FaceBook, "A Must Be Market"

by jucbad
9 replies
In my modest opinion, FaceBook is a platform to advertise and market that every marketer must use to get sign ups and sales. Why?

1) Facebook's user base is constantly growing and now it reaches more than 500 million active FaceBook users with around half of them connecting to this social network at least once a day.

2) FaceBook is a source of huge and quality amount of traffic

3) Facebook is a viral traffic machine and it's... BIGGER than Google, LESS Competitive than Google, and offers BETTER targeting than Google!

4) Facebook is now growing FASTER than any other website on the PLANETAnd best of all,

FaceBook traffic is absolutely free

In conclusion I recommend that every marketer use FaceBook regularly to advertise and market.Thank you
#a must be market #facebook #marketing #marketing and sales #social network
  • Profile picture of the author angelina123
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  • Profile picture of the author ryuchi
    I agree on most points except on number 3. First of all Google will still be bigger than Facebook. They have their own different forte, Google is a search engine while Facebook is a social network. Facebook advertising and Google Adwords have their own pros and cons.

    But marketing in facebook is a very good step to get more traffic.

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  • Profile picture of the author getano
    I agree that Facebook is a must be market right now, but in the long run I am seeing Pinterest and Google+ as much more profitable markets.

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  • Profile picture of the author Aremutola
    Yea, Facebook is the biggest market right now, you can a whole lot of traffic there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Wessman
    Social traffic in general is something that should be paid attention too. Sites like Facebook and Google+ can generate huge amounts of traffic if you put in the work to build up your pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeraldNitram
    Facebook is indeed a good place for businesses to advertise. It's just that there are some who use it the wrong way. I don't know if you guys have experienced this, but there are people who just tag you to pictures of products that you're not even interested to buy. When you see their photos, they have multiple copies of the one where you were tagged in, and those copies have different set of people tagged on it.

    If you're going to do advertisement, it's best that you just share stuff via your wall. If your friends or contacts would see it, they might share it on their walls as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author joekoffi
    Yes, Facebook is a huge traffic machine. With fb PPc, you can really be more targeted than google
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  • Profile picture of the author alina75
    Yes your answer is completely right increasing the traffic in social media than you have to advertise in social networks.
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