p
#2011 #2012 #concentrating #techniques #traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author clintprexis
    Yeah? why there's no people coming in here? this should be a good question.

    We in my team(working for James Wedmore).. we're currently adding Pinterest and start learning on the curve of it.

    Still the other methods are working and we still doing.. most specially the video marketing on youtube(powerful stuff).

    Article marketing can't be taken off.. though it's OLD..still powerful.

    How about through mobile apps? (don't really have much info)..

    Just sharing some thoughts.

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  • Profile picture of the author PreciousGems
    Free Social Networking. Social Networking sites are extremely popular. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are starting to dominate among network marketers. They have become some dominate that the tv and radio broadcast are utilizing social media and delivering their audience to their facebook fanpage. They are also asking their fans to tweet them a message and to send them a news video. Google a very large search engine requiring that or concerned that who bought Youtube. Which is now presenting google plus in hopes to contend with the symbol on facebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author smileverse
    The same way we have done in 2011. Both paid and non paid. But, this time we'll be investing more in PPC campaigns through Google Adwords and Facebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author speedbird
    For me is writing quality content for my blog and also build links through article posting. I am a firm believer that content is King.
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    • Profile picture of the author kamlesh23
      Originally Posted by speedbird View Post

      For me is writing quality content for my blog and also build links through article posting. I am a firm believer that content is King.
      If content is the king then links are the queen

      Get social media traffic to your site now

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      • Profile picture of the author mikenielson143
        I will concentrate on social networking sites for marketing and also performs link wheel this year.I just hope that some new techniques will also be added so that we get some more options.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Coxill
    I'm concentrating on building my list further, writing guest posts, some blog commenting, and getting some JV's, and building my social credibility

    So far everything is going well, getting a few requests a day for guest posts which is nice..!
    Grab your "Free" Emergency Cash report here:

    I'm Now Selling Solo Ads See My Great Reviews Here:
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  • Profile picture of the author melleni
    Concentrating much more on social networks especially facebook and a lot more on Tumblr
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    • Profile picture of the author anja98
      Originally Posted by melleni View Post

      Concentrating much more on social networks especially facebook and a lot more on Tumblr
      Why tumblr? Can you help to explain? Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author tim_buchalka
    I am working on creating more content and doing less backlinks work and my traffic is UP as a result - Thing is there has been a change and now good content is where your focus should be.

    Also if you have not already done it, make sure you are part of Google's Authorship program - It helps a lot with your picture showing in the SERPS.


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  • Profile picture of the author quickcontent
    Pinterest has seen a lot of buzz recently. Although its not a straightforward method, but worth a try nonetheless. Web 2.0 link network is another good idea where you use a set of articles linking to each other as well as your money site...Video is another great way to generate backlinks.
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    • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
      I am going to check out pinterest I have never heard of them thanks for the tip.
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    • Profile picture of the author anja98
      Originally Posted by quickcontent View Post

      Pinterest has seen a lot of buzz recently. Although its not a straightforward method, but worth a try nonetheless. Web 2.0 link network is another good idea where you use a set of articles linking to each other as well as your money site...Video is another great way to generate backlinks.
      Can I hear your comments on Pinterest? My thoughts its more suitable for photo-related niches.
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    I'm currently doing a come-back-tour with SEO. Use to do a lot but I was dished out a good old Panda slappin' last year.

    But saying that, I'm already getting stellar results in the time period I've been doing it.

    I'm also about to launch a viral compaign which should be interesting to see how it pans out.

    James Scholes
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  • Profile picture of the author eldudebros
    I will try PPC for the first time in 2012.
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    • Profile picture of the author wangui
      Me too I plan to try PPC in 2012
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  • Profile picture of the author Surfer Liu
    In 2012, i will focus on social marketing, and video marketing. They are more important, because facebook, twitter and some are attracting more attentions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Noel Cunningham
    I'm concentrating on Video and Article Marketing this year. I've had good success with Youtube and now want to learn more about AM.

    I like the way you can do the work once and they are evergreen i.e. always online giving you clicks back to your Opt-in Page.

    All my marketing is geared towards list building and they all contain links back to my Squeeze page where I give away a free gift.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jtraits
    I would go on Social Marketing (Facebook, Google+, Twitter) with some mobile marketing as well (along with E-marketing and SEO of course)
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  • Profile picture of the author Dann Vicker
    I'm definitely going to do more of soloads this year. And of course social media...seems to be where all the cheap traffic is.

    Looking for high quality solo ad traffic? 200-2000 clicks available/day. Testimonials here. PM me

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    • Profile picture of the author Noel Cunningham
      Originally Posted by Dann Vicker View Post

      I'm definitely going to do more of soloads this year. And of course social media...seems to be where all the cheap traffic is.
      Solo ads are the business if you have the cash to invest first day. Once you can average a buck per subscriber you can't go wrong really.

      Just want to make sure you have a well converting squeeze page or it could be money down the sink
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I do not know why these thread pop up year after year.


    It has not changed that much, even with the panda updates from google. Trust me!

    I am using old traffic strategies, and some new ones, like social media and still making good sales.

