What would you suggest for instant cash with no money down?

25 replies
Can anybody give/tell me a method to make a couple of 100's in two days or less? I don't have any money to invest and I have never written an article so I don't think that's an option and I would prefer not to wait on checks.

#cash #instant #money #suggest
  • Profile picture of the author Edward Green
    You should maybe head over to one of the work type forums like DP and offer yourself in any niche that you have expeirence. It might be posting social bookmarks, Blog commenting or something similar.

    You will probably need to work 48 hours straight but you can do it, you sound kinda desperate so my best wishes are with you.

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  • Profile picture of the author BradCarroll
    If you want to make a couple of bills in a couple of days WITHOUT writing?

    I don't know what your skill set is--if you can code, script, do graphic design or something like that, you're in.

    You could create 25 or more social bookmarking accounts, and sell links from them. Not sure what the going rate is on that, but you should be able to find similar offers here or on Digital Point.

    I've seen ads ad DP, hiring people to make forum posts. I've also seen ads looking for people to comment on blogs, where said comments link back to the advertisers' blogs.

    Yes these do involve writing, but you don't need as much skill or experience as you would writing articles. (Actually I've read a lot of online articles that didn't have much skill or experience behind them, but that's a whole different subject...)

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure there are other ways to make a fast legitimate buck IF you bust your butt.

    Also if you can sell plasma...seriously, if you -really- need to make a couple hundred bucks in a couple of days...not a bad thing to check into.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
    I'm sorry but this type of thread opener never ceases to either amaze or irritate me.

    Why is it folks think there is some kind of magic wand in IM where they are going to say abracadabra and hey presto money will magically appear in their paypal account.


    Use the search button to look for ideas etc, there is a wealth of information here
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    • Profile picture of the author LarryC
      Why is it folks think there is some kind of magic wand in IM where they are going to say abracadabra and hey presto money will magically appear in their paypal account. >>

      Kim, while this sounds like a rhetorical question on your part, I think I have the answer. Could it be because so many sales pages suggest just that --
      "How I made $10,775.75 in 7 days with no money, no list and no web site!!!"
      Content Writing, Ghostwriting, eBooks, editing, research.
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    • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
      Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

      I'm sorry but this type of thread opener never ceases to either amaze or irritate me.

      Why is it folks think there is some kind of magic wand in IM where they are going to say abracadabra and hey presto money will magically appear in their paypal account.


      Use the search button to look for ideas etc, there is a wealth of information here
      Actually Kim.. it's a button, not a wand. Harvey's got it



      Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author MarQueteer
    Right, IM isn't the "Push button, make money" business...it's a great business, but business means it's work, it takes time and you need knowledge and experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Talltom1
    To answer the OP / question, you might consider robbing a bank.

    Seriously, you get what you sow. When you start out with nothing, and have nothing to sell, nothing is what you'll get. Don't plan on making a significant income, or any income at all.


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    • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
      Originally Posted by Talltom1 View Post

      To answer the OP / question, you might consider robbing a bank.
      I thought banks didn't have any money to steal anymore? :confused:

      I would say robbing a liquor store is your best bet...

      In all seriousness, Patrick, could you share what your skills/talents are? If everyone had a better idea of what you could offer for services, I'm sure you would get better brainstorming ideas on how to help your situation.



      Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author bobsstuff
    List some things on Craigslist -- ipod, color tv etc
    It depends on how bad you need the money.
    Bob Hale
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  • Profile picture of the author Trieu
    There are people on dp in the services area who will pay you to do simple tedious jobs. Such as completing cpa offers, registering websites, build backlinks etc. Check it out

    "$100 On eBay with just 10 Minutes Work! {120+ copies SOLD}"

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  • Profile picture of the author Inbound
    Doing manual submissions may get you some cash. Tedious work but hey, it"s all green!

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  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    Originally Posted by Patrick Pallesen View Post

    Can anybody give/tell me a method to make a couple of 100's in two days or less? I don't have any money to invest and I have never written an article so I don't think that's an option and I would prefer not to wait on checks.

    Robbery seems like your best option at this point. BUt you wont be able to buy a gun so i would suggest making one out of paper mache. Let me google that for you
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  • Profile picture of the author 60MinuteAffiliate
    If you don't want to invest any cash at all I'd recommend article marketing as the way to go.



    Want To Learn How To Make 7K A Month In Minutes A Day?

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    • Profile picture of the author JECKELLL
      Originally Posted by 60MinuteAffiliate View Post

      If you don't want to invest any cash at all I'd recommend article marketing as the way to go.


      Yes absolutely, a very good way to market and the backlinks are useful for SEO purposes, and also FREE.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin959

    1. get your own blog, like wordpress.com or blogspots.com
    2. contact biz owner.. e.i. hair salon, ask if there is paid for refer if customer saw your blog. $10.00 for each refer.
    3. get word mouth out to your friends, family, etc.

    it's a cheap version with no money invest, except your time and effort.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin959
    ooops. somebody has to delete this one post. I thought i hit it once. LOL.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
      Originally Posted by buylowsellhigh View Post

      ooops. somebody has to delete this one post. I thought i hit it once. LOL.

