Need Advice Regarding E-Junkie and Getresponse

20 replies

I want to sell my ebook through e-junkie and add buyers automatically to my Getresponse list.

Unfortunately that seems not to be so easy to accomplish. While Aweber has a build-in solution, Getresponse tells me that I have to code it myself.

Anyone done something like that?

#advice #ejunkie #getresponse
  • Profile picture of the author James.N
    Can you give a little more detail what exactly you're trying? I actually use both Aweber and Getresponse and they are pretty similar. Both have a web form option.
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  • Profile picture of the author JimDucharme
    I agree with Quadxnet as well, if you can give us more detail we can help. I think there may have been a miscommunication here.

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  • Profile picture of the author E. Corbo
    I would like to do the following:

    When a buyer purchases my ebook through E-Junkie -> Paypal I want that their "Name" and "Email" is automatically added to a Getresponse buyers list, without having them to optin on a webform.

    Aweber does this with "Email Parsing" (you can set this up in 2min), but GR doesn't have that as an out-of-the-box solution. Their dev-team wrote to me that I had to set this up by myself.

    But I have no idea how.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christophe Young
    I hear you! I'm using I-Contact and would love it if E-Junkie would get with the times and integrate with them and other popular AR's other than Aweber.

    Last time I checked they said I had to do it myself and I've got no desire to do so.
    Under Construction
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  • Profile picture of the author EjunkieNinja
    Eddie & Christophe,

    The reason we are pre-integrated with Aweber is because they have worked with us to setup the integration between our system and theirs. For other system we do provide the option to send order data to their server, but their system needs to be able to accept the data we send. You can view the format we use by going to our third-party integration help page.

    We are not against becoming pre-integrated with other services, we are even working on trying to do this for a new shipping option. But, the other services will need to be willing to work with us to setup this integration.
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    • Profile picture of the author MickK
      Hi EjunkieNinja,

      I can take the lead for GetResponse integrations. Can you PM me so we can discuss?



      Mick Kitor - Affiliate Manager

      Phone: +1 585.286.1819 | Email: mick.kitor(at) | Skype mick.kitor

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      • Profile picture of the author E. Corbo
        Originally Posted by MickK View Post

        Hi EjunkieNinja,

        I can take the lead for GetResponse integrations. Can you PM me so we can discuss?


        Mick, is this going to help me with my problem in short term?

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        • Profile picture of the author MickK
          Hi Eddie,

          I'll have to talk to E-Junkie before I can make an educated guess.

          Why don't you contact me on Skype, I want to learn more about what you need to do because we may have an off the shelf solution for you.



          Mick Kitor - Affiliate Manager

          Phone: +1 585.286.1819 | Email: mick.kitor(at) | Skype mick.kitor

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          • Profile picture of the author MickK
            Hi Eddie,

            I wanted to give you an update.

            I haven't heard from E-Junkie yet, I even went to E-Junkie's website and filled out the contact us form.

            On 3-14 E-Junkie's support said they would forward my contact info to the appropriate people. If I hear back from them I'll let you know.



            Mick Kitor - Affiliate Manager

            Phone: +1 585.286.1819 | Email: mick.kitor(at) | Skype mick.kitor

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            • Profile picture of the author E. Corbo
              Originally Posted by MickK View Post

              Hi Eddie,

              I wanted to give you an update.

              I haven't heard from E-Junkie yet, I even went to E-Junkie's website and filled out the contact us form.

              On 3-14 E-Junkie's support said they would forward my contact info to the appropriate people. If I hear back from them I'll let you know.


              Thank you Mick, I appreciate it, but I don't have much hope regarding this as I am clearly not the first one who wants to set up E-junkie with Getresponse.

              It also seems that E-junkie isn't the problem here... I read in their forums that Getresponse isn't very cooperative (Aweber apparently was...).
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              • Profile picture of the author MickK
                Originally Posted by E. Corbo View Post

                It also seems that E-junkie isn't the problem here... I read in their forums that Getresponse isn't very cooperative (Aweber apparently was...).
                Hi Eddie,

                I get that you are frustrated, but your conclusion that GetResponse isn't cooperative is inaccurate.

                1) We publish our API documentation on our website so E-Junkie could integrate with GetResponse if they desired.
                2) I've reached out to E-Junkie on your behalf 3 times.
                3) We integrate with many other eCommerce platforms

                I did a search of E-Junkie's forum and it looks like E-Junkie has its own reasons for not wanting to integrate with GetResponse.

                POSTED ON: June 2, 2009 @ 13:23 GMT -7

                MrCracker "Could we possible get an integration with GetResponse, after all it is one of the mostly used auto responders out there."

                POSTED ON: June 5, 2009 @ 16:57 GMT -7
                E-junkieGuru "I can ask Development to consider it, but it may be a fairly low-priority wishlist item, since we already integrate with Aweber for merchants who need to integrate E-junkie with a full-service mailing-list specialist service."

                By the way, I may have a solution for you without having to rely on E-Junkie if you want to Skype me.

                Mick Kitor - Affiliate Manager

                Phone: +1 585.286.1819 | Email: mick.kitor(at) | Skype mick.kitor

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  • Profile picture of the author robyna
    You're a step ahead of me because I didn't think it was possible. I went wtih JVZoo instead. I don't know why Ejunkie would make integrating with Get Response easy!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Doug Wakefield
      Hope you two can get something worked out. I love e-junkie but hate that it is a pain to get them to work together.

      I am at the point of just using JVZOO for any sales or WSOs so I can get the email address. I have been working on packaging a readme file in the download file to try for the opt in for normal website sales.

      JVZOO would win hands down if they had a shopping cart option, kinda rough to run a PLR store with just single sales... most buyers won't bother.
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Corbo
    I just wanted to add that MickK from Getresponse didn't give up on me and my problem and found a temporary solution.

    Just wished E-Junkie would have been more helpful...

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  • Profile picture of the author MickK
    It was my pleasure Eddie,

    It's not elegant, but I'm glad it works. Hopefully we can work something out with E-Junkie.

    For anyone else who is is interested in the work around you can integrate GetResponse with your PayPal payment services, so new buyers can be added to your campaign automatically.

    I'm going to ask JimDucharme to post the link to the tutorial as I have insufficient privileges.


    Mick Kitor - Affiliate Manager

    Phone: +1 585.286.1819 | Email: mick.kitor(at) | Skype mick.kitor

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  • Profile picture of the author JimDucharme
    Hi Eddie,

    Folks FYI here's the link to the paypal integration PDF doc. Since some have asked about this Mick asked me to share it with you.

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  • Profile picture of the author MickK
    Hi Eddie,

    I know this is a very old post but I've just heard from my dev guys that they created a solution and will be releasing it shortly, with blog post and instructions.

    As soon as they are up I will link to them.


    Mick Kitor - Affiliate Manager

    Phone: +1 585.286.1819 | Email: mick.kitor(at) | Skype mick.kitor

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  • Profile picture of the author MickK
    It took almost 8 months, but here is the link to the GetResponse eJunkie integration.

    E-junkie Integration GetResponse Email Marketing Integration

    Mick Kitor - Affiliate Manager

    Phone: +1 585.286.1819 | Email: mick.kitor(at) | Skype mick.kitor

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  • Profile picture of the author MickK
    I will touch base with my dev team and ask for clarification

    Mick Kitor - Affiliate Manager

    Phone: +1 585.286.1819 | Email: mick.kitor(at) | Skype mick.kitor

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