    Stop looking for the HOLY GRAIL to getting traffic, and just use those strategies that work best for you. Simple as that.
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    • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
      Originally Posted by celente View Post

      I do not know why these thread pop up year after year.


      It has not changed that much, even with the panda updates from google. Trust me!

      I am using old traffic strategies, and some new ones, like social media and still making good sales.

      Stop looking for the HOLY GRAIL to getting traffic, and just use those strategies that work best for you. Simple as that.

      Because new websites and new sources of traffic popup all the time and your right most of them still do work but it is always good to brainstorm, and share some ideas.

      You can always learn something new regardless of how long you, or I have been internet marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author magiclouie
      Originally Posted by celente View Post

      I do not know why these thread pop up year after year.


      It has not changed that much, even with the panda updates from google. Trust me!

      I am using old traffic strategies, and some new ones, like social media and still making good sales.

      Stop looking for the HOLY GRAIL to getting traffic, and just use those strategies that work best for you. Simple as that.
      The thing is, things keep on changing so we should always have to study them in order to stay current.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Old traffic strategy in 2011: Podcasts

    New traffic strategy in 2012: Youtube
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  • Profile picture of the author Mosa
    I'm looking to ramp up my SEO work. I'm also looking to start building my list through social media and helping other internet marketers
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  • Profile picture of the author rosesmark
    1. Content Will Still Reign as King in 2012
    2. Web Content Should be Scannable for Mobile Users
    3. Add Original Photos & Videos
    4. Share Web Content via Facebook, Twitter & Google+
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  • Profile picture of the author Jtraits
    The best way for each person/business is the way that works most out of it. Try and use a little bit of everything at start. From there you will understand what works more and what less and then try and built from there. It's always a good thing to cycle through ways and tools but not providing full base on each thing. You are the only one that will say "this is the best technique" because it will work for your goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author BuriedAlive
    Social Media's popularity ratings are just getting higher and higher. I know it's bound to make a significant impact on SEO this 2012 with the likes of Google+. But content is still going to be King of all kings, Capo di tutti capi, boss of all bosses, that's how I see it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lee Murray
    For me, 2012 is the year of the joint venture. I burnt myself out last year on fruitless backlinking and SEO (see my sig. and I'll tell you how I REALLY feel about that!)...

    I'm setting my sights (or sites? hmm...) on product creation, soliciting JV's to mail out for me in exchange for _________, and building a highly responsive buyers list on the back end.

    If anyone's familiar with Lee McIntyre's training, then you'll know precisely what I'm talking about. But I just can't do the SEO and linkbuilding stuff anymore. I'm still trying to find those last few pieces of my soul that got stuck in my computer!
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  • Profile picture of the author WarriorDiscount
    PPV combine with CPVlab for my CPA offer, i have a friend that can generate $8.000/day using CPA + CPVlab
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    • Profile picture of the author amoeba
      mainly ppv and fb ads..seo will always be their

      Originally Posted by WarriorDiscount View Post

      PPV combine with CPVlab for my CPA offer, i have a friend that can generate $8.000/day using CPA + CPVlab
      cpvlab is just tracking tool..would you care to shed some more light about cpvlab part..
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  • Profile picture of the author jasminl
    I also believe content is much more important then past..Google is also changing there algorithm after every 3 months. They also focusing on original content. I am pretty sure link building and submitting article is the best way to get good backlinks.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by joona View Post

      For me 2012 will be the year of video.
      yup i think people are catching on to video more and more. Esepcailly how to SEO and keyword rank a good video that is getting results.

      The way we have done well with video marketing is look at youtube and the top viewed videos and see if we can manage or create something similar and put our own unique twist on it. That seems to get massive traffic to our site.
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  • Profile picture of the author GAldane
    The traffic generating method which I will be using this year will be Yahoo Answer. It has a great potential and working good till now for my websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author James B
    Video marketing, and social media can be great for conversions, but I dont focus that to build on my traffic.

    I just focus on organic seo. This means showing my writing skills that relate to their topic which can help for the website owner.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    I still use all of the techniques I used previously, but for 2012, I am investing heavily into paid traffic, because honestly it is the only traffic that I can scale at will.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      I still use all of the techniques I used previously, but for 2012, I am investing heavily into paid traffic, because honestly it is the only traffic that I can scale at will.
      James Schramko was my main man for PPC. He actually showed me how he turned a loser PPC ad into about a $300 - $400 a day profit I think it was. Insane stuff too.

      That was just by testing, tweaking testing and then testing some more. Insane how it works, and you have to do this with paid traffic, but the rewards can be friggen outstanding.

      Many years ago I was too scared to do PPC ads, but that age old saying comes to mind. "You have to spend money to make money" and it doesnt get more targeted than PPC. So the rewards can be outstanding.

