How much you are earning per month

by 17 replies

I am just curious to know, how much you people are earning per month? Anybody a rough amount can be enough.

Will be waiting for replies.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #earning #month
  • Well, I make about $4k all together. I don't know if it is a good sum in US but it is here in India .
    • [1] reply
    • where does most of your money come may I ask
  • That would be from small ClickBank niche sites . I will be starting Website Flipping next month and my target is to flip 10 sites a month .
  • recently I crossed $200 per day in average..

    Last year this time, I was at around $50 per day..two years ago, I was at $20 per day

    So, next year this time, I aim for $300-350 per day..

    Persistance is the key of growth..

    Kind regards
    • [1] reply
    • Awesome. How much of this do you reinvest?
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  • I'll not tell you the amount but I'm earning enough to live this beautiful life
  • i am a newbie, i make about $100 per month only from adsense
  • $200 per/hr for consultation.
  • Nice to hear all your words..thanks for sharing.
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    • It's really across the board with what you can earn from IM.

      Do some research on the kid in Canada that make $400 million in 4 years from the ages of 21-25 I think.

      I started in the biz just over a year ago and was making about $50-$80 a day when I first started. A year later with the right help and guidance I make six figures.

      I was fortunate though. One of my very close friends has 10 years of experience and consistently makes $300,000-$500,000 a month. It's a lot to learn but I hope to get to his level in half the time it took him. He told me, there was a ton of trial and error his first 4-5 years.

      Just stick with it, keep learning, keep growing and always take action. Theory never made a marketer any money. Test, test, and test offers.
      • [2] replies
  • I am earning approximately around $400 per month.
  • I earn at more than $400 a month. Take note that this is purely generated online.
  • If you have to ask that question, then you know I am earning way more than you.

    Dunno the purpose for you asking.

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