How would you monetize a site like this?

4 replies
I'm about to begin some serious SEO for a website of mine. Obviously, I hope to achieve first page rankings and actually, the competition looks pretty measly. I have a handful of keywords/phrases that I want to rank for, mainly.

The first phrase gets 49.5k exact searches a month. The next gets 40.5, followed by 3 more terms that all get 22.2k. So I'm expecting to get quite a bit of traffic if I ever make it there!

If I made it with a couple keywords and had a good flow of 5,000-10,000 visitors a month to my site, how would I go about monetizing it? I don't want to sell some crappy affiliate product or have unattractive adsense ads on my beautiful website. Furthermore; I really don't want people to be clicking off of my site by links or banners placed on it.

What say ye?
#monetize #site
  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    Focus on the conversion first. Why would you spend the next several months to years attempting to rank for keywords if you do not know if the site will convert? Use paid traffic to test your sites conversion potential.

    Use ppc to test a bunch of keywords related to your site. The keywords that bring sales will be the keywords that you will want to rank for. If you have no conversions for none of the keywords then its your presale copy. Either pay a copywriter or train to become a effective copywriter. Content that makes people want to buy is a skill that you can learn or pay for.

    It might not be wise to spend the next several months ranking for keywords if you do not know if your site is properly monetized for. Once you know that your site is properly monetized from testing with paid traffic it would make more sense to pay a SEO expert to get you to the front page.
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  • Profile picture of the author James.N
    As far as the best way to monetize...sell your own products. This way you get 100% of the sale and you can set your own price. If you don't want to sell affiliate products or use banners you don't have a whole lot of options. Also, I'd think adsense is out of the question as selling your own product would bring in a lot more money if you're getting good traffic and conversions.
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    • Profile picture of the author BaStanel
      if i were you i would focus in google adwords
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