Giveaway or Sell Product - Best List Building Method

11 replies
I've nearly finished a Product I've been working on for a few months (ebook in a none IM niche). I'm planning to use it to build a list but I can't decide whether I should give it away or sell it for a small fee.

Obviously it would be nice to have the direct cash from selling it coming in, and the resulting list would be slightly higher quality (i think?). But, the list would grow slower. Maybe no one would want to buy it?

on the other hand; Giving it away for free would definitely grow the list much quicker. I could use it to generate likes on facebook page and other social media etc. But it could be a lower quality list.

Can any other more experienced list building Warriors share their advice? Would be much appreciated.
#building #giveaway #list #method #product #sell
  • Profile picture of the author David Keith
    selling your ebook will offer you additional marketing opportunities like the ability to recruit affiliates to help sell your product.

    Otherwise, you are going to need to drive traffic to the site yourself somehow.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dann Vicker
    I'd say sell it and give away 100% commission to affiliates. These affiliates will end up building your list for you and you'll make more money from your back-end sales and affiliate promotions to the buyers list you'll build up

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    • Profile picture of the author value added
      You could give away a small ebook listing lots of open questions and then give solutions to these questions in an upsell.
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      • Profile picture of the author gvsridhar171
        My suggestion to you would be like this :

        Split your e-book to two parts. The first part can be free and the part two can be priced. If people like your part 1 section, they will surely buy ...

        What do you say ?
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        • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
          Originally Posted by gvsridhar171 View Post

          My suggestion to you would be like this :

          Split your e-book to two parts. The first part can be free and the part two can be priced. If people like your part 1 section, they will surely buy ...

          What do you say ?
          That is actually a great idea. I forgot about doing that and may do that very thing with my next product.

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    • Profile picture of the author ashu2982
      Originally Posted by Dann Vicker View Post

      I'd say sell it and give away 100% commission to affiliates. These affiliates will end up building your list for you and you'll make more money from your back-end sales and affiliate promotions to the buyers list you'll build up
      i agree this method will be gr8
      or you can have a little bit with yourself like 10-20 %
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    • Profile picture of the author LukeZ
      Originally Posted by Dann Vicker View Post

      I'd say sell it and give away 100% commission to affiliates. These affiliates will end up building your list for you and you'll make more money from your back-end sales and affiliate promotions to the buyers list you'll build up
      This is the right way. I will do the same with a product I'm creating and I hope to make some sales! You'll be getting targeted subscribers to your list almost without effort!

      Also, you could take a piece of your product or create another complementary one and give it away as a bribe for your opt-in form or give it away in a giveaway list building event.
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  • Profile picture of the author manicmethods
    Sell it and you will have a list of people who like to SPEND MONEY. This list GENERALLY will be smaller.

    Give it away and you will have a list of people who want things for FREE or LOW PRICES (less than $10). This list GENERALLY will be larger.

    I hope that makes sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author FreeMeal
    thanks for all the replies. You've definitely given me food for thought here. I have thought about giving the first half away and then charging for the rest. I'm not sure if splitting the book would make it appear too short or unsubstantial. If I did go down that root (which I quite like the idea of) I would have to beef up the second half a bit more I think.

    Couple of questions about affs:

    How would i go about getting affiliates? What does the set-up usually involve and how do you set it up?
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You should sell the product for a fee, and generate leads for it with a "10-day email newsletter"... or a video freebie. To work on an ebook for months and give it away for free doesn't sound right to me.
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