      If you came to me and gave $1 coin, and then straight away I gave you a gold $2 or $3 coin back..... how many times would you come back to me and re-invest $1. That is how I see PPC. You put in $1 and you can get 2 or 3 dollars in return...sometimes more. Super cool!
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    • Profile picture of the author monere
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      I still use all of the techniques I used previously, but for 2012, I am investing heavily into paid traffic, because honestly it is the only traffic that I can scale at will.
      Lucky you that you have the funds to scale at will. Sometimes (oftentimes actually) I don't know where to get $15 just to renew a domain name (and I own 8 domain names only) or to buy a $7 or $9 WSO.

      I hope that one day I will get there too where I can throw money left and right just to split test or scale things up or whatever, like the gurus and successful people do, but that day is nowhere to be seen as it occurs to me.

      Oh well, we will see what future holds

      Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value - Albert Einstein

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  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    I am going to focus on not depending so greatly on one source for traffic. Scares me that my earnings are directly tied to my Google rank. Therefore:

    1. List Building
    2. YouTube
    3. PPC
    4. Offline

    I am going to build my lists and work out a good pitch with good copy writing. Once I know the pitch/copy will convert I will do some PPC for those to a squeeze page/site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dadelius
    I'm testing out Press Releases. I'd previously used them sporadically at best, and this year plan on sending out 2 or 3 each month and tracking the results. It's only been a couple of months (haven't sent out March ones yet, and results are numbering in the hundreds so not really promising yet. I'm hoping that they continue to build on themselves and increase as each month goes by.

    owner and CEO of PLR Internet Marketing. If you’re an entrepreneur, or would perhaps like to learn how to make money online, through internet marketing, blogging, or affiliate marketing, grab your free copy of my 79 page e-book @ www.plrinternetmarketing.com

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    • Profile picture of the author Duncan
      I am continuing to focus on unique content, SEO, and backlinks. Each seem to lasting the test of time. I have seen in some matrics that google +1 are giving an edge for some.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

      Email list rentals in evergreen niches.
      This seems to be a growing trend at the moment. Well more then the past..... I think there are going to be some scammers see an opportunity there...so have to be careful.
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  • Profile picture of the author 1cpawarrior
    Definitely more paid traffic!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Joseph
    Hi Jay,

    I'm focusing a lot more on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook Ads and YouTube!


    "Success comes when people act together; failure tends to happen alone." -- Deepak Chopra

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  • Profile picture of the author gripex
    Ya apps is a total new way to build some buzz. Im working on a few myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author lwbing
    I will Chose Pinterest, Bcoz Damn Hot now!
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    • Profile picture of the author corinnek
      I am doing more with social marketing this year: Twitter, Google+
      I also want to start looking more into Pinterest
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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    Nothing had Changed really for the simple fact that what we have been doing has been effective.

    We do solo ads, media buys, ad swaps, and give aways.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author jerry310
    Quality content as always
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  • Profile picture of the author Les Blythe
    For me it is product creation, with an upsell and 100% commissions on both for my JV's. On the back end I feed subscribers into my membership site for continuity.

    Have lost interest in SEO although I did spend a lot of time on it last year. Can't even use my Market Samurai properly now thanks to big G - so certainly don't want my business to rely on them - very dangerous!

    My first WSO is coming in a couple of weeks - so excited about that!
    Find out how I've made $1,000s every month since 2011
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    • Profile picture of the author wangui
      Les, what are JV's and WSO? Sorry new to IM
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      • Profile picture of the author Les Blythe
        Originally Posted by wangui View Post

        Les, what are JV's and WSO? Sorry new to IM
        Sorry for jargon - JV is a Joint Venture partner also loosly known as an Affiliate and it is someone who promotes your product to their customers for you - usually for a commission - in my case I am giving away 100% of the sale price.

        When the customer buys (or not) the first offer they see, there will be a second offer known as a one time offer or upsell appear. Again my JV partners get 100% of that sale also.

        WSO is "Warrior Special Offer" and is an offer made to warriors here on the forum - usually a special deal at a great price. If you go to the main page of this forum - you wil see the WSO's.

        Hope that clears it up for you.
        Find out how I've made $1,000s every month since 2011
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  • Profile picture of the author MaryPabalates
    Well, I went through all the posts and I found different of ways to getting traffic like video, Yahoo Answer, Blogging, Article Marketing, SEO, Forums and many more.

    My question is are they really effective if they are compared to search engine traffic?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave90210
    Where do you find solo ads at?
    Originally Posted by entrepreneurjay View Post

    Which Traffic Techniques Are You Concentrating On In 2012 That Is Different From 2011?

    My traffic techniques are pretty similar I am concentrating mostly on video marketing, seo, social networking, and providing great content for my blog.

    And obviously listbuilding

    I am starting to buy more solo ads too keep building my lists up.( Most are worth every penny just look for the solo ads with a lot of positive reviews ).

    What new traffic methods are you using in 2012 that you were not using in 2011? Or are using more and more of?

    Thanks, let's get the party started :p
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  • Profile picture of the author wushumaro
    There's nothing new for me this year. Still a bit of blog commenting, a bit of article marketing, and A LOT more amazing content that will get shared around the web and attract facebook, twitters, and google + shares.
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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    I am concentrating a lot on Pinterest as of late it has reached the 3rd most trafficed social networking site online.

    Youtube is going to be great for years to come.
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