      No offence (or maybe some...) but there was another poster in another thread trying this tactic... are you just trying to boost your post count to run a WSO?



      Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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      • Profile picture of the author Paleruby
        I would probably use "The Joel Method". It's good for some quick cash

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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick Pallesen
    Okay I'll try looking in to that

    I didn't think of pushing a magic button and making a ton of cash I just needed ideas how I could make a little money when I haven't written articles before.

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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Bestel

    You'll have to forgive the negative comments - they're understandable as you've not given any real reason why people should want to help with sensible suggestions.

    You may be desperate, but the effort, or lack of, that you've put in your OP and subsequent post suggests that you won't put much effort into getting yourself out of your predicament.

    Give us something to work with. Give specifics, tell us what you're good at and what you've already tried. Tell us your story; how come you're in this situation, why do you need the money in such a short time frame?

    Everyone before is right, this forum will generally not look upon such posts too favorably because you come across as a work-shy dreamer who wants quick answers, quick bucks for little or no effort. Demonstrate to us that you deserve the help and you might get a better response.

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  • Profile picture of the author Teenage Genius
    I feel like writing something really helpfull. So I about to *try* to write something really helpfull. So take notes

    $200-$400 in 48 hours by Geniu$

    Step 1 - Do abit of research, find out what people on sites like WF which have a section for selling products in want.

    (sell on WF, Digital Point etc.?)

    Step 2 - LEARN what they want to learn!!

    Step 3 - Create an information product teaching whatever it is they want to learn in a creative, informative way.

    Step 4 - Write a killer sales copy. Be sure to include Headlines, Sub-Headlines, Bullet points. Talk about the benifits and focus on "them" (whats in it for the buyer).

    Step 5 - Sell the product for $3-$7.

    Step 6 - Promote your offer in your signature. Go back to where you found out that there was people asking about how to learn whatever it is your product teaches and PM them informing them about your information product and the excellent deal they can get on it.

    Step 7 - Check your Paypal

    $200-$400 in 48 Hours Second Edition.

    Step 1 - Do Market Research to find out what is selling NOW (what people are buying at this very moment in time)

    Step 2 - Find a sub-niche... Find a big problem which needs solving.

    Step 3 - Cross check this with keyword research to find out if people are looking for the solution.

    Use terms like "How to" "Learn how to" "Learn" "Learn How" etc. in your keyword and sub-niche research.

    If it's a hit then move on to step 4 - If you draw a blank then look for something until you get a hit!

    Step 4 - LEARN what it is people need to know, LEARN the solution to their problems.

    Step 5 - Write a information product which teaches the solution.

    Step 6 - Create some nice graphics for your information product, both an eBook cover and mini site.

    As your saying you don't want to spend money, do this yourself or look for a graphics offer (sometimes there is offers of people doing free graphics for promotion)

    Step 7 - Host your mini site somewhere like Freewebs for free. Get a .tk (Dot TK - Renaming The Internet) so you have a short URL

    Step 8 - Go back to the places you done your market research and to new places, mainly forums targeted to your niche. Establish yourself as an expert there, then promote your solution to the people who have the problem.

    Step 9 - Use various free traffic methods to get traffic to your site also.

    FreeAds. (post ads on Craigslist, Gumtree etc.)

    Article Marketing. (write simple articles for places like eZineArticles and place a link to your site in the resource box)

    Video Marketing. (create basic videos which are simply text and place them on Youtube, put the link to your website first in the description and place a list of keywords at the end of the description, then log into a different account and rate your video 5 stars)

    Yahoo! Answers. (create two accounts. One asking "the problem" and a second answering it, giving the link to your "solution product", then log back into the first account and "Vote" for the answer you gave yourself)

    Step 10 - Rinse and Repeat ALL Free Traffic Methods!

    Step 11 - Look for a JV (Actively go out and get one!!!)

    Step 12 - Rinse and Repeat, the same process but with a different niche, different problem, different solution.

    I hope this helped abit.

    Genius SEO - WSO : Not only do you get TOP SPOT on Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask in MINUTES.... You Dominate the ENTIRE FRONT PAGE - One little 5 minute secret, massive results!
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesMcDowell
    Even if you have zero skills, you can still be a virtual assistant to somebody here and do tasks as instructed cant you?

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    • Profile picture of the author Patrick Pallesen
      Originally Posted by JamesMcDowell View Post

      Even if you have zero skills, you can still be a virtual assistant to somebody here and do tasks as instructed cant you?

      If they tell/show me how to do it I guess so
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  • Profile picture of the author Sam Rodrigo
    Sell something on eBay or Craigslists *locally* and deliver it to the buyer for cash.


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