Please review my new concept

36 replies
So my new shopping platform will be done on the 17th and will be doing a Beta Launch around the same time. I already did a pre-launch for consumers and had 1089 people sign up in a few days using twitter marketing through mylikes. I had a different video though and just made this one a little more realistic in terms of the results our shoppers can get with our platform. Please review and let me know your honest thoughts. Is the video too corny? Please be honest. Thanks

#concept #review
  • My honest opinion: I like the video. Cool concept.

    PM Me Now!

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  • Profile picture of the author aaronblevins
    Seems like a pretty sweet concept! When is your launch date?

    I'm also curious to know what the response rate is for businesses being willing to pay the $3 to bid. It's a pretty fresh concept, is it pretty easy to sell companies on it?

    College dropout turned community builder. In 2 years, I've built a community of over 250k raving fans and monetized them for thousands of dollars. Want me to help you do that too? Hit me up.

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    • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
      Originally Posted by aaronblevins View Post

      Seems like a pretty sweet concept! When is your launch date?

      I'm also curious to know what the response rate is for businesses being willing to pay the $3 to bid. It's a pretty fresh concept, is it pretty easy to sell companies on it?
      Were officially launching around the 17th of this month... fingers crossed lol

      Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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      • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
        Since you clarified the pricing and cost structure it sounds like you will get a lot of interested merchants and consumers.

        If you don't mind, could you PM me where you had the video made?


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        • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
          Originally Posted by mraffiliate View Post

          Since you clarified the pricing and cost structure it sounds like you will get a lot of interested merchants and consumers.

          If you don't mind, could you PM me where you had the video made?

          I used a provider off of elance. Ill get his info and email it to you. Thanks

          Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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        • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
          Originally Posted by mraffiliate View Post

          Since you clarified the pricing and cost structure it sounds like you will get a lot of interested merchants and consumers.

          If you don't mind, could you PM me where you had the video made?

          PM Sent, Thanks

          Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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          • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
            Originally Posted by thomarv29 View Post

            PM Sent, Thanks
            For some reason I didn't get your PM. Could you resend it?

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  • Profile picture of the author REHughes
    I guess I'll chime in on this. I guess it depends on what the consumers preference is.

    You could have added more professionalism, more music and flashy graphics, and probably pleased the video gods more.
    However, for the 1:01 it took your video to play, I was thoroughly instructed on exactly how your concept works. Yes, maybe if the video ran a few minutes longer, the amateurishness might have been a bit much, but in your time frame and your style, you CONVINCED me.
    And, isn't that the purpose of the video? To convince the buyer?
    Appearance - 7 out of 10
    Effectiveness - 10 out of 10

    looks like a winner to me. (hey, look at geico)

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  • Profile picture of the author RevenueGal
    Love the the video. Simple, to the point, visually relaying the concept for potential customers.

    ~ Rhonda White
    Sell Information Products - Five FREE Products ~ Quality PLR Content on SALE ==>> Plus, FREE GRAPHICS & IMAGES! ~ Receive a Free Trip to Heaven! (Money can't buy it!)

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  • Profile picture of the author jibblet
    That was my first question too, how on earth can you get enough retailers to pay you $3 for advertising their listing? Would love to hear your sales pitch to them.

    Got me thinking though, and well done for a unique concept and nice video.
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    • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
      Originally Posted by jibblet View Post

      That was my first question too, how on earth can you get enough retailers to pay you $3 for advertising their listing? Would love to hear your sales pitch to them.

      Got me thinking though, and well done for a unique concept and nice video.
      In the video we had to over simplify the message to get the point across. The reality is that the average cost per offer is only .50C to $5 and depends on the price of the product and how many other merchants have submitted offers. The price goes down with more merchants making offers. Also if the consumer doesn't end up making a purchase from at least one of merchants, the merchants get their money back for making the offer. There are also no "Transaction Fees" for the merchant when they do make a sale. Its a pretty great platform for merchants as well. Weve even created something called the "Autonomous Conversion Algorithm" that changes certain variables to ensure that merchants get the lowest Cost per Sale and a high conversion rate. Hope that answers some of your questions. We have a full page ad going out in online retailer magazine that will attract a lot of merchants to the platform.

      Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    I think you would struggle to get retailers to pay that much to offer one person a camera.

    After all, let's assume you get 20 bids per request at 3 dollars a pop.

    The average retailer will only get 1 in 20 bids answered with a purchase. That means they now have to spend 60 dollars to sell a 240 dollar camera.

    If the profit margin on the camera is only 20 dollars as is the case with many retail electronics, they will lose money using your site and no one will bid.

    If you have different numbers, I'd love to hear them.

    No signature here today!

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  • Profile picture of the author Fun to Write
    Wow. Bargain shopping + profit sharing = winner.

    I like this a lot. Hope you get lots of merchants to participate so that it takes off fast.

    Focus+Smart Work+Persistence=Success

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  • Profile picture of the author darrenchow
    It's a very creative concept. However,you really need to give a good reason to merchant to pay you $3 for listing their products.

    Btw, good video, can you pm me where you made it? I'm interested in getting one for my upcoming website. =)
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  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    I like it a lot.

    If I didn't have to pay if the product didn't sell, it might be worth it.

    No signature here today!

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    • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
      Originally Posted by Cataclysm1987 View Post

      I like it a lot.

      If I didn't have to pay if the product didn't sell, it might be worth it.
      Yeah if you make an offer to a consumer who doesnt make a purchase, the offer fee you paid goes back into your account. If the customer makes a purchase from one of the merchants who made them an offer your money is gone. Hope that makes sense. Basically its better than PPC because anyone could click on your ad and if they never buy anything from anyone you still have to pay for that click... this gives you more chances to make a sale with the same ad dollars so your Cost per Sale should be wayyy cheaper.

      Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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  • Profile picture of the author fenixpro
    Sounds like a very solid concept. My brain asked the same questions mentioned about how you would get the vendors to pay and thus, pass along that kind of savings. That said, I get the overall idea and it seems very realistic - just need to see adjust it to what is 'realistic'.

    If I'm a vendor, I'll pay all day ($3) to make large sales, but you obviously would have to prove to me that you can drive the traffic, leads, and sales.

    Maybe there is a way to do this with automatic bidding from the vendors instead of % and so the sale and savings are variable, but still guaranteed. Again, as long as you drive traffic, if I'm a vendor, I'll participate with your system and bid the highest (or lowest in this case) I can, as long as I protect my necessary margins...

    I like strait forward ideas. Best of luck to you ~

    You Are Not Your Thoughts
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    • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
      Originally Posted by fenixpro View Post

      Sounds like a very solid concept. My brain asked the same questions mentioned about how you would get the vendors to pay and thus, pass along that kind of savings. That said, I get the overall idea and it seems very realistic - just need to see adjust it to what is 'realistic'.

      If I'm a vendor, I'll pay all day ($3) to make large sales, but you obviously would have to prove to me that you can drive the traffic, leads, and sales.

      Maybe there is a way to do this with automatic bidding from the vendors instead of % and so the sale and savings are variable, but still guaranteed. Again, as long as you drive traffic, if I'm a vendor, I'll participate with your system and bid the highest (or lowest in this case) I can, as long as I protect my necessary margins...

      I like strait forward ideas. Best of luck to you ~

      I considered a bidding system... do you think that would be a better idea? I would have to really think about it. In 3 days we had over 1080 consumers sign up and tell us what they wanted to buy... that was with a small $300 ad campaign. We have a $130K ad budget and its growing quickly so we should do very good with the concept im thinking. Thanks for the time you took to provide your feedback. Much appreciated.

      Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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  • Profile picture of the author kavitapore
    this is vary good idea.thanks to share
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  • Profile picture of the author apurvmat
    Seriously a cool concept!! and I'm sure the video will resonate well with everyone too!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
      Originally Posted by apurvmat View Post

      Seriously a cool concept!! and I'm sure the video will resonate well with everyone too!!!
      Thanks for the feedback... its kind of simplified but i think it gets the overall concept out pretty well.

      Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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  • Profile picture of the author anja98
    This is a fresh concept. I think you need to think of some benefits to retailers to get them onboard.
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    • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
      Originally Posted by anja98 View Post

      This is a fresh concept. I think you need to think of some benefits to retailers to get them onboard.
      If you have any suggestions i would appreciate it. Thanks

      Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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  • Profile picture of the author David Keith
    So who won your contest?

    Here is the link to the contest the OP started.
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    • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
      Originally Posted by David Keith View Post

      So who won your contest?
      There's a few contenders, ill be picking a winner in a day or two! Hoping to get a few more suggestions that i can take action on. Thanks

      Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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      • Profile picture of the author David Keith
        Originally Posted by thomarv29 View Post

        There's a few contenders, ill be picking a winner in a day or two! Hoping to get a few more suggestions that i can take action on. Thanks
        I added the link to your contest in my post. That might help you get a few more eyeballs to it.
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  • Profile picture of the author manicmethods
    At first, it sounds brilliant and yes, from the consumer point of view it is superb.

    However, for the merchants, it's totally flawed.

    a) $3 is a lot to 'gamble' on the consumer buying from you
    b) The more merchants who bid for the purchase, the lower the chance of getting a sale
    c) As the site becomes more popular, merchants will lose more and more money

    As a concept, it is BRILLIANT. As a business, it is flawed.
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  • Profile picture of the author BridgetSielicki
    I loved the video, it was short ( a good thing), entertaining, and very clearly explained the concept, which I also think is a great idea. Best of luck with your launch, I'll be keeping an eye out for your site because I definitely may be a user in the future!
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    • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
      Originally Posted by BridgetSielicki View Post

      I loved the video, it was short ( a good thing), entertaining, and very clearly explained the concept, which I also think is a great idea. Best of luck with your launch, I'll be keeping an eye out for your site because I definitely may be a user in the future!
      Thanks for the feedback, the site will be launching officially on the 17th. Thanks

      Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    That's actually a smart concept. Do you know who your competitors in your niche will be?
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    • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      That's actually a smart concept. Do you know who your competitors in your niche will be?
      Our main competitors are Amazon, eBay, and Googles PPC platform.... however i think we will steal market share very quickly.

      Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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  • Profile picture of the author bguest
    Prefect Concept! Love it the videos Smart idea! good job!
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    • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
      Originally Posted by bguest View Post

      Prefect Concept! Love it the videos Smart idea! good job!

      Thanks for the feedback... really appreciated!

      Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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  • Profile picture of the author Tadresources
    Totally cool concept dude, I like it .
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  • Profile picture of the author waterburn
    I like the idea, and the video is well made.

    The question is if it will work - but you'll only know by trying it!
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    • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
      Originally Posted by waterburn View Post

      I like the idea, and the video is well made.

      The question is if it will work - but you'll only know by trying it!
      We've been testing landing pages for consumers and merchants and both have a very high conversion rate so i think were good to go. We had over 1100 people sign up in like 3 days so with the budget we have i think we should do very good. Thanks for the feedback!

      Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

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