To Point or Not to Point

8 replies
I have redesigned an old site and it's ready to go.

The problem is that right now my client is on the first page of Google.

I'm afraid after I upload the new site, he will lose his position.

This is a seasonal business and the season is just starting. So, we don't have time to do any SEO to get it back to page 1 should it fall.

Can you tell me:

1. What you think about putting the new site under a new domain name and redirecting his old site to the new one. Will this still hurt the site's current position?

2. This client wants his logo the size of Texas. I explained to him that the valuable space on a site needs to capitalize on capturing the reader's attention. And we're not doing that if we increase the size of his logo.

Most visitors won't even hit the arrow down button on the browser if we can't entice them to do so.
He doesn't care.
He still wants a huge logo.

I did what he wanted - increased the size of his logo and some text. I'm afraid that his site will not convert well because of the humongous logo, and he will blame me for the low conversion rate.

How would you handle this situation?

Thanks Warriors.
  • Profile picture of the author WhiteDove
    This is a business, right? I'm sorry Mr. Jones but this is beyond my control that's how it works in the internet world. Lori do you have a magic wand, do you live in Kansas? You don't do miracles to you?

    You can't give clients everything they want, you can't give things you have no control over. Tell it like it is, those are the facts Mr. You've done a great job, be happy. I think this client is asking more than he paid for, and is possibly immature.

    Be confident, be more assertive, be will never satisfy this person. I guarentee it!

    War Room Member

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    • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
      Originally Posted by WhiteDove View Post

      This is a business, right? I'm sorry Mr. Jones but this is beyond my control that's how it works in the internet world. Lori do you have a magic wand, do you live in Kansas? You don't do miracles to you?

      You can't give clients everything they want, you can't give things you have no control over. Tell it like it is, those are the facts Mr. You've done a great job, be happy. I think this client is asking more than he paid for, and is possibly immature.

      Be confident, be more assertive, be will never satisfy this person. I guarentee it!
      No magic wand, not even the ruby slippers.

      I verbally communicated the problems with the LARGE logo and I will follow it up with an email. I love having a paper trail and often confirm conversations.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kelly Verge

    Several years ago I did a redesign for a business. His old site was birth-of-the-Internet old, so I was mostly just bringing it up to date.

    He wanted a picture of his office in the header. No problem. He wanted it bigger. I increased it by about 10%. It looked too big to me, but no problem.

    He wanted it even bigger.

    I met with the guy. I asked him to indicate on his computer screen exactly how big he wanted the picture of his office (and the header). It was all but one inch of the screen. He wanted nearly the entire real estate above the fold to be the picture of his office. (I should also add that his business wasn't one where customers came to his office, or even one where an office could lend credibility or authority. The picture had NO BEARING on anything other than his pride. However, pride can be a powerful thing.)

    I told him that he hired me as his designer, that I knew the web and I knew design. I then told him that if he wanted me to make such an unusual design change, I'd need something in writing saying that it was his decision.

    He put it in writing. I made the site.

    Six months later I heard from a friend who knew him that he'd hired another web designer to "fix" his site.

    Things like this (and a turquoise and orange site that another client HAD TO HAVE) are why I either do template sites, where clients choose one they like, or I outsource the design.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
      Hi Kelly. Thanks for your post.

      The picture had NO BEARING on anything other than his pride. However, pride can be a powerful thing.)
      I can relate. There's no reason to have a logo take up most of the valuable real estate. It is pride.

      I agreed with my client that his logo was awesome.
      And that people coming to his site had a few seconds to make a decision and if we could make sure they saw the prices, benefits, etc., it would be "us" in a better position to get more sales.

      I told him that he hired me as his designer, that I knew the web and I knew design. I then told him that if he wanted me to make such an unusual design change, I'd need something in writing saying that it was his decision.
      Good idea.

      Six months later I heard from a friend who knew him that he'd hired another web designer to "fix" his site.
      Good. Glad he didn't call you to "fix it."

      If I know the customer is picky, I'll do two demos (changing colors, a few other things) so that they have options. That way, when they pick one of the sites, they feel like they are in more control and got to make the decision.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    Hey SEO guys.

    If I point an old site to a new site, will the old site lose it's position on Google?

    If I load the new site on the old domain and outsourced the SEO, realistically, how long would it take for the site to get back to page 1?

    The niche is not that competitive.

    SEO experts, if you need more information to help me, please let me know.

    Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author dv8domainsDotCom
    Forwarded domains don't do well in the SERP's : There is no actual content to index, therefore no real content to 'rank' the page/site for, and therefore, no reason to include the site in the index. It will eventually get de-indexed.
    As far as uploading new content over old and it's effects on ranking: Doing a complete site re-vamp will have a short-term effect on SEO and where your client shows in the results; however as long as your on page elements are strong and the keyword 'focus' is approximately the same, there shouldn't be any long-term effects. Normal stuff like keyword density, bolding of keywords, h1/h2 headers/etc should remain approximately equal.
    I don't feel that anybody can give you a reliable measure in this case, as we cannot analyze content that we cannot see.
    One thing you will want to do is make sure that if you are uploading an entire new site, that all old pages redirect to their equivalent page on the new site, and/or setup a general 404-redirect in your htaccess file.
    General redirect info: 301 Redirect - How to create Redirects

    Redirect on pages (not quite the same as forwarding entire domain) is important to maintain page rank and link juice that individual pages would have developed for your client over the year.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tadresources
    Your logo issue reminds me of something that belongs on lol! Why do some people insist on being so stubborn and pug headed?
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  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    Thank you very much dv8! That is really good information. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

    Hi Tad. I think that the client's ego tends to get in the way of business sense. They don't realize the importance of having an effective website either. At least in the beginning they don't.

    I even thought of split testing (with me paying for it) to show this guy how much better his site would do without the 1/2 page logo. And then when it did, double the normal price for the site that works.

    But I won't. I'll move on to the next venture and concentrate on what makes the money.

    Thanks Warriors!
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